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Unit13Grammar Past Participle 过去分词教育Which are past participles?教育Listen to find out the sentences1.At work, it is IQ that get you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted.2.Supported by his academic research, Prof. Salovey suggests , their character, as measured by EQ tests, might actually matter3., have you ever wondered why some students in your class1)2)3)教育Listen to find out the sentences4. People are often mistaken in thinking that .5. It is generally believed that people with high EQ are open to new ideas and 6.They are often less likely to be troubled by problems.7. a persons IQ is determined by birth.4)5)6)7)教育Listen to find out the sentences8) Prof. Mayer, recognised by many as a leading expert in 9) When normal students were introduced to10) They also showed a better understanding of the disabled students feelings compared to students who had not been involved in the study.11) their future are not entirely determined by their IQs.教育Whats the difference?现在 分词过去 分词The water is boiling.The dog is barking.The dog is injured.时间语态Shes drinking boiled water.教育Summary 1过去分词用于以下三种情况1.和助动词一起构成完成时的谓语 (have done)2.和be动词一起构成被动语态的谓语 (be done by)3. 非非谓语动词 教育Summary 2过去分词包含两个特点过去分词包含两个特点被动完成过去分词12过去分词具有动词的性质, 同时兼有形容词或副词的性质 ,在句中可以作表语、定语、 状语和补足语。1.过去分词作定语 作定语用的过去分词相当于 形容词,其逻辑主语就是它所 修饰的名词。单个过去分词作定语,常置 于其所修饰之前;如果是过去 分词短语作定语,要放在被修 饰词之后,相当于一个定语从 句。1.The encouraged people are excited. 2. The broken cup is thrown away. 3.The story written by a middle school student is very popular in schools.The student dressed in white is my daughter. 及物动词的过去分词作定语, 表被动且完成的动作; 不及物动词的过去分词作定语 ,只表完成的动作 eg:a lost animal 一只迷路的动物 a used stamp 一枚用过的邮票 an injured finger 一个受伤的手指a broken coin 一枚破损的硬币 a lighted candle 一支点燃的蜡烛 eg. the fallen leaves 落叶 the risen sun 升起来的太阳the developed countries 发达国家 a returned student 一名留学生 a retired teacher 一名退休教师an escaped prisoner 一名逃跑的囚犯 如果被修饰的词是由every / some / any / no + thing / body / one所构成的不定代 词时,即使是单一的过去分词作定语, 也要放在被修饰词的后面。如: There is nothing changed here since I left this town. Is there anything unsolved? Nothing reported (in the newspaper) interested him.2.过去分词作表语 过去分词作表语时,与谓语动 词构成系表结构,表示主语的 性质、特征和状态。许多动词 的过去分词已经被当作形容词 使用。 The window is broken. 窗户碎了。Dont get so excited. 别这么激动过去分词作表语与被动语态的区别: 过去分词作表语,主要是表示主语的 状态,而被动语态则表示动作。The cup was broken by my little sister yesterday. 茶杯是昨天我小妹打碎的。( 是被动语态,表示动作) The library is now closed. 图书馆关门了 。(过去分词作表语) 作表语的过去分词前可以有修饰语,而被 动语态的过去分词前不能加修饰语。The glass was broken by Tom.Your composition is well written. 【注意】过去分词表示被动或完成, -ing 形式表 示主动或进行。有些动词如 interest, bore, worry, surprise, frighten 等通常用其过去分词 形式来修饰人,用 -ing 形式来修饰物。 The book is interesting and Im interested in it. 英语中这样的分词还有很多,如 amusing, amused; encouraging, encouraged; disappointing, disappointed; puzzling, puzzled; satisfying, satisfied; tiring, tired; pleasing, pleased; astonishing, astonished等3.过去分词作宾语补足语 做宾补的过去分词一般都是由及物动词构成的 ,既表示被动含义又表示完成含义,说明宾语 所处的状态。能够接过去分词作宾补的动词有以下三类: 1. 表示感觉或心理状态的动词。如:see, watch, observe, look at, hear, listen to, feel, notice, think等。I heard the song sung in English. He found his hometown greatly changed. 2.表示“致使”意义的动词。如: have, make, get, keep, leave等Ill have my hair cut tomorrow。 He got his tooth pulled out yesterday. He managed to make himself understood. 【注意】使役动词have、get接过去分词作宾 补有两种情况。 1. 过去分词所表示的动作由他人完成 2.过去分词所表示的动作由句中的主语所经 历。Eg. He had his money stolen.他的钱给偷了。( 被别人偷去了)He had his leg broken.他的腿断了。 (自己 的经历) 3.表示“希望”、“要求”意义的动词。如 :like, order, want, wish, expect等I would like this matter settled at once.I wish my homework finished before five oclock.过去分词作宾补表示被动关系,其动作先于谓语 动作。再者其所表示的动作一定和宾语有逻辑上 的动宾关系。4.过去分词作状语修饰谓语,说明动作发生的情况和背景。 (1)表示原因 She soon fell asleep, exhausted by the journey.由 于旅途劳累,她很快就睡着了。 (2)表示条件 Given more time, Tom could have finished it. 多给点时间,汤姆就会完成这件事了。 (3)表示让步 Repaired many times, the car still broke down on the road.虽然修了很多次,但这辆汽车还是在路 上抛锚了。(4)表示伴随情况 I finally reached the finishing line utterly exhausted. 我终于疲惫不堪地到达了终点 。 The hunter walked slowly in the forest ,followed by his dog。 (5)表示时间 Asked about his family, he made no answer. Lost in the forest, you should first of all remain where you are ,waiting for help to come.过去分词在句中作状语,过去分词的逻辑主语 要和句子的主语一致。与句子主语是被动关 系。 有些过去分词可以用连词加以强调。这些连词 有when, once, if, unless, though, as if, although, even if, even though, than, as等 。是过去分词在省略句中的应用。 Unless invited, I wont attend the get- together. Once published, this novel will be very popular. 有些过过去分词词(短语语)源于系表结结构或是 某些动词动词 后加-ed转转化来的形容词词,作状语语 时时不表被动动而表状态态和特征。 常见见的有: lost (迷路); seated (坐); absorbed in (全神贯贯注于); dressed in (穿着); tired of ( 厌烦厌烦 )satisfied; surpised;disappointed等。 如: Absorbed in deep thought, he didnt hear the sound. 因为为沉浸在思考之中,所以他没 听到那个声音。1.The _ fans cheered at the pop star _ on the stage.2. She saw the thief _ into the house through the _ window.excitedclimbing教育EX1sin
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