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Adjo -2nd period language points How the years have _! how感叹句 How + 形容词(副词)+ 主语+谓语 How beautiful the flower is! How fluently he speaks English! How 修饰动词,句型是 “How + 主语+谓语” How the wind blows! “How +形容词(副词)” (省略主语和谓语) How interesting (it is)!rushed by What 感叹句 What (a) + 名词! What fun! What (a) + (形容词)名词+ 主语+谓语 What a beautiful picture it is! ( what/ how ?) _ nice weather it is! _ silly mistakes you have made!What What rush into 匆忙做某事 ; 仓促行动 ; 仓促跑进 ; 冲入 rush hours 高峰期 ; 交通高峰时间 ; 高峰时 间 ; 上下班的高峰期 rush through It has been ten years since he got married. It has been a long time _ I knew Marget Swenson. It _ a long time since I knew 自从他结婚到现在已经10年了。sinceIs/has been The mind loses many things as it _, but I never lost Marget. mature adj. 成熟的;充分考虑的;到期的;成年 人的 vt. 使成熟;使长成;慎重作出 vi. 成熟;到期.使成熟;使长成 Her responsibilities matured her at an early age. 她肩负的责任使她早熟。 Kids make a person responsible and mature and help us to understand life better . 孩子让人有责任,成熟,也帮助我们更好地理解生 活。 adj. a mature manmatures I met Marget Swenson when she _ our sixth-grade class. join sb.join the army/club/team join in sth.= take part in= participate in Join sb in sth Would you join us in the game?joined Marget was just _ from Sweden, while I was already a sixth_ American. adj. 新鲜的;清新的;淡水的;无经验的 n. 开始;新生;泛滥 adv. 刚刚,才;最新地 A fresh start/ flower/ capital be fresh from 是刚从 He s a graduate fresh from university . 他是个刚刚毕业的大学生。 你最好找个刚从英国回来的留学生咨询一下 You d better consult a returned student fresh from the UK . 。 fresh generation generation the young generation generation gap n. 代沟 Somehow he knew that his children would not find their way back this time . 不知怎地他似乎知道孩子们这次会找不到路回来 。 这个工作很费力气,但是我尽量设法做下去。 This is exhausting work, but I manage to keep going somehow. She spoke very little English, but somehow we _ manage to understand each other. do /does/did + 动词原形表示 强调 “的确” We had so much fun together. I remember so painful today how much I wanted her quick and positive “No!” to my question. somehow 不知怎的,以某种方式 不知怎的,我觉得它不会起作用。 Somehow, I dont think itll work. Somehow he knew that his children would not find their way back this time . 不知怎地他似乎知道孩子们这次会找不到路回来。 这个工作很费力气,但是我尽量设法做下去。 This is exhausting work, but I manage to keep going somehow. did We _ each other instantly. take to 形成.的习惯 ,对.产生好感,喜欢 ,亲近 take to = like 她真的喜欢上了那个孩子. She has really taken to that child. 他已习惯了带色彩亮丽的领带. He has taken to wearing bright ties. instantly=immediately That was the place _ there were many large and pretty houses.took towhere I suppose _only in passing _ I knew only white people lived there.我猜想其他的同学今天不回来了,是吗? I dont suppose that other students can come here, can they?, _it was that wasnt it? We sat for hours in my garden or hers, _ by grass. vt. 围绕;包围 n. 围绕物 adj. 环绕立体声的 让你的周围都是积极 Surround yourself with positive people .向上的人。 我们现在危机四伏。 We are surrounded by dangers. Many people say they cannot clear their mind as they are too easily distracted by all the small noises that surround them, in normal day to day activity. 许多人说他们无法净心,在他们的日常生活中,他们很 容易就被周围细小的声音所分心。 surroundings 环境 live in pleasant surroundings You cant see animals in their natural surroundings at a zoo.surrounded We laughed at the way _ each of us slid our tongues over the unfamiliar words. sb. be familiar with sth. sth. be familiar to sb. slide (slid, slid) vi. 滑动;滑落;不知不觉陷入 vt. 滑动;使滑动;悄悄地迅速放置 slide n. 幻灯片, 滑动;幻灯片;滑梯;雪崩 in which/that/ I learned the Swedish _ of hello, friend, and goodbye.equivalent n. 对等物等价物,相等物 adj. 等价的,相等的;同意义的 be equivalent to adj. 1$ is equivalent to¥6.7. 那就等于给他一个教训。 That would be equivalent to giving him a lesson.equivalents Such fun did not last long, and the _ began at Margets birthday party. last v. 持续 Disaster n 灾难,灾祸;不幸, 完全的失败 natural disaster 自然灾难,自然灾害 disaster relief 赈灾 disaster area 灾区 disastrous adj.气候变化对地球来说有灾难性的影响。Climate change has disastrous effects on the earth.disaster Marget and I ran around quickly, putting the _ on the decorations. the finishing line 终点线 touch 一笔,一挥,一触 Finishing adj 最后的;终点的 finishing touch最后一触,最后一笔,最后润色 Add a few finishing touches to the drawing. She gave the festive table a finishing touch . 她给节日的餐桌作了点装饰。 To reach the finishing touch effect .要达到画龙点睛的 作用 decorate with用 来装饰 decorate the room with pictures of his favorite sports stars. badly-decorated office decorative adj.finishing touch全部倒装 (谓语+主语) Here (there, now, then) Here comes the bus./here it comes There goes the bell. up, down, out, in, away, off等 Out went the children./out they went. 表地点的介词短语 Under the tree are a group of students. Lying under the tree are a group of student
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