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Useful expressions Active reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: ResourcesMore1. 看着2. 优等学位证书3. 支付4. 结束5. 抱怨的一代6. 金融危机的背景下7. 回到8. 无缘无故9. 二级一等荣誉学士学位10. 就业服务中心1. look on2. honours degree 3. fork out4. come to a close5. Grunt Generation 6. financially testing times7. revert to8. without a cause9. graduate with a 2:1 10. career serviceUseful expressions Active reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: Resources11.快速晋升人才培养计划 12. 批评某人某事13. 漫无目的的日子14.处境一样15. 摆放货物16. 朝九晚五的工作17. 在综合学校读书18. 干无聊的活19.回到了原来的起点11. Civil Service fast stream12. accuse sb. of something 13. aimless days14. in the same boat15. stack shelves16. a 9-to-5 job17. go to a comprehensive19. come full circle18. do a dead-end jobMoreUseful expressions Active reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: Resources20.提供了机会21. 态度温和22. 一点回报23.分水岭24. 恰当的20. to open new doors 21. take a soft line with sb.22. a little bit help back23. cutoff point 24. strike the right note25. 一定25. by all means26. 限制26. put limits on27. 维持正常的生活27. carry on life as normal28. 谨防,防止28. to be wary of MoreUseful expressions Active reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: Resources29. 受打击的程度30. 困在31. 处理挫折29. the scale of the knock 30. get stuck31. handling setbackUseful expressionsMore1.发现一个神奇的仙境1. discover a mysterious wonderland2.从现实世界中解放出来2. liberate from the real world 3.生活的调味品3. the very spice of life4.与其说是机会毋宁 说是威胁4. appear more as a threat than an opportunity5.与他人交流5. interact with other people6.步出前门6. step out of the front door7.超越周遭的环境7. look beyond the immediate surroundings8.壮观景象8. the striking vistasActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesUseful expressions9.从经典小说到最近出现的9. range from the classics to the most recent10.思考别样的人生10. reflect on the other lives11.痴迷于11. be enchanted by12.感觉被排除在外12. feel excluded13.调动情感13. stimulate ones emotions14.对我们的生活方式产 生很大的影响14. supremely influential in the way we live15.睡前故事15. bedtime story16.一直到16. all the way through toMoreActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesUseful expressions17.对所具有的神奇的支 配力17. a mystical power that sth. possess over sb.18.发现人生真谛18. discover the real meaning of our life19.摆脱困惑和无意义 19. get out of confusion and meaninglessness20.深陷于需求和被动中20. be immersed in needs and passivities21.创造了某个术语21. coin a term22.全垒打书籍22. homerun books23.击出全垒打23. hit a home runActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesMoreUseful expressions25.得分25. score points26.已在垒上的选手26. runners (who are) already on a base 27.带来愉悦和满足27. induce pleasure and satisfaction28.疯狂地寻求 28. desperately seek to do 29.重复体验某种感觉29. reproduce the marvelous sensation30.遏制某种渴求30. withstand the hunger to doActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resources24.跑完四个垒24. run round the four bases of the diamondUseful expressionsMore1.摆满了书1. completely lined with books2.有闲工夫和打交道2. have the leisure of working with 3.大量的3. a goodly number of4.渴望拥有4. long to possess5.将看做是而不是5. look upon . as rather than6.进行斗争6. wage the struggle to do7.将搞到手7. lay hands on8.旨在8. be calculated toActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resources9.刺激某人的欲望9. whet ones appetiteUseful expressions10.热情的推荐10. the passionate recommendation11.扼杀人类基本的冲动11. throttle the basic impulse of human beings12.尽力分享12. strive to share 13.割舍自己的珍藏13. part with ones most cherished possessions14.不断的流通14. in constant circulation15.倍加丰富15. be enriched threefold16.抑制不住的冲动16. an irrepressible impulseMoreActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesUseful expressions17.提供无偿的建议17. offer a piece of gratuitous advice18.埋头读书18. drown in books19.对某人的利益至关重要的19. be strictly advantageous to ones welfare20.将搁置一边20. leave alone21.使劲琢磨21. think as intensely as you can22.知识库或娱乐储备22. the store of knowledge or the fund of enjoyment 23.放弃这份额外的乐趣 或启迪23. forego this extra pleasure or enlightenmentMoreActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesUseful expressions25.整个文学库藏25. the whole storehouse of literature26.重复性26. the repetitive quality27.整个文学领域27. the entire realm of literature28.博览群书的人 28. a prodigious reader29.这种情况是绝无仅有的29. This case is unparalleled.30.一个行动家、冒险家 和探险家30. a man of action, an adventurer and explorerActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resources24.抑制自己的冲动24. resist ones impulse31.文学界的凯撒大帝31. the Julius Caesar of literatureUseful expressions1.不变因素1. constant factors 2.加州淘金热2. the Californian gold rush3.工装3. work clothes4.特殊的意义4. peculiar significance5.一种颇为精确的关联性5. a precise correlation 6.繁荣和萧条6. boom and bust7.摇摆伦敦7. Swinging London8.高级时装8. high fashion9.清一色的蓝色9. exclusively blue10.朋克时期10. the punk periodMoreActive reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: ResourcesUseful expressions11.打着装饰钉的皮带11. studded belt 12.内城区的年轻人12. inner-city young people13.权威装13. power dressing14.新近得势的女士14. newly-empowered women15.牛仔衫15. denim jacket 16.全球股市崩盘16. the world stock market crash17.学院风格17. Preppy style18.流行颜色18. predominant colour19.松松垮垮地挂在臀部上19. low below the buttocks20.纽约的科技股市崩盘More20. the New York technology st
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