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外语教研培训中心 罗颖 任思晋2007年4月大学英语CET系列讲座 之听力篇6. 考试过程中要留意的细节Contents1. CET听力新题型简介2.长对话听力测试题型分析3.长对话 听力测试考点分析 4.长对话 听力测试解题策略5.实考策略 what are the speakers talking about?; )行为和事件题。针对谈话者的行为或所谈论的 事物提问。选项通常以动词或动词的非谓语形式 表示,有时也可能是句子,但通常使用表示不同 的行为或动作的动词,来表示问题的重点在行为 或上动作上,问题通常为 “What is the man/woman doing?(如25. What is Carren thinking of doing?); 3)评论或见解题。针对谈话者的态度、观点或看法 提问。提问的问题通常含有suggest, think of, mean, say about, attitude, opinion等表示观点、 看法的动词或名词。(如24. Who think Philosophy graduates have limited job opportunities?); v4)推理题。根据所听到的内容进行推论得 出的正确答案。选项一般为完整的句子,而 提问的问题中通常由learn, conclude, infer, imply 等词汇。如果是就前后行为进行推论 ,问题通常有”What will the speaker probably do next?”之类的句子。(如 19 Whats the purpose of Mr. Thunders visit? 21. What can we conclude from the conversation? )v5) 地点与场所题。选项一般由介词短语组 成,而提问的问题常有 Where, location 等 词。v6)职业与身份题。表示谈话人的专业、从事的工 作或职位等。提问的问题通常有 Who is ? What is s job? 之类的结构。 (如 20. What is Mr. Thunders current job?)v7)原因与理由题。选项可以是独立完整的句子, 也可以由 because 引导的从句, 而问题中通常有 why, reason 等表示因果的词或词组。 (如 22. Why cant Carren concentrate on the book? 23. Why is Carren starting to like the course less and less?)v8)数字题。涉及到金钱、时间、日期的题目,一 般要经过计算才能得出正确的答案, 因此平时 要熟悉数字在口语中的表达,如more, less, earlier, late, prior to, before, after, percent, half, times。 长对话 听力测试解题策略v长对话因为较长,传递的信息较多,比起短对话 来要求更高。听这样的对话首先要注意弄清这四 个W (who, where, when, what )问题,即 Who: 判断说话人的身份或关系。问题常为: Who are the speaker? What is the man / woman? What is the relationship of the speakers? 等 Where: 判断谈话发生的地点,谈话人所处的场景。 问题常为: Where does the conversation take place? Where might the speaker be? 等When: 判断谈话的时间。问题常为: When does the conversation take place? What time does the conversation happen? 等 What:判断谈话的主题或主要内容。问题常为 : What are the speaker (mainly) talking about? What is the topic of the conversation? What is (mainly) discussed in the conversation等推论性问题常有: What can be inferred/is implied from the conversation? What can we infer/learn about / conclude from the conversation?)利用普通常识和文化背景知识进行逻辑推理, 做出合理判断。如选项中有 lecture, course, philosophy, essay, exam, seminar,等词可预测 对话会和学校的学习、考试等有关; job resume , company 等与工作特别是面试有关。解答推论性问题的策略.v2)广泛阅读,了解并掌握各门基础学科的 入门知识。语言是人们进行交际的手段,社 会生活的变化、科技的普及发展、一国的文 化历史传统、生活方式、地理气候环境以及 人们的思维方式都要反映到语言之中。具备 一点背景知识对所听的对话和短文会有一种 熟悉感,一个更深刻的理解,甚至能弥补语 言上的一些不足。我们都知道英语和汉语是 两种截然不同的语言,考生若对西方的社会 文化因素不了解,缺少足够的有关学科知识 ,只是用我们所熟悉的思维、逻辑去判断对 话或短文,就很可能出错。实考策略v)抓紧时间迅速浏览选择项,以便对即将听到 的内容有所预测,并在此基础上预测可能的问题 ,做到有准备地听;v)比较四个选项的相同和不同之处,特别注意 带有always, never, all 等强调词的选项,最好随 手划下重点,尽量标出各个选项的重点,做到有 的放矢;v)听力播放过程中集中思想,尽力用心记住对 话的细节内容,适当做些纪录,如表达主要内容 的词组、表明谈话人观点(支持、反对、赞成、 怀疑等)的词组、数字(如果选项中出现数字更 应注意)、日期、年代等;如果有与选项中完全 相同(同义词)或完全不同(反义词)的表达时 迅速在此选项旁作标记;实考策略v)对话结束后,集中精力听情楚问题,看 与自己的预测是否吻合;如有明确答案即可 选择;如无明确答案,可先排除明显错误的 选项;如果还是不能确定,划记号标注,以 后有时间再推敲;不要耽误时间,错过了下 面的问题;Practice vConversation one vConversation twoQuestions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.v19. A) The benefits of strong business competition.vB) A proposal to lower the cost of production.vC) Complaints about the expense of modernization.vD) Suggestions concerning new business strategies.v20. A) It cost much more than its worth.vB) It should be brought up-to-date.vC) It calls for immediate repairs.vD) It can still be used for a long time.v21. A) The personnel manager should be fired for inefficiency.B) A few engineers should be employed to modernize the factory.C) The entire staff should be retrained.D) Better-educated employees should be promoted.v22. A) Their competitors have long been advertising on TV.B) TV commercials are less expensive.C) Advertising in newspapers alone is not sufficient.D) TV commercials attract more investments.vNow youll hear two long conversations. Conversation OnevW: Hello, Gray. Howre you?vM: Fine! And yourself ?vW: Cant complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal (19题B项)?vM: No, not really. Can we go over it now?vW: Sure. Ive been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies ( 19题D项). First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory (21题B项). New equipment shouldve been installed long ago.v M: How much will that cost? vW: We have several options ranging from one hundred thousand dollars all the way up to half a million.vM: OK. We ll have to discuss these costs with finance. vW: We should also consider human resources (21题). Ive been talking to personnel as well as our staff at the factory.vM: And what s the picture?vW: We ll probably have to hire (21题B项) a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory.vM: What about advertising (22题)?vW: Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials (22题A B D 项) .vM: TV ? Isnt that a bit too expensive (22题B项 X) for us? Whats wrong with advertising in the papers (22题C项 ) as usual? vW: Quite frankly, its just not enough (22题 C项) anymore. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors.vM: Will we be able to afford all this? vW: Ill look into it, but I think higher costs will be justified.
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