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18 8 下下 UnitUnit 4 4 期末复习期末复习1、根据句意及文中提示填写单词 1. There are five _on each hand. 2. You can wait for him _he comes back. 3. The door to _(things you know or understand in your mind )is to study. 4. It has _(感动、触动)me deeply to see how these people live. 5. It is terrible for your car to crash _(碰撞)the big tree. 6. You cant do it.I cant ,_(too). 7. Eating too much cold food is bad for your _(胃),children. 8. The teacher and students_(设法完成)to run out of the fire house. 9. I need your _(肩膀)to have a rest. 10. If you want to be _(成功),you should work hard. 11. Please take turn to _(翻译)the following sentences. 12. They invited me to play football ,but I had to r_because I was very busy. 13. Alice Munro is a famous _(Canada)write. 14. The World Park is just _(在的对面)Jims home. 15. You should read some _(评论)about the book before writing. 2、选单词,并用其正确形式填空German read write know cook ugly advise able success 1. I usually do some _at home on Sunday. 2. Both of them are _. 3. My brother has a good _of English. 4. Victor Hugo is a great French _. 5. The little boy thinks snakes are the _animals in the world. 6. My father likes_books very much,and he is a good _. 7. What useful _! 8. My parents expect me to pass the examination_. 3、选用动词,并用其正确时态填空tie fall stay run help wake 1. I _up at 8 this morning ,so I was late. 2. A man tried _the girl in the river. 3. I saw a very small man _into a large house just now. 4. Its raining hard outside .I have to _at home. 5. Tom _down on the ground and hurt his leg. 6. Look!He _his horse to the tree.talk rise paint happen paint improve be 7.My father continued _to me after he knew I failed my exams. 8.I stood up as the sun at the mountain last Sunday. 9.What_to Gulliver when he was on the island? 10. The Whites are discussing which color _the walls. 11. We are proud of_students in Rudong Experience Middle School. 12. I often read books _my knowledge. 4、句型转换 1.Tom did not say who he could talk to about that book.(改为同义句) Tom did not say _ _ _ _about that book.22.We must keep quiet in the library.(改为同义句) We _ _keep quiet in the library. 3.How will he deal with those desks? _will he_ _those desk? 4.Jack keeps on phoning me,and I really dont want to talk to him.(改为同义 句) Jack _phoning me,and I really dont want to talk to him. 5、短语翻译 1.提高我的知识 _ 2.精疲力尽_ 2.一大群_ 4.从逃走_ 5.摔倒_ 6.等等_ 6.准时_ 8.到目前为止_ 9.轮流做某事_ 10.一次_ 11.航海 _ 6、单项选择 ( )1.The bus driver always says to us,”Dont get off _the bus stops.” A. when B. while C. until D. if ( )2.Im putting a ladder(梯子)_the wall to reach the apples on the tree. A. against B. on C. in D. for ( )3.Millie _the book since I_it. A.has borrowed ,buy B. has kept,have bought C.has kept,bought D. has borrowed,bought ( )4.The weekend is coming ,and we can have a good rest after_. A. a weeks work hard B. a hard weeks work C. a week work hard D. a week hard work ( )5.I do exercise every morning ,I run _I can in the morning. A. as far as B. as farther as C. so far as D. as far so ( )6.Im very surprised to see a small man,_my little finger. A.the same big to B. as farther as C. so far as D. as far so ( )7.The shelf is so high that I cant _the books on it. A.get to B. arrive in C. arriv e at D. reach ( )8.Last week,Mary_an amazing gift ,but she_it. A.accepted ,didnt receive B.received,accept C.received,didnt accept D. accepted,received 七、短文填空 Books are b 1 that can lead us to the sea of knowledge and we can voyage freely if we get enough knowledge.And what is important is must read different t 2 of books ,not just specific books.Or we cant make great s 3 when it comes to comprehensive test.Take myself as an e 4 ,I read very few books .I remember in one of knowledge competitions ,I didnt know the a 5 to a lot of questions which are beyond my reading range,so,of course ,I couldnt so well. 1. _2._3._4._5._ 八、书面表达 假如你的好友叫李强,这里有他的个人情况,请根据汉语提示,给他做介绍。 李强今天
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