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英语高考总复习人教版选修六英语高考总复习人教版选修六1._knveI vt.传传达;运送 2._nsrI n托儿所3_daImnd n钻钻石;菱形 4._ktId n村舍;小屋 5_tiz vi. because Bwhich; becauseCwhy; that Dthat; that答案:D英语高考总复习人教版选修六三、语语法重点第1单单元和本单单元主要学习习虚拟语拟语 气在非真实实条件句中的运用,虚拟语拟语 气表示所说说的话话不是一个事实实,而是一个与事实实相反的假设设,或表示可能实现实现 的愿望或空想。虚拟语拟语 气通过谓语动词过谓语动词 的变变化来体现现。在虚拟拟条件句中的谓语动词变谓语动词变 化如下:英语高考总复习人教版选修六时间从句谓语动词主句谓语动词与现在事 实相反did(be用were)would/should/co uld/might do/be与过去事 实相反had donewould/should/co uld/mighthave done与将来事 实相反1.did(be用were) 2should do 3were to dowould/should/co uld might/ do/be英语高考总复习人教版选修六这样这样 考过过 Look,the athlete is quite out of breath.So _you if you had a long running.Adid Bare Cwould Dwill解析:由句意:你要跑那么长长距离,也会那样样的(上气不接下气)。由句后的if you had a long running与其对应对应的为为would,故选选C。答案:C英语高考总复习人教版选修六 Sorry indeed,I _ to your birthday party if.Forget it.I know you were out on business.Amust come Bmust have comeCwould come Dwould have come解析:句意为为:真的很抱歉,如果,我会去参加你的生日晚会的。根据说话说话 的内容,可以知道一方为为没有参加对对方的生日晚会而感到抱歉,而另一方因为为知道对对方没来的客观观原因而原谅谅。所以选选would have come表示对对过过去情况的假设设,而事实实并非如此。答案:D英语高考总复习人教版选修六If he _ the poem“Deer Park”,he would have liked the poet Wang Wei in Tang Dynasty.Ahad read Bcould have readCread Dwould have read解析:从主句很明显显地看出他不喜欢欢王维维的诗诗,从句则则需要用If主语语had过过去分词词的句子结结构来表示与过过去事实实相反的虚拟拟。答案:A英语高考总复习人教版选修六If you had been more careful,you _ the traffic accident.Acould have avoided Bmust have avoidedCcould avoid Dwould avoid解析:couldhavedone是表示对过对过 去事情的假设设,意思是本来能够够做某事而没有做。句意为为:你如果小心点的话话,就可以避免那场车祸场车祸 了。实际实际 上没有躲过车祸躲过车祸。答案:A英语高考总复习人教版选修六But for their help,we _ the program in time.Acan not finish Bwill not finishChad not finished Dcould not have finished解析:句意:如果不是他们们的帮助,我们们就不能及时时完成这这个项项目。根据句意,选选用could not have finished表示与过过去相反。答案:D英语高考总复习人教版选修六1Bush, before Barack Obama,_ Brown a similar gift, a leather bomber jacket.Agave Bhave givenCwould give Dhad given答案:D英语高考总复习人教版选修六2The thief tried to break away from the policeman who _ him but failed.Ahas held Bwas holdingChad held Dwould hold答案:B英语高考总复习人教版选修六3Edward, you play so well.But I _ you played the piano.Adidnt know Bhadnt knownCdont know Dhavent known答案:A英语高考总复习人教版选修六4Last Monday,while the students _ on the playground watching the national flag being raised,something unexpected _.Awere standing; aroseBstood; was arisingChad stood; had arisenDwould stand;would arise答案:A英语高考总复习人教版选修六5I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.Impossible.She _ TV with me in my home then.Awatched Bhad watchedCwould watch Dwas watching答案:D英语高考总复习人教版选修六“Old wives tales”are beliefs passed down from one generation to another.For example,most of us remember our parents telling us to eat more of certain foods or not to do certain things.Is there any truth in these teachings?Some of them agree with present medical thinking,but others have not passed the test of time.英语高考总复习人教版选修六Did your mother ever tell you to eat your carrots because they are good for your eyes?Scientists now report that eating carrots can help prevent a serious eye disease called macular degeneration.Eating just one carrot a day can reduce the possibility of getting this disease by 400%.Garlic(蒜)is good for you,too.It can kill the type of virus that causes colds.英语高考总复习人教版选修六Unfortunately,not all of Moms advice passed the test of medical studies.For example,generations of children have been told not to go swimming within an hour after eating.But research suggests that there is no danger in doing so.Do sweets cause tooth problems?Well,yes and no.Sticky sweets made with grains tend to cause more problems than sweets made with simple sugars.英语高考总复习人教版选修六Even though science can tell us that some of our traditional beliefs dont hold_water,there is still a lot of truth in the old wives tales.After all,much of this knowledge has been accumulated(积积累)from thousands of years of experience in family health care.We should respect this body of knowledge even as we search for clear scientific support to prove it true or false.英语高考总复习人教版选修六1Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?AEating garlic is good for our eyes.BSticky sweets are damaging to our teeth.CSwimming after a meal is dangerous.DCarrots prevent people from catching colds.答案与解析:B 细节细节 理解题题。根据第三段最后一句Sticky sweets made with grains tend to cause more problems.可知由谷物制成的粘糖对对牙齿齿有害,故选选B。 英语高考总复习人教版选修六2The author develops the third paragraph mainly _.Aby cause and effect Bby order in spaceCby order in time Dby examples答案与解析:D 细节细细节细 解题题。根据第三段中For example后的例子可确定选选D。英语高考总复习人教版选修六3The phrase“hold water”in the last paragraph most probably means“_”Ato be believableBto be valuableCto be admirable Dto be suitable答案与解析:A 词义词义 猜测题测题 。根据这这句话话的意思“尽管科学告诉诉我们们一些传统观传统观 念不可信,但是仍然有许许多真理在里面。”可知选选A。英语高考总复习人教版选修六4What is the authors attitude towar
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