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旅游网:w ww.cits0771.com淡季 off-season 旺季 peak-season 浴巾 bathing towel 糕点 pastry 好客 hospitality 茶点 refreshment 插图 illustration 香水 perfume 责任 liability 餐巾 napkin 烟蒂 cigar butt 冷盘 cold dish 赔偿 compensati 网球场 tennis court 移民局 immigration office 优惠价 discount hours 服务费 service fee 台球室 billard room 美容院 beauty salon 维修部 repair and maintenance 凉开水 boiled water 服务费 service charge 行李牌 name tag 厨师长 executive chef 单人间 single room 床头灯 bedside lamp 遥控器 channel selector 睡衣裤 pajamas 霓虹灯 neno sign 化妆品 cosmetics 文件夹 stationary folder 汽车旅馆 motel 分机号码 the extension number 健身中心旅游必备的英文知识旅游必备的英文知识health center 转投地址 forwarding address 送餐服务 room service 名胜古迹 place of historical interest 明细账单 itemized bill 购物长廊 shopping arcade 门把菜单 doorknob menu 餐饮经理 catering manager 行李主管 bell captain 康乐中心 recrection center 特色菜肴 special dishes 总统套房 presidential suite 水果拼盘 fruit combination 礼宾服务 bellboy service 餐饮服务 food and beverage service 客房服务 chamber service 托婴服务 baby-sitting service 加急服务 express service 洗熨烫服务 laundry and valet service 大陆式早餐 continental breakfast 叫早服务 morning call service 青年旅馆 youth hotel 乡村旅馆 farm tourism 数码相机digital camera优惠价格 profitable price 商务型饭店 commercial hotel 度假型饭店 resort hotel 公寓型饭店 resident hotel 欧陆式计价 european plan 美式计价 american plan 修正式计价 half pension or semi pension 百慕大式计价 bermudan plan 失物招领处 lost dan found 折叠床服务 rollaway service 楼层服务员 floor clerk 自助餐服务 buffet service旅游网:w ww.cits0771.comWhat are the major working steps of check in ? 1.ask for the name and check in 2.prepare and explain the use of the key-card for the guest 3.fill out the form them check in 4.at last ask the bellbay to take the guest to the room What are the main responsibilies of the ballman ? 1.put the guest suitcases by the information desk over there 2.a bellman will show the guest to them home when them have finished checking in 3.run errands for guest 4.a bellman will come the guest room ,and take them luggage down to the labby How many categorels of hotel are there according to different guest system? Convention hotel; resident hotel;resort hotel;convention hotel How many categorels of hotel are there according to different pricing system? europen plan American plan half pension or semi pension continental plan Bermudan plan EP:the charge for food and beverage is excluded form the room rate.the European plan is widely adopted by most hotel in the world. Tipes for meeting a tours group at the airport 1.make sure of the arriving time of the tourists vehicle before going to recrive the tourists 2.contact the bus driver,inform him/her of the staring time and meeting place.be sure to get to the destination half an hour earlier 3.arrive at the destination half an hour earlier ,talk with the driver over the best parking place.then contact the information desk of the airport,verify the exact time of touristsarrival 4.before meeting the tour group ,inform the luggage clerk where and when to fetch luggage and where to send the luggage 5.before meeting the group comes out ,stand at a visible place where passengers exit,with receiving sign held highly in the hand.on the sign ,there should be the name of the tourist group ,the number of the group ,the name of the tour leader旅游网:w ww.cits0771.com被雇来为客人进行等级和安排房间的员工叫做接待员。当客人抵达后,如果客人没有预定 房间,接待员要核查是否有空房让客人入住。许多酒店为接待员准备了房卡帮助其为客人 安排房间。 Even though the sleeping 虽然对于一个酒店而言,客房是收入的来源。但是优质的餐饮服务也是重要中心。起初餐 饮部是向客人提供合适的餐饮服务。一些酒店的经理由于为了酒店的利益和营运手段,强 调了餐饮服务的作用,他们主要目的是确保客人观顾酒店。基本上说,餐饮服务工作包括 三部分:即管理,生产和服务。 The hotel laundry and 酒店的洗熨衣服务也是客房服务的一部分,酒店本身在经营过程中,弄脏的成百上千的床 单,餐巾,桌布是洗衣房工作的一大部分。 The housekeeping staffs have 客房服务部门也会满足客人的额外要求,例如加床 The hotel laundry and 酒店的洗熨衣服务也是客房管理的一部分,客房服务员收起需要清洗的衣服转送到洗衣中 心 The housekeeping employees are the 客房服务员是酒店当中最为繁忙的,为了保持干净整,客房服务员必须保持每个房间的清 洁
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