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武警院校论文:武警院校论文:武警院校 军事理论【中文摘要】武警院校是培养各类军事人才的基地和摇篮。加强军事理论课的创新教育,对于提高官兵的政治思想素质具有固本强基作用。它不仅引导官兵时刻树牢国防观念和意识,且有力地促进了学员综合能力素质的全面提高,为学员适应基层第一任职需要,奠定了坚实的政治思想基础。从普通纸笔考试来看,少数学员对军事理论重要性认识不足,存在思想误区;考核涉及部队军事秘密较多,知识点少、试卷保管不严密,容易造成失泄密;考核体系不合理,学员兴趣不浓厚,不能全面如实反映学员的参与程度和认知程度。要提高军事理论教学质量,必须在内容和考核等方面实现创新。推广理论创新的新成果、遂行任务的新战法,部队建设的新经验,让成果进入官兵思想、服务部队、促进教学和影响社会,为武警部队建设发展和履行使命提供理论支撑。在武警部队信息化建设逐步完善、保密工作日益严峻的背景下,研究和实践网上军事理论考试模式的必要性日益凸显。依托局域网支撑下的网上考试系统相对于平时的纸笔考试,具有:知识点 多、方便读考;可控制时间,保密性好;系统自动改卷统分,减少了教务人员工作负担,提高了工作效率;解决了常规考试工作量大、效率低、资源浪费等问题。根据网络考试的要求和我院实际,经过认真分析,认为采用服务器端 ASP 技术可更容易实现。由于 ASP 的动态网页技术,开发简单而又直观,开发过程可以非常简便地和 HTML 集成,AJAX 为使用者提供了一个清新的无刷新技术界面。同时 SQL 数据库操作简便, 维护简单。因此本文中便选择了这一领域内非常成熟的组合 ASP+SQL 进行开发,基于 ASP2.0+AJAX+SQLserver2000 综合开发工具及环境,并结合具体设计任务进行撰写。通过深入研究和开发,本系统可实现:在武警院校内部局域网内完成网上考试及自动评分系统的任务,能胜任军事理论标准化考试。系统具有操作简便、效率较高、维护方便的特点,且完美地解决了军事理论考试、环保、保密三者之间的冲突。【英文摘要】Armed military personnel of various types of institutions is to develop a base and the cradle. Strengthen the innovation of military education theory courses, for improving the quality of officers and men of the political and ideological role has Consolidating the Foundation. It not only guide the officers and men to prison time of trees and awareness of national defense, and effectively promoted the comprehensive ability of students to improve the overall quality, first worked for the trainees to meet the basic needs, and laid a solid basis for political thought. From the perspective of ordinary pen and paper test, a few students understand the importance of military theory, there is thinking errors; assessment in military secrets involving more knowledge points less paper storage is not tight, likely to cause loss of disclosure; evaluation system is unreasonable, the participants interest is not strong, can not fully reflect the true extent of student participation and understanding. Military theory to improve the quality of teaching content and assessment must be to achieve such innovation. To promote theoretical innovation, new achievements and carry out the task of new tactics, military construction of the new experience, so the results into the officers and men of thought, the service unit to promote the teaching and impact on society, for the construction and development of the Armed Police Force and its mission to provide theoretical support.Information technology in the armed forces gradually improved security in the context of increasingly serious work, study and practice theory test online Model of military necessity is increasingly obvious. Relying on local area network supported by an online examination system relative to the usual paper and pencil tests, with: the knowledge points, easy to read test; can control the time, security and good; system automatically correcting sub-system, reducing the workload of academic staff to improve efficiency; to solve the conventional examination of heavy workload, low efficiency, waste of resources and other issues.Examination of the network requirements and the actual hospital, after careful analysis, that the use of server-side ASP technology can be more easily achieved. Because ASP dynamic web technologies, development of simple and intuitive, the development process can be very easily and HTML integration, AJAX provides the user with a fresh and refreshing non-technical interface. At the same time SQL database is simple and easy maintenance. Therefore, this paper has chosen this area is very mature for a combination of ASP + SQL development ASP2.0 + AJAX + SQLserver2000-based integrated development tools and environment, and written with the specific design tasks.Through in-depth research and development, the system can be realized: in the armed institutions to complete the online exam within the LAN and the automatic scoring system, one task, capable of performing standardized tests of military theory. System is simple, efficient, easy maintenance, and the perfect solution to the military theory test, environmental protection and confidentiality between the three conflicts.【关键词】武警院校 军事理论 保密 网上考试 局域网【英文关键词】armed police academies military theory security online examinations LAN【目录】基于 ASP.NET 的武警成都指挥学院军事理论课网上考试系统 摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5-6 第一章 绪论 10-13 1.1 开发背景 10-11 1.2 任务概述 11 1.3 任务目标 11-12 1.4 本章小结 12-13 第二章 系统相关理论与技术 13-22 2.1 开发环境的选取 13 2.2 组建开发环境 13-14 2.2.1 考试系统开发环境 13 2.2.2 服务器端 13 2.2.3 客户端 13-14 2.3 ASP.NET 概述 14-17 2.3.1 ASP.NET 优异特性 14-15 2.3.2 ASP.NET 内建对象 15-17 2.4 AJAX 概述 17-21 2.4.1 Asynchronous JavaScript And XML 开发模式 18 2.4.2 Asynchronous JavaScript And XML 关键技术 18-20 2.4.3 AJAX 与 Atlas 的关系 20-21 2.4.4 使用 Ajax 带来的问题 21 2.5 本章小结 21-22 第三章 需求分析 22-26 3.1 可行性分析 22 3.1.1 风险分析 22 3.1.2 技术可行性 22 3.2 系统功能说明 22-25 3.2.1 系统目标 23 3.2.2 系统流程 23 3.2.3 系统功能结构 23-25 3.3 本章小结 25-26 第四
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