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1.insight: the capacity to gain an accurate and deep instinctive understanding of a situation. 洞察力。 2.checkered tablecloth: tablecloth that has a pattern consisting of alternating squares of different colours. The British spelling of checkered is chequered有方格图案的桌布。 3.chew the cud: think reflectively。反复思考。 4.gnome: (in legends) a little old man who lives underground and guards the earths treasures 土地神;a small ugly person 侏儒。 5.melancholy: (adj.) sad,gloomy,depressed.忧郁地。 6.berate: scold or criticize angrily。严责。 7.a perverse streak: an obstinate quality。固执。 8.ruefully: regretfully。悔恨地。 9.drag: (slang) a boring thing;nuisance。令人厌烦的东西 10.immortality: never-ending life or endless fame。不朽, 不朽的声名 1.cool ones heels:be forced to wait; be kept waiting。空等。 2.attest to:testify to; serve as an evidence to affirmto be proof of。证实, 证明。 3.apocalyptic:foreboding imminent disaster or final doom 。启示录的。 4.proconsul:an administrator in a colony usually with wide powers。地方总督。 5.ruminate:go over in the mind repeatedly and often slowly。沉思,反刍。 6.nattering:chattering;hence, noisy。唠叨,瞎扯。 7.echelon:rank, 1evel。排成梯队。 8.fortify :encourage;support。设防于,使坚强。 9.reappraisal :re-evaluation。重新估计,评价。 10.academe:the academic community; academics。研究院。 11.shrink:psychoanalyst or psychiatrist。收缩,缩短。 12.subliminal:existing or functioning outside the area of conscious awareness。潜意识的。 13.truism:an undoubted or self-evident truth。真实性。 14.mellow and marinate:to mellow is to become ripe or fully developed, and to marinate is to steep (meat, fish) in a savory sauce to enrich its flavour;here, ripen and mature。使醇香,浸泡。 1. tangible:substantially real; material。切实的。确凿的。 2. custom:business patronage; regular support given to a tradesman by those who buy his goods。商业赞助。 3. impregnable:unassailable, unattackable; sturdy。无法攻取的,攻不破的。 4. credit:trust in a persons ability and intention to pay at a later time for goods, etc. supplied。信用。 5. dash:vigour in style and action。精力, 干劲 6. flair:ingenuity and vitality。才能,本领。 7. invulnerability:freedom from harm or attack。不会受伤害的,刀枪不入的。 8. composition:arrangement into proper proportion or relation and especially into artistic form。组成,构成。 9. illusory:deceptive。错觉的,虚假的。 10. preclude:make impossible。排除。 1.assumption:something taken for granted; supposition。假定,设想 2.crave for:long for; desire eagerly。渴望。 3.humdrum:lacking variety; dull。单调的。 4.immerse:involve deeply; absorb。沉浸,使陷入。 5.transmute:change; transform。改变。 6.physiological pressures:irritation; annoyance; affliction。愤怒 7.vexation:illnesses; discomforts。苦恼的原因。 8.seminal:having possibilities of future development; highly original and influencing the development of future events。有潜在发展可 能性的。 9.inordinate:excessive。过度的;过分的。 10.compatible with:able to exist together。兼容的。 11.thrive on:enjoy and do well as a result of。以.旺盛 12.stave off:keep off; prevent in time。避开, 挡开, 延迟 1.lamely:weakly, unsatisfactorily。虚弱地,有病的。 2.paradoxical:seemingly self-contradictory; incongruous; puzzling。荒谬的。 3.seductive:attractive; charming。诱人的。 4.pedagogical:teaching:教学法的。 5.wary:heedful; careful。机警的。 6.on the defensive:prepared for disapproval or attack。用于防御的。 7.demeaning overtones:implications of humiliation。羞辱,蒙耻。 8.vestiges:traces that have once existed but exist no more。遗迹。 9.to the detriment of:to the harm of。对有损。 10.throes:a condition of agonizing struggle or effort; upheaval。剧痛。 11.narcissism:excessive admiration of oneself。自我陶醉。 12.obligation:duty; social requirement that compels one to follow a certain course of action。义务,职责。 13.fretful:irritable; complaining。烦躁的。 14.pass muster:be accepted as satisfactory。及格, 符合要求。 15.depreciation:a disparaging or a belittling act or instance。贬值,跌落,轻 视。 16.censure:an expression of blame or disapproval。责难。 17.preen:adorn or trim (oneself) carefully。打扮。 18.interminable:endless。无限的。
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