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19 9 年级二轮复习资料年级二轮复习资料7 上1.They have short hair. hair un 2.at 12at 12 years oldat the age of 12 3,in the next World Cup 4,How does he look?What does he look like? (长相) Hes tall.Whats he like? (长相、品质) Hes tall/Hes kind.What does he like? (爱好)Whats he?=What does he do?=Whats his job? (职业)5,what else=what other things who/where else something else new The bike must be for someone else. =The bike must belong to someone else. =The bike must be someone elses.Who/whose 6,watch basketball matchesIt makes me feel great.heroes names teach me English 7,Whats the date today?Its 9 October. (无介词)on the open daythe parents meetinghave meetingswatch two of our lessons 8, a lot of /lots of (不用于否定句) 9,I cant hear you well on the phone.The reading room is open in the afternoon.live far away from the schoollive near the school 10,go walking in the hills enjoy school 11.have (much/some/no) time to do sth have a good time doing sth go to her dancing lessons 12, wish our team good luck (wish sb sth) 2good luck to sb with sth 13,go on picnics/a picnic go for a picnic have a picnic 14,at Christmas on Christmas Day at/on Halloween at the Mid-Autumn Festival on Mid-Autumn Day 15,dress up as a ghostdress up in reddress sb sb be dressed in 16,give us some candy as a treat play a trick/tricks on sb 17,watch the fireworks a mu sic and dance show have great shows 18,at this time of year get new clothes ready for us like letting/setting off fireworks let them off 19,An apple a day keeps the doctor away.I seldom eat cakes o sweets.potatoes tomatoes mangoes heroes half two halves 20,take a walk go for a walk go walking 21,This meal gives me energy for the whole afternoon.I have money with me.carry/ take/ bring sth with sb(宾格)try them on 22,five floors of shops on the top floor 23,spend ten more minutes in bed =spend another ten minutes in bedIts too large for me. ladies and gentlemen be popular with/among 24,Thats all for todays show.Thanks for coming. 25,pu rse (女) wallet(男) blouse(女) shirt(男)He wears a tie.3He is in a tie.lie on the bedbe ill in bed 26,go for a big dinnerThey are fit for a long walk. 27,match/go well with any other colour 28,not too long or too large neither too long nor too large either too long or too large7 下1,in townin the city/country in Fifth Street have fun with my dog/games have fun playing games 2, on the balcony buy a big flat with two balconies look out at the beach on the beach look out of the window 3,cover/have an area of =be in size/area a few/several hundred (of the) students (many) thousands of students more than enough food What great fun! 4,welcome visitors like you be worth fixing (fix-fixes-fixed) People here are like a big family. 5,plan a day out make a fire on fire catch fire in the town center=in the center of town 6,Our engineers are here to help with your problems. all our group members know a lot about styles and colours 7,be happy to give you some ideas Five yuan is enough for a tin of dog food.They are all over the place. 8,a four-bedroom flat a one-bedroom flat show you around my hometown4on a farm in the field 9,I can smell the flowers and hear the birds sing. row a boat 10,Some families raises cows, and others grow wheat. know each other help each other learn from each other chat with each other 11,There are buses to the town center. drive us there to do some shopping drive us home on of the paths 12,be (to the)+ 方位+of (外)He lives (to the) north of the Changjiang River.Taiwan is in the south-east of China. 13,like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long Lions are the kings of the animal woeld.Never go near them.make beautiful sounds jump around 14,cross the bridge=go/walk across the bridgeTheir lager ears are like open fans. in an open area 15,The sign is over(正上方,非接触) the benchon the bench 16,Take the second turning on the rightTurn left at the first crossing.at the zebra crossing at the traffic lightsrun through a red lightwalk past=passwalk to 走向 the bridgewalk across at the corner of the street 17,prepare plenty of food and drinks for us=get plenty of food and drinks ready for usplenty of +可数/不可数walk straight on to the traffic lightslook at me straight (straighter/straightest) 18,a UFO on the plane Fish sleep with their eyes open.Our nose and eras never stopping growing.twice bigger than / three times bigger than5There are no bones in the back of elephants feet.too much fat (n) 脂肪,不可数much too fat (adj) 19,hear a whisper from the bushes search the bushes in the bushes shout at/to 20,reply replies replied replying reply to/answer my letter no replies(n) The monkey is 11 centimetres tall. an 11-centimetre-tall monkey 21,live on the earth a long time ago in Its long neck live in very dry places 22,eat little or nothing in cold wintersmell goodsmell things welldraw 3-D pictures with chalk much chalk write with a pen 23,write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time stop for meals 24,in useNow
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