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Computer Networks and Communication 计算机网络与通信(双语)Professor Chunsheng Li 主讲:李春生 教授 Department of Computer Engineering1Course Overview0.1 What is Computer networks?(什么是计算机网络) 0.2 What is this course about?(本课程是干什么的) 0.3 A top-down approach(一种从上到下的方法) 0.4 Contents of this course(本课程的内容)20.1 What is Computer Networks?1Computer network is a communication system to connect at least two computers together for sharing hardware, software, and information resources.(计算机网络:用于共享硬件资源、软件资源和信息资源 的连接两台或更多台计算机进行通信的系统。)2Categories of Computer NetworksrAccording to the communicating distance:WAN (Wide Area Networks 广域网), MAN (Municipal Area Networks 城域网), LAN (Local Area Networks 局域网 )rAccording to the topology:Star(星型), Tree(树型), Ring (环型), Bus(总线型结构)。 30.2 What is this course about?Introductory (first) course in computer networkingqlearn principles of computer networkingqlearn practice of computer networkingqInternet architecture/protocols as case study Goals:qlearn a lot (not just factoids, but principles and practice)qhave fun (well, it should be interesting, at least) prerequisites:valgorithms, Operating Systems, programming skills40.3 A top-down approach:This course will cover networking top-downqend-system applications, end-end transportqnetwork core: routing, hooking nets togetherqlink-level protocols, e.g., Ethernetqother stuff: security, mobility, management50.4 Contents of this Course:Part 1: Introduction (3 classes, text: Chapter 1) qwhat is the Internet, What is a protocol? qnetwork edge, network coreqnetwork access, physical media qInternet backbones, NAPs and ISPs qdelay, loss in packet-switched networks qprotocol layers, service models (Application, Transport, Network, Link, Physical Layers) qbrief history of networking, Internet6Contents of this Course (Cont.):Part 2: Application Layer (3 classes, text: Ch. 2) qprinciples of application-layer protocols qWorld Wide Web: HTTP qfile transfer: FTP qelectronic mail in the Internet qthe Internets directory service: DNS qsocket programming with TCP 7Contents of this Course (Cont.):Part 3: Transport Layer (6 classes, text Ch. 3) qTransport-layer services and principles qMultiplexing and demultiplexing applications qConnectionless transport: UDP qPrinciples of reliable of data transfer qConnection-Oriented Transport: TCP qPrinciples of congestion control qTCP congestion control 8Contents of this Course (Cont.):Part 4: Network Layer (6 classes, text: Ch. 4) qintroduction and network service model qwhats inside a router?qrouting principles (algorithms)qhierarchical routing qIP: the Internet Protocol qInternet routing: RIP, OSPF, BGP9Contents of this Course (Cont.):Part 5: Link Layer, LANs (3 classes, text: Ch. 5) qintroduction, services qerror detection, correction qmultiple access protocols, LANs qLAN addresses, ARP qEthernet qInterconnection: Hubs and Switches10Chapter 1: IntroductionOur goal: rget “feel” and terminologyrmore depth, detail later in courserapproach:muse Internet as exampleOverview:rwhats the Internetrwhats a protocol?rnetwork edgernetwork coreraccess net, physical mediarInternet/ISP structurerperformance: loss, delayrprotocol layers, service models11Chapter 1: roadmap1.1 What is the Internet? 1.2 Network edge 1.3 Network core 1.4 Network access and physical media 1.5 Internet structure and ISPs 1.6 Delay email client/server (Two kinds of definitions in P9 )rpeer-peer model:m minimal (or no) use of dedicated serversme.g. Skype, BitTorrent, KaZaA221.2 Network edge: 2. connection-oriented service (two types of services of Internet) Goal: data transfer between end systemsrhandshaking: setup (prepare for) data transfer ahead of timemHello, hello back human protocolmset up “state” in two communicating hostsrTCP - Transmission Control Protocol mInternets connection- oriented serviceTCP services RFC 793rreliable, in-order byte- stream data transfermloss: acknowledgements and retransmissionsrflow control: msender wont overwhelm receiverrcongestion control: msenders “slow down sending rate” when network congested231.2 Network edge: 3. connectionless serviceGoal: data transfer between end systemsmsame as before!rUDP - User Datagram Protocol RFC 768: mconnectionless munreliable data transfermno flow controlmno congestion controlApps using TCP: rHTTP (Web), FTP (file transfer), Telnet (remote login), SMTP (email)Apps using UDP:rstreaming media, teleconferencing, DNS, Internet telephony24Chapter 1: roadmap1.1 What is the Internet? 1.2 Network edge 1.3 Network core 1.4 Network access and physical media 1.5 Internet structure and ISPs 1.6 Delay & loss in packet-switched networks 1.7 Protocol layers, service models 1.8 History251.3 The Network CorerMeaning of the network core: mesh of routers that interconnect the Internets end systems.rThere are two ways to construct the network core:mcircuit switching: dedicated circuit per call: telephone netmpacket-switching: data sent thru net in discrete “chunks
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