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2011 2011 博士生入学考试冲刺博士生入学考试冲刺英语写作英语写作作文水平的划分和定位:作文水平的划分和定位: 1.1.大学英语四级写作水平大学英语四级写作水平 2.2.大学英语六级写作水平大学英语六级写作水平 3.3.考研英语写作水平考研英语写作水平 4.4.托福英语写作水平托福英语写作水平 5.5.写作平分标准:写作平分标准: ( (奖励分取代扣分奖励分取代扣分) )应试作文的分类应试作文的分类 应试作文大致有如下几类:应试作文大致有如下几类: 一、标题加提纲类;一、标题加提纲类; 二、图表加提纲类;二、图表加提纲类; 三、图画三、图画( (漫画漫画) )类;类; 四、规定情景类。四、规定情景类。 ( (一一) )标题加提纲式作文标题加提纲式作文 提纲式是给出题目提纲式是给出题目(title)(title)、提纲、提纲(outline)(outline)和起始句和起始句(opening (opening sentence)sentence)。它要求。它要求考生按照题目、提纲所规定的内容,在起始句后续写短文。考生按照题目、提纲所规定的内容,在起始句后续写短文。 ( (二二) )图表提纲式作文图表提纲式作文 考生首先要看懂图,然后将图表所给的信息用文字表述出来,最后考生首先要看懂图,然后将图表所给的信息用文字表述出来,最后 还要根据图表所给的信息对趋势做出预测。还要根据图表所给的信息对趋势做出预测。 ( (三三) )图画图画( (漫画漫画) )提纲式作文提纲式作文 图画、漫画题第一段须将图画所有信息描述清楚;第二段的写作中图画、漫画题第一段须将图画所有信息描述清楚;第二段的写作中 需要指明并分析图画的含义或对某一主题、某种现象说明自己的理解需要指明并分析图画的含义或对某一主题、某种现象说明自己的理解 并进行进一步的讨论并进行进一步的讨论. . 考题特点考题特点: ()() 作文选材均为热门话题并贴近生活作文选材均为热门话题并贴近生活作文选题范围均为当今社会的热门话题,从电视广告到希望工程,作文选题范围均为当今社会的热门话题,从电视广告到希望工程, 从父母与子女的关系到拥有健康的重要性,从世界烟民现状到环境保从父母与子女的关系到拥有健康的重要性,从世界烟民现状到环境保 护,无不反映了护,无不反映了当前公众最为关注的事当前公众最为关注的事。()() 文体多为说明文与议论文文体多为说明文与议论文说明文和议论文用途较广,我们平时接触的文章、报纸、信件等等说明文和议论文用途较广,我们平时接触的文章、报纸、信件等等 多为这两种体裁。在工作岗位上所撰写的材料大多也是说明或议论文多为这两种体裁。在工作岗位上所撰写的材料大多也是说明或议论文, , 而这种体裁也是英语四种文体中难度最大的一种。而这种体裁也是英语四种文体中难度最大的一种。()() 出题形式是无提纲式命题作文出题形式是无提纲式命题作文0606年以来的武汉大学的题型为命题作文,没有具体的提纲,难度年以来的武汉大学的题型为命题作文,没有具体的提纲,难度 比以往有所增加。比以往有所增加。议论文考题通常可以归纳为两大类:讨论 类和分析解决型:I. 讨论类讨论类文章分为观点类讨论和优缺点讨论。这两种议 论类型所对应的问题模式常见的有:Do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion? To what extent do you agree or disagree?等。结构分析单边论证 通常这两类问题所对应的文章可以用以下的五段论结构 来完成:引言段(introduction)提出观点,正文(body)三 段通过三个理由来对观点进行论证,结尾段(conclusion) 重申一下自己的观点。因为此种结构只对自己支持的观 点进行论证,因此叫单边论证,可以用下图来表示:IntroductionBackground + My OpinionBody1.Reason One + Supporting Sentences (ss表示)2.Reason Two + SS3.Reason Three + SSConclusion:Restatement of My Opinion双边论证另一种论证方法称为双边论证。双边论证基本为四段论,它与单边的 最大区别在正文,正文两段分别对题干提出的两个观点或优缺点进行论证 。我们也通过下图来认识此种结构: IntroductionBackground+ My Opinion / LayoutBody1. Opinion One/ AdvantageTopic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences+ Reason Two + Supporting Sentences2. Opinion Two/ DisadvantageTopic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences+ Reason Two + Supporting Sentences+ Reason Three + Supporting SentencesConclusionStatement of My Opinion (for opinion two/ more disadvantages than advantages)II 分析解决型此类问题模式通常会给出一个话题,如juvenile delinquency,要求考生分析产生此问题的原因,并给 出一些缓解的方法。如:1). Crime is increasing in many countries. Discuss some of the reasons for this increase and suggest some ways in which government can combat the problems.2). Nowadays, people are facing more and more work-related stress. State the possible reasons for this phenomenon and make some recommendations about how to solve it.它们所对应的文章结构见下图。IntroductionBackground + layoutBody1.Reasons / ProblemsTopic Sentence + Reason One / Problem One + supporting sentences+ Reason Two / Problem Two + supporting sentences2. Suggestions / EffectsTopic sentence + Suggestion One / Effect One + ss+ Suggestion Two / Effect Two + ssConclusion:Restatement of the BodyThe basic patterns of argumentative writingThe basic patterns of argumentative writingPattern OnePattern One: (The first partThe first part) list phenomenalist phenomena(The second partThe second part) analyze the causesanalyze the causes(The third partThe third part) put forward suggestionsput forward suggestionsPattern TwoPattern Two: (The first partThe first part) explain the reasonsexplain the reasons(The second partThe second part) analyze the causesanalyze the causes(The third partThe third part) resolutionsresolutionsPattern ThreePattern Three: (The first partThe first part) explain the reasonsexplain the reasons(The second partThe second part) express the positionexpress the position(The third partThe third part) illustrate the pointillustrate the point考博题型分析考博题型分析20102010年武汉大学博士年武汉大学博士Directions:Directions: Recently, more and more grown-up children are living on their parents, for which they are referred to as the “eating-the-old” group. Is there anybody to blamed for this? You are required to make out a comment on this ground phenomenon in about 200 words. Dont forget to give up a little to your comment. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. Reflections on “Eating-the-old“ GroupRecently, more and more grown-up children are living on their parents, they dont earn much money, or even worse they dont work. They are often referred to as the “eating-the- old“ group. Ive ever read a picture which depicts a young man who looks like a college graduate is stretching his hand and asking his parents for moneys, treating them as ATMs. What a ridiculous but thought-provoking cartoon it is! An investigation indicates that no less than 70% of the unemployed young people now live on their parents income. This is the new
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