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大学英语四级系列讲座(一) 一,写作:构思草稿修改誊写 二,快读:原文题干定位判断 三,听力:看题预测聆听选择 四,细读:题干文章题支选择 五,综合:阅读语法选择检查 六,翻译:原句判断措辞翻译写作:构思草稿修改誊写写什么?走题作文得2分,确定中心( 谋篇)。如何组织?分哪几步展开和结 束全文(布局)。用什么语言来表达的 问题?用自己有把握的结构和词语(遣 词)。如何使语言增色?需要至少个 以上好的句型,分布在首段和尾段(造 句)。对首段和尾段一定一定要写出闪 光点。段落转换之间的衔接要自然。这 四步构思都要先在草稿上完成。打草稿 时间在10分钟左右,绝对值得。写作:构思草稿修改誊写 图表作文,定位具体解释观点 议论文,“龙头猪肚豹尾” 若遇到类似advantages & disadvantages of的,应侧重某一面,但绝对不可以完全 不提另一面。若遇到honesty之类的大词 ,在按照作文所要求的三点基础上,能以 全新的角度是最好不过了。还要小心别抄 错题目,名言/设问开头和结尾,书写规 范 Women are playing an increasingly important part in society today. In today, many women have a work. They worked as well as men playing an important part in factories. There are many women in government also. They lead other people country, and make out plans. There are many scientist also. They event new things to improve our life. With the changes in their social role, womens position in the family has been improved as well. In ancient, womens position in family is pity. They had to looks after their children, did every how husband ordered her to do. But now it is changed. They are equal to her husband. They have the right of speaking of idea, discussion thing with her husband, do what she wants to do. In spite of these changes, the liberation of women has not been completely realized. We also should realize, women likerty are limited. For example, many factories want men become its workers but the chance of women is less than men. Everyone should do their best to change this condition. Im sure, the liberation of women would be increased. 评语:基本切题。但表达思想不清楚 ,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误 。5 Women are playing an increasingly important part in society today. In Many countries, more and more women are acting as workers, farmers, scientists and even leaders. We can say that almost all jobs which men can do are done perfectly by women. Women are no longer looked down upon by society. With the changes in their social role, womens position in the family has been improved as well. Husband and wife are now equal in the family. They cope with problems of daily life together, and share happiness with each other. Also, you can hardly find out that in todays families, women are being busy with dinners, whereas men comfortably sitting in armchairs, reading newspapers. In spite of these changes, the liberation of women has not been completely realized. A number of men still jealously guard their rights, and regard women as incapable creature. Few women are allowed to attend important international meetings dominated by men. Thats really the problems we should solve immediately. 评语:切题。论证充分,有说服力,论证 手段丰富(举例、正反)表达思想清楚, 语言流畅,词汇丰富,连贯性好。用词准 确,仅有个别小错误。 14十二句作文法 英语十二句作文是一种作文模式,它只适 用于大学英语四六级考试的写作。它是根 据此类考试作文的题型、时间和词数要求 而专门设计的。具体地说,是根据英语议 论文的几种类型,如分析原因、叙述理由 、比较阐述、评论驳斥等,并根据考生半 小时的写作能力而设计的。整篇作文遵照 三段12句的模式,其基本结构如下:十二句作文法 Para. I Sentence OneIntroduce the topic Sentence Two Present the thesis: writers attitude Sentence ThreeTransfer to the reasons for the thesis十二句作文法 Para. II Sentence Four Reason One (topic sentence, short but concise) Sentence Five Support One (explanation of Sentence Four) Sentence Six Reason Two (topic sentence, short but concise) Sentence Seven Support Two (explanation of Sentence Six) Sentence Eight Reason Three (topic sentence, short but concise) Sentence Nine Support Three (explanation of Sentence Eight) 十二句作文法 Para. III Sentence Ten Conclude the above reasons Sentence Eleven Restate the thesis Sentence Twelve Deepen the thesis 快读:原文题干定位判断 要速度不要深度,即略读(文章或段落整 体理解)和寻读(具体细节的局部理解) 。关于判断和填空:1.题干与原文一致就 是Yes. 2.题干与原文不一致就是No. 3.原 文对题干不曾提及就是Not given. 大致 步骤:1.花1分钟略读原文,拿下大意。 原文的标题副标题以及段落标题;各段首 尾句都是必读的。2.抓住题干关键词,即 题干的意思。3.寻读定位相关语句。4.比 较题干和文中相关语句,再确定判断。注 意:题文同序。听力:看题预测聆听选择 先看(2个)长对话(7题)和(3篇)短 文理解(10题)。马上浏览选择支。通过 选择支获得长对话和短文内容的第一手信 息,即体裁和内容。做到“有备而听”,也 避免走神。听说明文时,有些事物对应的 数据该笔记下来。记得越多越准越好。听 议论文,开头和结尾要重点听。听记叙文 ,几个wh-问题要重点听。 切莫因边听边 选造成精力分散!如何处理短对话题目? 注意前8个对话部分的选择支,预测要听 到的疑问词并先将其写在该题旁。无法预 测的别管,但是要格外小心就是。特别要 注意第二说话人,同时注意记录一些重要 信息,如数字!可能还要快速演算。忠于 第一印象!还要特别注意语气。往往 有What can we infer from the conversation或者What do we learn from the conversation之类的问题。如何处理对话中的语法? 除了注意对话场景,人物关系,职业判断 等常见问题外,近年的四级听力趋势要求 我们特别注意隐藏的虚拟语气,暗示的否 定,以及关键词(如but,have sth. done等)。再就是要注意对话中词汇的 搭配,注意有些答案中某词可替换对话中 某词,例如:对话中出现failed to do或 者managed to do,在答案中就要注意 didnt do或者succeeded doing。如何处理复合式听写? 复合式听写一定快速反应,不会写的单词 可先写出汉语,回头再想。注意单词的形 式,如时态,单复数等。这需要在完成听 力后检查时格外小心。句子听写只需写出 原句大意,但大意也要成句子。当然,能 写出全句是最把稳的。千万不要因为一两 个单词挡住了就完全放弃。比如,无关大 局的副词或介词短语,写不出来就可以不 去管它。细读:题干文章题支选择 阅读填空1篇10题,15选10,考察篇章理解 的连贯逻辑。阅读选择2篇10题,含主旨 题(答案在开头或结尾段落)、细节题( 容易,涉及时间、地点、原因、结果和方 式,可直接找到答案)、推理题(
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