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1中考题型集训中考题型集训( (六六) )完成句子完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。A A 1 1. 除非人们立刻采取行动,否则我们的环境将会更糟糕。 Unless people _ at once, our environment will _ 2 2. 现在我们有限的资源快要耗尽了,我们必须尽一切可能拯救地球!Our limited resources _ now. We must do what we can _ the Earth! 3 3. 当时电视是开着的,但是玛丽没有注意它。The TV _ then, but Mary wasnt _ it. 4 4. 蒂娜不可能在教室里。她去图书馆了。Tina _ in the classroom.She _ to the library. 5 5. 2017乐山改编戴维的成功不是偶然的。那是他艰辛努力的结果。Davids success didnt come _. It was _ his hard work. B B 1 1. TFBOYS 的这首新歌如此流行,以至于我们大部分人认为它值得一听。The new song by TFBOYS is _ that most of us think it is _ _. 2 2在 21 世纪,越来越多的人对户外活动感兴趣。 In _, more and more people _ outdoor activities. 3 32017兰州改编我们绝不放弃实现自己梦想的努力。 We will never _ to make our dreams _ 4 4. 他应该专心学习,而不是如此关注电脑游戏。He should concentrate on his studies instead of _ so much _ to computer games. 5 5. 这个问题太难了,以至于我们不能回答。The question is _ for us _. C C 1 1. 那辆大卡车突然失去控制。它停下来后占据了马路的三分之一。That big truck was _ suddenly. It _ one third of the road after it stopped. 2 2. 琳达总是认真听老师讲课,同时做好笔记。Linda always _ the teacher carefully and takes notes _. 3 32017烟台改编人民的名义这本书非常受欢迎,以至于这家书店的几千册书已经销售一空了。The book In the Name of People is _ thousands of copies in the bookstore _ already. 4 4上个月这对双胞胎参加了中国诗词大会的海选,她们在初赛中处于领先地位。The twins _ the Chinese Poetry Conference and they _ in the preliminary contest last month. 5 52017十堰改编阅读不仅能增长我们的知识,而且能给我们带来快乐。Reading can _ our knowledge, _ us pleasure. D D 1 1那时候他穿着一件旧外套,没有人注意到他。He _ an old coat at that time, and no one _ him. 2 2即使没有人在意你,也别灰心。 Though nobody _ you,you shouldnt _ 3 3我们应当分发传单, 让人们参加这项活动。We should _ leaflets to ask people _ the activity.24 4他的书包不见了, 他似乎看起来很着急。His bag has _ and _ he looks very worried. 5 5奥运会每四年举行一次,它比其他比赛重要得多。The Olympic Games are held _ and they are _ than other games. E E 1 1. 据调查,许多学生都会为了实现自己的目标而努力学习。 _ the survey, many students are willing to work hard _ 2 2. 这部电影太乏味了,以至于我看到一半就睡着了。The movie was _ that I _ halfway through it. 3 3. 什么时候动身取决于天气条件,因此我们还没有做出决定。When to start _ the weather conditions. So we havent _ decision yet. 4 4. 你必须按时归还学校图书馆的书籍。 You must _ to the school library _ 5 5. 在迈克的帮助下,我在英语学习方面取得了很大进步。_ of Mike, I have _ in my English study. F F 1 1. 在我的记忆中,父亲沉默寡言,对我要求严格。 In my memory, my father was a man of _ and he was _ 2 2. 如果我们紧密地配合,中国梦就一定会实现。 If we _ each other, China Dream is sure _ 3 3毕业后,别忘了和你的老师们和同学们保持联系。Dont _ keep _ your teachers and classmates after you graduate. 4 4我们让迈克当班长怎么样?他不仅诚实,而且乐于助人。What about _ Mike our monitor? He is_ but also helpful. 5 5他成功地帮助了无家可归的人重返正常生活。He succeeded in _ people _ a normal life. G G 1 1下课铃一响,孩子们便迫不及待地冲出了教室。_ the bell rings, the children _ rush out of the classroom. 2 2他不敢在课堂上回答问题,因为他害怕犯错。 He dare not answer questions_ because he is afraid of _ 3 3不要嘲笑她。经过一段时间的锻炼,她比以前苗条多了。Dont _ her. Shes much _ before after exercising for some time. 4 4过去这个男孩宁愿玩电脑游戏,也不愿做家庭作业。The boy _ computer games to _ in the past. 5 5我感到很惊讶,我和戴维都未受邀参加这个晚会。I felt surprised that _ David nor I _ take part in the party. H H 1 1老师们对我们要求严格,因此我们不允许在学校玩电脑游戏。The teachers _ us, so we _ to play computer games at school. 2 2这个男孩痴迷于看篮球比赛,他把业余时间都用于看篮球比赛了。The boy _ watching basketball games and spends _ in watching basketball games. 3 3他在英语方面取得了如此大的进步,以至于上次考试得了满分。He made _ in English that he _ last time. 4 4吃太多的甜食会导致健康问题。3_ sweet food can _ health problems. 5 5令我惊讶的是,他们毫不费力地找到了我的家。_, they had _ my home.I I 1 1. 你介意每隔一天为我们公司做额外工作吗? Do you mind _ for our company _? 2 2如果你想领先,你就得学会刻苦学习。 If you want to _, you have to learn _ 3 3这位名医习惯了每天为许多病人做手术。The famous doctor _ to _ many patients every day. 4 4我从不怀疑这首歌值得一听。I never _ that the song _. 5
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