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Thank-you NotesInvitation letterPractical Writing Thank-you NotesTeaching notes:表示感谢的便条(thank-you note)是西方人常用的一种 答谢形式。受到他人的邀请、接待、馈赠或援助之后,可以 写一张便条来表示感谢、联络感情。感谢便条通常应一事一 谢,篇幅要注意简短,措词要自然,语气要诚恳。便条的开头应简述写感谢信的目的。便条的主要部分应特别指出由于对方的帮助,使自己所 得到的益处。便条的最后可再次表达感谢之意,也可表达希望继续合 作、保持联络的愿望或有机会报答对方的承诺等。下面是两封感谢便条的例文。2Dear Mr./Ms. XX,Thank you for your letter on June 4, enclosing an account of the organization and work at your Chamber of Commerce and Industry.We are very grateful for such a detailed account of your activities. This information is certain to help increase our future cooperation.Yours faithfully,Your NameDear Insert Name,A warm thanks for such a lovely gift. Ill think of you each and every time I use it. The care and attention that I can clearly see in choosing your gift made my birthday much more special. Thank you again.Love,Your Name常见的感谢用语: * Thanks for your dedicated efforts, which made the project a great success. 感谢您富有献身精神的努力,因为有了您的努 力,这次计划才得以取得巨大成功。* Im writing to express my appreciation / thanks/ gratitude to you and your team. 这封信是要表达我对您和您团队的感谢/ 谢意。 * Your contribution to / support of the team effort is greatly appreciated. 衷心感谢您对整个团队的贡献/支持。 * Thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to better cooperation in the future. 感谢您对 我工作给予的支持,并期望未来能有更好的合作。 * Many thanks for the hospitality you showed me. 非常感谢你 对我的款待。 * Thanks again for all your kind support and understanding. 再 次感谢您的支持和理解。感谢便条与感谢信的区别主要是前者较短、非正式,主要用于 熟悉的人或家庭成员之间。1) Complete the following thank-you notes by putting the Chinese in brackets into English.15 March, 2011 Dear Tom,(感谢你出席我的生日聚会). (你能来,我非常高兴). Without your presence, we would not have had as much fun as we did that night. (再次表示真挚感谢).Yours, PeterThank you for attending my birthday party_ Im so glad that you came_My hearty thanks again _April 4, 2011 Dear John,(感谢你送给我的生日鲜花). Your lovely gift brightened my day and continues to add beauty to my home. It was so nice to be remembered by you! (非常感谢 你的周到考虑).Sincerely,EllieThank you for the beautiful flowers you sent me on my birthday_Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated_2) Your friend sent you a gift on your birthday. Write a thank you note to him/her.April 5, 2011 Dear Tom,Thank you so much for the wonderful book Chinese Modern Architecture that you sent me. Not only was it the perfect present (I havent been able to put it down!) but it will certainly come in handy for my studies. You always pick the perfect thing!Again, thanks so much, and Ill talk to you soon.Love,JohnPractical Writing Invitation LettersTeaching notes:本单元的实用写作是学写邀请信。我们在各种社交活动中 都可能用上邀请信。邀请信一般分为两种,一种是练习中出现 的正式请柬(invitation card),一种是书信形式的邀请信。如 果举办婚宴、庆典之类的大型活动,一般使用请柬,小范围或 个别朋友之间的邀约可以使用邀请信。请柬全文用第三人称的 口气,如果要求复信,请柬下方要用R.S.V.P. 原为法语 rpondez sil vous plait (= please reply),意为:请回复。邀 请信形式上不如请柬正规,但书写时一定要注意将邀请时间( 年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,内容要简明、单一 ,但要具体清楚。下面是写邀请信的常用表达方式。2开头: * You are invited to attend our annual company open house(家庭招待会). * We invite you to join us in thanking David Shaw for his 25 years of leadership. * It would be a great pleasure to meet you on _ (date) at/in the _ (place)* _(company) invites you to an exclusive showing of its latest computing and telecommunications products. * Would you be interested in sharing your experience with the members of our association at their monthly dinner meeting?细节安排:* We are giving a luncheon at _ (place) at _ (time) on _ (date) to introduce _. * The company will host a celebration in honor of Davids retirement at Legal Tech, on June 27, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. * Refreshments will be served from _ p.m. to _ p.m. * The presentation will take place at _ (place) at _(time) on _(date). 结尾:* We are sure you will find the presentation interesting.* We hope you will be able to attend.* We are all looking forward to hearing your views. * We are looking forward to seeing you. * Just call our office at 98-8899 and we will be glad to secure a place for you. * Please let me know as soon as possibleDear John,o n Saturday, (16thJuly) at 5 pm as we.and it will be an informal gathering.We hope you will be able to make coming to the party.Best Wishes,Jenniferg) We would like to invite you to join us for a house party c) celebrate Toms 10tha) The party will be at our homee) Looking forward to meeting you_birthday_Dear Mr. Smith, on the occasion of his retirement from McMillan Investment Company. Our department will be presenting Mr. David Brown with a gift at that time.Yours sincerely,Jennifer Lewisb)
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