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Comparison and Contrastis a way of showing how people, places, things, ideas, or events are similar or different Comparison: describes the similarities between two or more things; Contrast: describes the differences between two or more things.Two ways helping organize comparison and contrast 1. examine one subject thoroughly and then start the other; 2. examine two subjects at the same time, discussing them point by point. Words and phrases to achieve coherence in a comparison and contrast Similarities: Likewise, in a similar way, in the same way, similarly, both, neither, also, furthermore, etc. Differences: unlike, however, although, while, whereas, on the other hand, in contrast, on the contrary, but, different, etc.Sentence patterns In spite of these differences/similarities in,some interesting similarities/differences between are evident. Another interesting/striking similarity/difference is The main/ key/ biggest difference between One large way that differs from is There are quite a few differences between.A good example is
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