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武汉市20122013新高三起点调研考试英语试卷评析-湖北省水果湖高中高三英语组2012.9.7第一部分:听力理解 (23分钟)第二部分: 词汇知识运用多项选择:名词辨析(1个)动词及动词短语(4个)形容词辨析(2个)副词辨析(1个)介词短语辨析(1个)固定搭配 (1个)21. A 动词辨析: A. reflects 反射;反映;显示 B. symbolizes 象征;是的象征C. approves 批准;赞同(of)D. represents 代表;体现,表达22. D 动词辨析 A. enlarge扩大,使变大;B. lengthen (使)加长 ,变长C. ensure 确保D. strengthen 加强;使牢固23. A 动词短语辨析: A. brought up 养大,带大 B. turn down 把拧小; 拒绝C. taken away 拿走D. held back 阻挡,抑制;限制,压抑24. D 动词短语辨析 A. respond to 对做出回应/ 回答B. appeal to 吸引;呼吁;上述 C. contribute to 做贡献;投稿;促使D. attend to 处理;照顾25. C 介词短语辨析: A. for fear of 生怕,因为怕 B. in hope of 希望C. for lack of 因缺乏D. on account of 因为,由于26. B 副词辨析 A. frankly speaking 坦率地说B. economically speaking从经济上说 C. socially speaking 从社交方面说D. strictly speaking 严格地说27. D 形容词辨析: A. positive 积极的;正面的 B. negative 不好的;负面的,消极的;C. random 随意的, 任意的, 胡乱的D. complex 由多部分组成的,复杂的28. B 形容词辨析 A. flexible 灵活的,可变通的,B. considerate 体贴的;体谅的;考虑周到的(+of/to/toward) C. 献身的;虔诚的;专心致志的 D. sensitive 敏感的;易受伤害的(+to) 29. B 固定搭配: B. with certainty 非常肯定地30. A 名词辨析 A. certificate 证书;毕业文凭B. identity身份;本身;本体 C. permit 许可证;执照, 准许;许可 D. passport 护照 完形填空44. distribute sth to/among 分发;分配offer sth to sb = offer sb. sth.reserve 储备,保存;保留 (+for) 1.These seats are reserved for special guests. 这些座位是为特别的来宾保留的。 2. 预约,预订 They have reserved rooms at a hotel. 他们已预订了旅馆房间。 3. 推迟作出;暂时不作 The court will reserve judgement. 45 preference are given to1. 优先(权);优惠权We give preference to applicants with some experience. 2. 偏爱+forI have a preference for a window seat.46. Because of this they were managing 1.管理;经营;处理He manages a hotel for his father. 2. 控制;照管;驾驭She doesnt know how to manage her naughty children. 3. 使用;操纵Can the child manage chopsticks now? 4 . 设法做到;勉力完成+to-vHow did you manage to get their approval? 你怎么得到他们的同意的?49. But before we parted I offered to1. 告别,分手2. They parted in London. 3. 2. 分成几部分;断裂 The clouds parted and the sun shone. 云层散开,太阳照耀着。4. 50. as it was a real effort for him to walk that far 1. the physical or mental energy needed to do sth.力气,精力 2. an attempt to do sth 努力第三部分:阅读理解Passage A From Termination to Determination (原文标题)(文章来源:voices.yahoo.com 改动较大) 51. C 细节题 从文中第一段第三行:In order to remain physically and emotionally stable, I took my wifes advice and took a holiday of about 3 weeks.52. A 细节题 从文中第二段第二行:Then I realized that I coulddo from home what I did for someone else and do even better.53. B 细节题 从文中最后一段第二行:by applying yourselfin whatever passion and knowledge you possess.54. C 主旨大意 纵观全文是通过作者的亲身经历给出的启示Passage B A family walk in North Yorkshire(原文标题)(文章来源:The Guardian 卫报) 55. C 细节理解 文中第一段最后两行:But the child carried today might too soon be expected to scale the heights unaided. Theres a danger that over-ambition by scale=climb to the top of sth that is high 攀登,爬上56. A 细节理解 文中第二段第2、3行可知A选项正确format= the way something is organized or designed 57. D 细节理解 文中第二段最后1句和整个第三段They try to select walks that provide interest, variety and fun.58. A 主旨大意 文中最后一段第1句和最后1句徒步登高带来的成就感Passage C : 运动中的意外受伤(文章来源:The New York Times Sep.14. 2010)59. B 写作意图题 作者援引实例,是为了引出文章主题。60. B 推理判断题 文章第三段最后一句: leaving out the many thousands of injuries treated by clinics, trainers, family doctors. 说明实际受伤人数远比统计数据显示的多。 61. C 推理判断题 文章的最后一句话: Kids play rougher and tougher than they ever have. 说明孩子们在运动中的竞争意识越来越强,导致冲撞等事故多发。62. A 主旨大意题 拟文章标题 Passage D: 跳伞 (原文标题:Tips To Choose a Method Of Skydiving For You 2006)63. B 细节理解题 文章第一段第3,4行: you are at least 18 years old and have a weight of less than 250 pounds. be free of any heart disease 等64. B 推理判断题 从文章第二段倒数第2句可看出,签署文件不是课程内容,也不是为了减轻学员的紧张,很可能是为自己行为负责的一个法律程序。65. A 细节理解题 文章第三段的倒数第二行:Just want a nice ride, tandem might be the best choice.66. D 细节理解题 文章第四段的第二行:Youll love looking back at how scared you were when jumping out of an airplane.Passage E: 职场心得采访67. A 推理判断题 文中第二段第1句和最后1句:不要好高骛远,要做好日常每一件小事。68. B 猜测句意题 文章第五段第二行:Ask your boss if there is anything that you can do 判断这个短语应是“减轻老板负担”之意。69. A 推理判断题 文章最后一段最后两句B选项的“表扬,赞扬”无法体现出“尊重”之意。70. C 判断文章出处 根据文章的结构和一问一答的形式,判断本文出自一份调查。第四部分:完成句子评分原则: 结构正确、用给定的英语单词完整表达所给的汉语信息,给满分; 未用给定单词不给分; 结构不正确不给分; 结构正确,信息完整,但有一个或一个以上拼写错误扣 0.5 分; 结构正确,信息有遗漏扣 0.5 分; 结构正确,添加无关信息扣 0.5 分。71. With复合结构.With his dream coming true, 72. 倒装句did he speak (说明:没倒装,0分)73. 时态、语态you will be allowed (讨论:you would be allowed _?_ 分)74. 强调句 why it was(讨论:why it is _?_ 分 时态错误why was it _?_ 分 语序错误) 75. 不定式的被动形式 to be answered76. 情态动词+have done could have worked77.非限制性定语从句 all of whom agreed 或 and all of them agreed 77. (讨论:who agreed _?_分)78.78. 介词后的宾语从句 79. what I thought (was) a dangerous speed79.倍数 twice as likely80. 同位语从句 that they could cross(讨论: that they can cross _?_分)第二节:短文写
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