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英语高考总复习人教版必修四英语高考总复习人教版必修四英语高考总复习人教版必修四1._welfe n福利;福利事业业 2._prdekt n项项目;工程;规规划3_InstItjut n学会;学院;协协会 4._spelIst n专专家;专业专业 工作者5_kmpeIn n运动动;战战役 vt.作战战;参加运动动英语高考总复习人教版必修四6_eId n荫荫;阴凉处处 vt.遮住光线线 7._wwaIl adj.值值得的;值值得做的8_nest n巢;窝窝 9._bnd n联联系;关系;结结合;纽纽带带英语高考总复习人教版必修四10_taIldhd n童年;幼年时时代 11._atspkn adj.直言的;坦诚诚的12_rIspekt vt. beyond Bagainst; overCfor; over Dagainst; beyond答案:D英语高考总复习人教版必修四7inspire v鼓舞;感动动;激发发;启示inspire sb.to do sth.激励/鼓励某人做inspire sth.in sb.inspire sb.with sth.引发发(某人)的(感情、思想等),激起inspiring adj.鼓舞的,激励的inspired adj.受鼓舞的英语高考总复习人教版必修四这样这样考过过 What_the taxi drivers in Beijing to take up the study of English?Bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games.Acomforts BdemandsCforces Dinspires英语高考总复习人教版必修四解析:上句句意:是什么激发发了北京出租车车司机学习习英语语?inspire“鼓舞,激励”。A项项不跟复合宾语结宾语结 构;B、C两项项分别别意为为“强烈要求”“强迫”,不符合题题意。答案:D英语高考总复习人教版必修四On the election victory night,Obama gave a speech to his _ supporters about the _ future.Ainspiring; promising Binspiring; promisedCinspired; promised Dinspired; promising解析:动词过动词过 去分词词与现现在分词词用作形容词词表示情感时时,以 ed结结尾的词词表示“感到的”,多用来修饰饰人;以 ing结结尾的词词表示“令人感到的”,常用来修饰饰物。根据语语境可知,D当选选。答案:D英语高考总复习人教版必修四8support v支持support ones family 养家support sb.in the struggle 在斗争中支持某人support sb.支持某人in support of 为为了支持support oneself 自力更生support ones suggestion 赞赞同某人的意见见support ones opinion 支持某人的想法英语高考总复习人教版必修四这样这样考过过The Voice of America began during the World War ,when Germany was broadcasting a radio program to get international _.Abusiness BcultureCsupport Dinformation英语高考总复习人教版必修四解析:句意:美国之音是在第二次世界大战战的时时候开始播音的,这时这时 德国在播送广播节节目,目的是赢赢得国际际上的支持。在该该句中support是名词词,意为为“支持”。business“商业业,生意,事务务”;culture“文化”;information“消息,信息”。根据句意可知选选C。答案:C英语高考总复习人教版必修四9look down upon/on 蔑视视;轻视轻视;看不起look about 四下环顾环顾 ,四处寻处寻 找look after 照顾顾;照料;寻寻求look back 回顾顾;倒退look forward to 盼望look into 向里看;调查调查look through 透过过看去;看穿look up(to)向上看;尊敬英语高考总复习人教版必修四这样这样考过过If we _,we dont have regrets for what we did,but rather for things we did not do.Aturn back Blook backCtalk back Dmove back解析:此题题考查动词查动词 短语语辨析。turn back 折回,往回走;look back 回顾顾自己的过过去(的某事物)。答案:B英语高考总复习人教版必修四10refer to 查阅查阅,提到,谈谈到,打听辨析:look up与refer to都有“参考”“查询查询 ”的意思,但搭配不同。(1)look up的宾语宾语 多为为word,information等,不可以是book,dictionary,sb.等。如:You may look up the word in the dictionary if you dont know its meaning.如果你不知道这这个单词单词 的意思,你可以查查一下词词典。英语高考总复习人教版必修四(2)refer to意思比较较广泛,它既可作“查询查询 ”“查查找”讲讲,又可作“谈谈到”“提及”讲讲。其宾语宾语 多为为book,dictionary,sb.等。如:She didnt even refer to the notes when she made the speech.作演讲讲的时时候,她甚至不看笔记记。英语高考总复习人教版必修四When I meet new words I dont know,I often refer to the dictionary.当我遇到不认识认识 的新单词时单词时 ,我经经常查词查词 典。I dont know what“it”refers to.我不知道“it”指什么。英语高考总复习人教版必修四这样这样考过过It is a foolish act to _ notes during a test as you will be severely punished.Astick to Brefer toCkeep to Dpoint to解析:本题题考查词语查词语 辨析,stick to“坚坚持”;refer to“参考,参照查阅查阅 ”;keep to“遵守,信守”;point to“指向”。根据句意“考试试中查阅查阅 笔记记是愚蠢的行为为,因为为你会受到严厉处罚严厉处罚 。”可知B项项符合句意。答案:B英语高考总复习人教版必修四11come across偶然遇见见,碰上表示“意外遇到,偶然发现发现 ”的短语语:come acrosshappen to meetmeetby chancemeetby accidentmeet(up)withrun intorun across英语高考总复习人教版必修四这样这样考过过 How did their teacher find the boy out?She _ him on the name list of the class.Acame across Bcame downCcame about Dcame up答案:A英语高考总复习人教版必修四还还可能这样这样考The other day while I was looking through some old papers,I_this interesting picture.Amet withBmetCwas meeting withDwas happened to meet英语高考总复习人教版必修四解析:句子的意思是“几天前我在翻找一些旧文件时时,偶然发现发现 了这张这张 有趣的照片,”meet with的意思是“偶遇,偶然发现发现 ,”相当于happen to meet,而且呼应应从句的过过去进进行时时,此处处主句只用一般过过去时时表达非延续续性动动作。答案:A英语高考总复习人教版必修四12by chance 碰巧;凑巧by accident 偶然;意外地have the chance of doing sth./to do sth.有机会做某事give sb.a chance 给给某人一个机会take a chance 碰运气by any chance 万一;也许许Chances are that.很可能There is a chance that.很可能英语高考总复习人教版必修四这样这样考过过The superstar can be very sad _,though in public he is extremely cheerful.Aby chance Bin personCin private Das individual解析:与下半句的“in public”对应对应 ,应应用in private“私下”。句意:尽管这这位超级级明星在公众场场合非常高兴兴,但私下里他有时时会非常难过难过 。by chance“偶然地”;in person“亲亲自,外貌上”。答案:C英语高考总复习人教版必修四13intend vt.想要,打算,意欲英语高考总复习人教版必修四这样这样考过过The advertisers had intended_upset or turn their audience away,but_reach out and inform them.Ato; not to Bnot to; not toCnot to; to Dto; to解析:not.but.连连接两个并列的不定式短语语。答案:C英语高考总复习人教版必修四Bob Geldof,who organized Live Aid,_ to raise money for the famine and it _ to be a great success.Aintended;turned out Btried;turned overChoped;turned in Dwished;turned up英语高考总复习人教版必修四解析:intend to do“打算做”;sth.be intended for sb.“某物专为专为 某人所做/制作/设计设计 ”;turn out“结结果是;被证证明是”;turn over“打翻;移交;反复考虑虑;翻身”;turn in“上缴缴;拐入;出卖卖”;turn up“出现现;卷起;突然发发生;开大声音”。根据句意选选A项项。答案:A英语高考总复习人教版必修四14deliver vt.递递送;生(小
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