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1UnitUnit 5 5 RhythmRhythm一、刷黑板词汇全听写先过识记默写关.阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写 1jazz n 爵士乐2*rock n roll 摇滚乐3*disco n. 迪斯科舞4ballet n. 芭蕾舞5*clown n. 小丑6*acrobatics n. 杂技7*costume n. 戏装;服装 第二屏听写 8*waltz n 华尔兹舞9*breakdance n. 霹雳舞10*encyclopedia n. 百科全书11*peacock n. 孔雀12Swan Lake (芭蕾舞剧)天鹅湖13tap dancing 踢踏舞14*tango n. 探戈舞 第三屏听写 15skip n 跳,蹦16*realistic adj. 现实(主义)的17audience n. 听众;观众18instrument n. 乐器;工具19sword n. 剑20hairstyle n. 发型21mask n. 面具,面罩 .高频词汇(汉译英)第四屏听写 1folk_adj. 民间的22effect n. 效果,作用3disappoint vt. 使失望4extraordinary_adj. 非凡的,特别的 5unclear_adj. 不清楚的6be_used_to 习惯于7album_n. 唱片;相册;集邮册 第五屏听写 8performance_n 表演;演奏9perform_vt. otherwise they will be meaningless.9.The guests are_dressed_in traditional Chinese clothes now in order to celebrate the New Year.10.It was foolish of him to refer_to his notes during that important test, and as a result, he got punished.(三)经典句式原句背诵句式解构佳句仿写1.ItIt waswas Morissettes first performance in England sincesince her song “Uninvited” won this years Grammy Award for the best rock song. 自从莫里塞特的歌曲It is/was/has been . since .句型,意为“自从以来多久了” 。(2016天津高考书面表达)自从你来到我们学校做这个交流项目已经两周了,这对我们大家都有益处。It_has_been_two_weeks_since you came to our school for the exchange program, which has benefited all of us.8“Uninvited” 获得今年的格莱美最佳摇滚歌曲奖以来,这是她在英国的首次演出。2.His mother couldntcouldnt buy him a piano untiluntil he was seven. 直到 7 岁,他母亲才给他买了一架钢琴。not . until .意为“直到才” 。实际上,直到我在高中被选为我们班的班长时我才意识到了它的重要性。In fact, I didnt_realize_its_importance_until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school.3.ThisThis isis whywhy he went back to his roots and rediscovered the beauty in Chinese folk music.这就是他为什么追根求源,重新发现了中华民族音乐之美。This/That is why .意为“这/那就是为什么” ,why 引导表语从句。(2014浙江高考书面表达)那就是我为什么推荐另一类图书:文学类图书。That_is_why I recommend another category of books: literary books.4.WhetherWhether Kong is changing his appearance oror transforming his music, he is a pioneer in music today.无论孔(祥东)改变外貌还是转变音乐(风格),他都是今天音乐领域的先驱。whether . or .意为“无论还是” ,引导让步状语从句。(2015浙江高考书面表达)曾经我们处在要决定是去公园野餐还是去博物馆的境地。Once we were left to decide whether_to_have_a_picnic_in_a_park_or_go_to_a_museum.5.And everyevery timetime you call, Ive waited there as though you might not call at all. 而且每当你打电话时,我就在那里等待,好像你根本不会打电话似的。every time 引导时间状语从句,意为“每当的时候”。每当我经过那所学校,我就想起我的第一个英语老师。Every_time_I_pass_the_school,_I will think of my first English teacher.(四)初中考点再回顾高频考查类记熟文化差异类辨清易忘易错类勤览91.be_different_from 与不同 2.be_hard_on_sb. 对某人苛刻;对某人要求严厉3.be_kind_to_sb. 对某人友好4.be_necessary_to_do_sth. 有必要做某事5.be_patient_with 对有耐心6.be patient of sth. 容忍某物1.come_true 实现2.take_a_message_ 捎口信3.keep_a_diary 写日记4.have a great day 过得愉快5.Wet paint! 油漆未干!6.be up to sb. 由某人决定1.go to the movie/cinema 看电影2.go to school 上学3.go to college 上大学4.eat well 吃得好5.taste good 好吃6.make a fire 生火一、过重点单词纵引横联超人一点1effecteffect n n效果;作用教材原句 The music was brilliant but the special effectseffects were disappointing.音乐很棒,但是特技效果却是令人失望的。(1)have an effect/effects on 对有影响put/bring/carry sth.into effect 把某物投入使用/实行come/go into effect 开始生效;开始实施in effect 事实上take effect 生效,起作用be of no effect 无效(2)effective adj. 有效的effectively adv. 有效地多角练透单句语法填空The new law has come into effect; surely it will have an effect on industry of the country.It wont be easy to put the changes into effect, so we must spare every effort to do it.One of the most effective (effect) ways to reduce stress is to talk about your feelings with someone you trust.10If a class is of no effect, then teaching means nothing.So in effect the government has lowered taxes for the rich and raised them for the poor.完成句子(2016北京高考书面表达)Wei Yuan, in his book, Haiguo Tuzhi, introduced modern technologies and ideas to China, which had_a_great_effect_on the Chinese understanding of the world.魏源在他的书海国图志中把现代化的技术和理念引进中国,这对中国人了解世界产生了重大影响。2disappointdisappoint vtvt. .使失望经典例句 Im sorry to disappointdisappoint you, but I cant come after all.让你失望了很抱歉,可我实在不能来。(1)disappointed adj. (感到)失望的be disappointedError!be disappointed to do sth. 做某事而感到失望(2)disappointing adj. 令人失望的disappointment n. U失望;C令人失望的人或事to ones disappointment 使/令某人感到失望的是多角练透单句语法填空To tell the truth, Im not disappointed at/by your math score, but Im disappointed in/with you for your dishonesty.Visitors were disappointed to_find (find) the museum closed.单句改错The next day, we got a disappointed message that another buyer had offered a much higher price. disappointeddisappointing完成句子To_her_great_disappointment,_it rained on the day of the picnic.令她极为失望的是,野餐那天下起了雨。(2015重庆高考满分作文)Learn to understand, and you will keep away from a_world_full_of_sadness_and_disappointment.学会理解,你就会远离满是悲伤和失望的世界。3performperform vtvt. in other words, he cant spare even a minute to chat with us.3The match was interrupte
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