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语法精讲系列(六) 状语从句 考 查查 角 度题题号时间时间 状语语从句12地点状语语从句35原因状语语从句6目的状语语从句7条件状语语从句810让让步状语语从句11141. (2012全国卷)I had hardly got to the office _ my wife phoned me to go back home at once. A. when B. than C. until D. after【解析】选A。考查时间状语从句。句意:我刚到办公室,我妻子就给我打电话让我立刻回家。此题较易,考查固定句型hardly. . . when . . . 的用法,故选A。2. (2012山东东高考)He smiled politely _ Mary apologized for her drunken friends. A. as B. if C. unless D. though【解析】选A。考查as引导时间状语从句。句意:当玛丽为她喝醉酒的朋友道歉时,他礼貌地微笑着。这里smile和apologize同时进行,as意为:当的时候。故选A。3. (2012山东东高考)A number of high buildings have arisen _ there was nothing a year ago but ruins. A. when B. where C. before D. until【解析】选B。考查where引导地点状语从句,表示“在地方”。句意:很多高楼在一年前还是废墟的地方矗立起来了。where引导的句子在整个句子中作状语,故选B。4. (2012四川高考)If you happen to get lost in the wild, youd better stay _ you are and wait for help. A. why B. where C. who D. what【解析】选B。考查地点状语从句。句意:如果你碰巧在野外迷路,你最好待在你所在的地方等待救援。where表明主句动作发生的地点,故选B。5. (2012天津高考)Everything was placed exactly _ he wanted it for the graduation ceremony. A. while B. when C. where D. though【解析】选C。考查地点状语从句连词的选择。句意:在毕业典礼上一切如他所愿,井井有条。根据句意,东西被放置在一个地方,用表示地点的状语,所以选C。6. (2012重庆庆高考)Coach, can I continue with the training? Sorry, you cant _ you havent recovered from the knee injury. A. until B. before C. as D. unless【解析】选C。考查原因状语从句引导词as。答句句意:抱歉,你不能继续训练因为你膝盖受的伤还没有恢复。根据语境可知,空白处后面为原因状语从句,C选项符合题意。7. (2012辽辽宁高考)Leave your key with your neighbor _you lock yourself out one day. A. as long as B. even thoughC. in case D. as if【解析】选C。考查目的状语从句。句意:把你的钥匙留给你的邻居,以防你把自己锁在外面。A项意为“只要”;B项意为“尽管”;C项意为“以防”;D项意为“好像”。所以选C项。8. (2012江西高考)You can borrow my car _ you promise not to drive too fast. A. unless B. even ifC. in case D. as long as【解析】选D。考查条件状语从句。句意:只要你保证不开得太快,你就可以把我的车借走。unless除非;even if即使;in case以防万一;as long as只要。故选D。9. (2012福建高考)It is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties _ it gets more financial support from the European Union. A. if B. unless C. because D. since【解析】选B。考查条件状语从句。句意:除非有来自欧洲联盟更多的经济支持,希腊政府很难克服目前的困难。根据句意,只能选择unless“除非”才能使句意完整。本题关键词是hard和more financial support。故选B。10. (2012江苏苏高考)Ones life has value _ one brings value to the life of others. A. so that B. no matter howC. as long as D. except that【解析】选C。考查引导条件状语从句的连词 as long as。句意:只要一个人给别人的生活带来价值,那么他的生命就有价值。so that意为“以便;因此”;no matter how意为“不管怎样”;as long as意为“只要”;except that意为“除了”。根据题意,应选C项。11. (2012湖南高考)_ hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat. A. However B. WhateverC. Whichever D. Whenever【解析】选A。考查让步状语从句的引导词however。句意:不管你如何(however)努力,如果你不减少食量是很难减肥的。however 修饰副词hard, 故选A。12. (2012湖南高考)_ I always felt I would pass the exam, I never thought I would get an A. A. While B. Once C. If D. Until【解析】选A。考查让步状语从句。句意:虽然我总觉得我考试能过关,但我从没想过我能得“优”。while常见含义为“虽然;然而,而;在期间,当时;趁着”等,此处为“虽然”之意。故选A。13. (2012陕陕西高考)Hot _ the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey. A. although B. asC. while D. however【解析】选B。考查让步状语从句。句意:尽管夜里气温很高,我们依然睡得很香,因为经过长途旅行,我们太累了。此处hot是作从句的表语,提前则从句用倒装,即as引导的让步状语从句中,要将从句中的表语、状语或动词原形提到as之前,故选B。14. (2012新课标课标 全国卷)I dont believe weve met before, _ I must say you do look familiar. A. therefore B. althoughC. since D. unless【解析】选B。考查让步状语从句。句意:尽管我敢肯定地说你确实看起来面熟,但我相信我们以前没见过面。therefore因此;although尽管;since 既然;unless除非,根据句意只有although符合题意。故选B。考点 1 常考查查的9类类状语语从句 考查查指数 1. 时间时间 状语语从句(1)when指的是“某一具体的时间时间 ”。例When I came into the room, he was writing a letter. 【点津】 when意为为“这时这时 ”或“在那个时时候”, 可以看作是并列句, 这这种用法的when分句一般位于句末。例I was walking along the street when suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder from behind. (2)whenever指的是“在任何一个不具体的时间时间 ”。例Whenever the man says“To tell the truth”, I suspect that hes about to tell a lie. (3)while指“在某一段时间时间 里”,“在期间间”,while引导导的动动作必须须是持续续性的。例While it was raining, they went out. (4)as(一边边一边边)引导导持续续性动动作,强调调主句和从句的动动作同时发时发 生,随着。例He hurried home, looking behind as he went. (5)before译为译为 “在之前, 才, 就”。例Be a pupil before you become a teacher. (6)after译为译为 “在之后”。例He headed for me after I called him. (7)till/until:如主句动词动词 是延续续性动词动词 ,常用肯定式,表示“直到为为止”;如主句动词动词 是瞬间间性动词动词 ,要用否定式,表示“直到才”“在以前不”, 从句放在句首表示强调调,一般用until。例We waited till (until) he came back. (8)since的主句动词应为动词应为 持续续性的,从句动词为动词为 瞬间间性的。状语语从句在主句之前时时一般用逗号与主句分开,如从句在主句之后则则不必用标标点符号。例It is three years since he came here. (9)as soon as/hardly. . . when/no sooner. . . than/the moment/ the
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