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Unit 1 Great scientists以下为某心理专家对国内青少年网瘾(Net addiction)的调查研究结果,请根据他的研究写一篇英语小短文,以便向学校的英语小报投稿。 【写作内容】网瘾定义:每天上网4个小时以上。网瘾状况:中国网络用户2亿,其中有1140万人过于依赖网络。网瘾危害:严重影响青少年的健康和学习,对社会也造成不良影响。专家建议:应阻止青少年上网成瘾;政府应采取措施禁止18岁以下的青少年进入网吧;父母、朋友及老师用爱心和耐心去帮助青少年。from going to the Internet cafes and parents, friends and teachers should help those young people with love and patience.摩托车驾照考试 http:/www.jsyst.cn/mtc/ 2016年摩托车科目一考试 科目四考试教练员从业资格考试 http:/www.jsyst.cn/jly/ 教练员从业资格证理论考试客运从业资格证考试 http:/www.jsyst.cn/keyun/ 道路旅客运输从业资格证考试货运从业资格证考试 http:/www.jsyst.cn/huoyun/ 道路货物运输从业资格证最新试题1. n. 特征;特性2. v. 结束;推断出3. vt. 分析4. vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫 n. 失败5. vt. 照顾;出席;护理;参加6. vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光7. n. 治愈 vt. 治疗;治愈_ _ _ _ _ _ _characteristic conclude analysedefeat attend expose cure8. n. 挑战 vt. 向挑战9. vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心10. vt. 怀疑 n. 嫌疑犯11. vt. 责备;谴责 n. 过失;责备12. vt. 污染;弄脏13. n. 把手;柄 vt. 处理;操纵14. vt. it is very cold outside.(5)他最新的书上周出版了。His latest book was put _ last week.intoonout2. make sense 有道理;有意义;讲得通;明智的The sentence doesnt make sense.这句子毫无意义。make sense of 弄懂;理解in a sense 在某一方面;就某种意义来说make no sense 没意义,讲不通come to ones sense 醒悟过来,苏醒过来lose ones sense 丧失理智,失去知觉there is no / some sense in doing sth.做某事是没有/有些道理/意义的 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)他说的毫无意义。What he said _.(2)买最新的版本是明智的。It _ to buy the most uptodate version.(3)我看不懂那幅画。I _ of that painting.makes no sense cant make sense makes sense (4)早点离开是明智的。It would _ early.(5)现在离开是没有道理的。There is _ in leaving now.make sense to leave no sense1. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed_to_cholera.但是当他一想到要帮助那些受到霍乱威胁的普通百姓时,他就感到很振奋。过去分词具有形容词性质。它在句中作定语、表语,表示被动或动作的完成。(1)过去分词作定语分前置和后置两种。前置定语通常不带状语,更不能有宾语。如:a conquered army 一支被打败的军队; a finished article 一篇已完成的文章。后置定语通常被状语修饰,相当于一个带被动语态的定语从句。如:a computer attacked by hackers a computer that / which is attacked by hackers 受黑客攻击的电脑。(2)过去分词作表语总跟在系动词的后面,构成系表结构,表示主语所处的状态。如:The vacuum cleaner is broken again. 吸尘器又坏了。 用所给词的正确形式填空(1)死于这次事故的这个人出生于伦敦。The man _ (kill) in the accident was born in London. (2)这个小姑娘对你的话感到吃惊。The little girl was _ (surprise) at your words.(3)她是一位受过训练的护士。She is a _ (train) nurse.killed surprisede trained2. The second suggested_that_people_absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.第二种说法是吃饭的时候人们把这种病吸入体内。suggest也可表示“建议,提议”,这时需要用虚拟语气,宾语从句中的动词形式是“(should)动词原形”。suggest在句中表示“表明,暗示”,这时从句中的动词不需要用虚拟语气。I suggest that you (should) tear up the composition and start over again.我建议你把这篇作文撕掉,再从头开始写。课文中含suggest的句子还有:(1)The first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air.(2)To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined. 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)这些事实表明在火星上没有生命。These facts suggest that_on the Mars.(2)他建议我们休息一下。He suggested (that) we _a rest.there is no life (should) have3. Only_if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。(1)only if意为“只要,只有”,引导条件状语从句,放句首、句末均可。放在句首时主句要倒装 。(2)if only意为“如果就好了”,引导虚拟条件句。Only if the case is urgent should you call out the doctor in the middle of the night. 只有患者情况紧急时,你才可以在半夜叫医生看病。用if only 或only if填空(1)要是我年轻些就好了。_ I were younger! (2)只要你努力学习,就会通过考试。_ you study hard, will you pass the exam. If only Only if校园生活(基础写作)校园生活,这个话题可能涉及在校学习的课程,学校、班级或学生会等举行的各项比赛;也包括学生的穿着、发型,还包括预习、复习、讨论、归纳等学习活动或教师的教学方法。实用表达:1学习put ones heart into 专注于study in groups 小组学习succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事set / achieve a goal 设立/达到目标encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事prepare oneself for 为做好准备be active in class 课堂上活跃、积极improve study methods / better ways of learning改进学习方法have eight classes 上8节课learnby heart 熟记、背诵2成绩fulfill ones dream 实现梦想one of the top students 顶尖学生之一rank the first 排名第一have a good command of 熟练掌握make progress in 在方面取得进步with good grades in 成绩好pass the exam 考试及格fail in the test 考试不及格take an active part in 积极参加join in an English Contest 参加英语竞赛3生活keep / observe school rules 遵守校规 break school rules 违反校规live on ones own 独立生活learn to be independent 学会独立get on well with sb. / sth.与某人相处愉快/某事进展顺利help each other with sth. 互相帮助make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友be burdened with great stress 肩负着巨大压力have exam anxiety 考试焦虑feel anxious / down 觉得紧张、沮丧lose heart 失去信心handle pressure 处理压力be neatly dressed 穿着整齐keep the environment clean 保持环境清洁cheat in an exam 考试作弊fight / quarrel with sb. 和某人打架、吵架throw rubbish / spit everywhere到处乱扔垃圾、吐痰do sports after school 放学后参加体育活动最近,北京某中学50余名学生,因仪容不符合学校规定而被阻止进校。对此现象,假如你昨天就 “Whats your opinion on the restriction on the students appearance?”在2600名同学中作了一个调查。以下是调查数据:态度比例理由赞成57%只有养成良好的健康文明习惯,才 能更好地投入到学习中去。反对33% 限制学生的个性发展。无所谓10%只要仪容能符合大多数人的审美标 准(aesthetic standard)就行。【写作内容】1调查的时间、问题以及调查对象;2同学们不同的观点及其比例;3你的看法及理由。【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。参考词汇: rigid 严格的; suppress 抑制第一步:审题,确定时态。本篇基础写作为表格类的基础
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