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2010高考英语语法 专题复习系列课件14基本词法 句法梳理词法学习1。动词(1)行为动词 I stayed at home and did some work. 我呆在家里做些事。 Ive just had a coffee, thanks. 谢谢,我刚刚用过咖啡。 It has not yet been announced who will judge the case.谁来判这个案子还没有宣布。 I dont know how to dress right. 我不知道怎样穿着得体。 Dont expect money to buy you happiness.别指望拿金钱去买快乐。 He was killed doing his duty.他以身殉职。 Organizations hope to improve the publics environmental awareness. Cancer strikes in every country in the world.癌症袭击全球各国。.组织者希望提高公众的环境意识。(2) 持续动词 Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616. We watched the train until it disappeared in the distance. 莎士比亚生于1564年,死于1616年。我们注视着火车直到它在远处消失。 She wore a new dress for the ceremony.她为参加庆典穿了一身新装。 I hope it doesnt rain tomorrow. 我希望明天不要下雨。 He came round earlier but he only stayed for a few minutes.他来得比较早可是只呆了几分钟 。 I read about it in this mornings newspaper.我是在今天的早报上读到这个消息的。(3) 及物动词 She spread a cloth over thetable. 她铺了一张桌布。 I let him have my watch for his camera. 我让他的相机和我的手表交换了一下。 It puzzled me why she agreed to come when she is so busy. 我奇怪她既然那么忙为什么同意来。 If you know the answer raiseyour hand. 如果知道答案就举手。 The doctor told me to get more sleep. 医生告诉我要多睡眠。(4) 不及物动词 Wait outside the door untilyou are asked to get in. 在外面等着,叫你进来,你再进来。 It poured with rain throughout the night.整夜大雨瓢泼。 The sun rises when it appears above the horizon. 太阳从地平线上升起。 Bombs were falling on the city all night. 整夜向这座城市投弹。 You cant expect the money to appear from nowhere.不能要来路不明的钱。 I could see people moving to and for in the square. 我看到人们在广场上来来往往。 Were hoping for good weather, of course. 我们当然希望好天气。 She often wished for a quieter life. 她总是希望过上安静一点的生活。(5) 及物与不及物动词 The children greatly desireto come to Beijing. 孩子们最大的愿望是来北京。 He promised (me) not to interfere. 他答应不予干扰。 Write me when time permits. 时间允许的话写封信来。(6) 反身动词 They dressed themselveslike the villagers. 他们打扮成村民。 The little girl hid herself in the big box. 小姑娘把自己藏在大箱子里。 You may help yourself to the books on the shelf. 书在架子上,你自己拿。(7) 系动词 He went a child but returned an old man. 他走时还是孩童,归时已是老人。 What you said sounds allright. 你说的听上去还不错。 The problem seems quite simple. 这个问题似乎挺简单。 The plan proved practicable. 这个计划证明可行。 Dont marry too young. 结婚不要太早。 Mr Wang Luobins story has long remained a mystery.王洛宾的故事很久以来是个谜。(8) 表感觉知觉动词 I could smell he had beensmoking. 我能闻出他抽烟。 My leg ached after long trip. 走长路后我的腿疼。 Im sorry; I hope I didnthurt you.? 对不起,我没有伤害你吧?(9) 表心理动词 It is understood that you will come. 相信你会来的。 I can imagine the scene clearly in my mind. 我可以清楚地想象出这一景象。 I dont think he is right. 我认为他不对。 You cant believe how badly he drives. 你无法相信他开车技术有多糟。 I suppose we ought to waittill she arrives.我想我们应该等她来。(10) 表关系动词 She owns a car butrarely drives it. 她有一辆轿车但很少开。 Has this project beencost ? 这项工程估价了吗? Who does the house belong to ? 这房子属于谁? He couldnt prove thatthe crime is related to her. She often referred to you in the letters. 她常在信中提起你。他不能证明罪行与她有关。(11) 表情感动词 Wed love you tocome to dinner. 我们很愿意你来吃饭。 He cared for herdeeply. 他深深地爱着她。 I detest him complaining. 我极讨厌他发牢骚。 I dislike his doing it. 我不喜欢他做这事。 My husband hates going shopping. 我丈夫讨厌逛商场。 She is a sweet women, who asked for nothing but to love and cherish her husband. 她是一个温柔的女人,除了疼爱丈 夫别无所求。(12) 短语动词 I came across an interesting article in a magazine.我在一本杂志上偶尔看到一篇有趣的文章。 Well look into the matter thoroughly.我们要彻底调查这件事。 The prize is 500 dollars, which works out to about 4,000yuan. 奖品是500美元,折合人民币约 为4000元。 My rent was paid for six months in advance.我预付出了六个月的房租。 The tricks were meant to be seen only once. 这种把戏只能玩一次。 There are only four to choose from. 只有四种选择。 He finally caught a sight of the village. 他终于看到了村庄 We are taking proper advantage of our opportunity. 我们在适当地利用机会。 Ill be absent from work tomorrow. 我明天不上班。 I kept up with many of my old classmates. 我和老同学保持着联系。2 动词时态 Traffic accidents usually happen when people arenot careful enough.人们不够注意往往造成交通事故。 He disappeared from ourlives 43 years ago. 他43 年前就不知去向。 Dont eat so many sweets, or your teeth will get worse.不要吃很多甜食,那样牙齿会坏。 She said she would buy a better house for her parents她说她要给父母买一套好点的住房。 Ive come only for a few moments. 我已到了一会儿。 They will have received my email now. 他们此时会收到我的email。 It was raining heavily then.那时正下着大雨。 It was raining heavily then.那时正下着大雨。 I wonder what you are doing now.我想知道你在干什么。 Children will be taking their holidays soon. 孩子们很快要放假。 Kate told me that her husband would be coming next day. 卡特对我说她丈夫第二天要来 。11.What have you been doing all this time ? 你一直在干什么?12.Tom died last night, he had been a good friend of mine.别着急, 他会很快把所有这一切忘记的。13.Dont worry, he will have forgotten all about it soon.别着急, 他会很快把所有这一切忘记的 。14.He told us that the party would have arrived by two oclock.他告诉我
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