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It is a blow for the Ugly Bettys and Plain Janes - research shows that good looks lead to better pay. A study of 4,000 young men and women found that beauty boosted pay cheques more than intelligence. Those judged to be the easiest on the eye earned up to 10 per cent more than their less attractive friends and colleagues. Applied to the average salary of 25,000, the plainness penalty would make a difference of 2,500 a year - or around 50 a week. It is unclear what is behind the phenomenon but it may be that beauty breeds confidence. The self-assured may appear to be doing better than they are and will have fewer qualms about badgering for a pay rise. Researcher Jason Fletcher, of Yale University in the U.S., rated the attractiveness of the young men and women. Just over half were judged average, while 7 per cent were felt to be very attractive and 8 per cent were judged unattractive or very unattractive. The volunteers also sat an IQ test and disclosed their salary. It became clear that pay scales were far from fair. For instance, a 14-point increase on the IQ score was associated with a 3 to 6 per cent increase in wage. But being of above-average looks boosted pay by 5 to 10 per cent. For a plain person to be paid the same as a very attractive one, they would have to be 40 per cent brighter, the journal Economics Letters reports. Dr Fletcher said: The results do show that peoples looks have an impact on their wages and it can be very substantial. 一项调查显示,好的长相能带来较高的薪水。这对于长相 不佳或容貌平平的女孩们来说的确是个打击。 一项对四千名年轻男女开展的调查发现,美貌比智慧更能 带来薪水的增长。 与长相一般的朋友和同事相比,那些被认为长得好看的人 能多挣10%。 如果按照平均年薪2.5万英磅来算,由长相而导致的收入 差别一年可达2500英镑每周约50英镑。 究竟是什么原因导致这一现象目前还不清楚,但可能是因 为美貌能带来自信。自信的人可能看起来做的要比实际好 ,而且在要求加薪方面也没有那么多的顾虑。 美国耶鲁大学的研究人员杰森弗莱切给这些年轻男女的 容貌进行打分。超过一半的人属于中等长相,7%的人被 认为十分有吸引力,8%的人被认为没有吸引力或非常缺 乏吸引力。 这些参与调查的志愿者们还接受了一个IQ测试,并透露了 他们的薪水。他们的工资水平显失公平。 举例来说,IQ得分每增长14分,工资能增长3%至6%。但 如果长相不凡,工资则会增长5%至10%。 据经济学信笺期刊的报告,如果一个长相平平的人想 和长得漂亮的人拿一样的薪水,那么他们的智商必须比漂 亮的人高40%。 弗莱切博士说:“这些结果表明,长相对于薪资的确有影 响,而且这一影响可能还相当大。” 每年春季,数以万计的中外客商云集申城,参 加一年一度的华东出口商品交易会。上海 的各类商品在这里与全国各地一比长短。 上海的优势在于科技实力,因为高科技产品 的出口应该成为上海外贸出口增长的“排头 兵”。着名物理学家杨振宁教授曾说:“高科技战 场是中国超越发达国家的主战场,也是最后 的战场。走发展高科技贸易之路,使历史的 必然,也是未来的需要。 Every Spring, tens of thousands of business people from home and abroad pour/swarm/flock into Shanghai to attend the annual/yearly East China Export Commodity (Trade) Fair.Here,all kinds of goods from Shanghai compete with those other parts of china.The advantage of Shanghai lies in its scientific and technological strength, so the export of high-tech products should play a leading role in foreign trade and export.Professor Yang Zhenning, a famous physicist,once said,“The high-tech battlefield is the main as well as the last battlefield for China to surpass the developed countries.”The development of high-tech trade is inexorable not only in history but also in the future. History is a narrative of what civilized men have thought or done in past timeswhether a day a year, a century, or a millennium ago.Since men do not live in isolation,history is necessarily concerned with social groups and especially with states and nations.Just as biography describes the life of individuals,so history relates therise,progress,and decline of human societies.History becomes an account of the entire culture of a people.The historian wants to learn about their houses,furniture,costumes and food; what occupations they followed; what schools they supported; what beliefs and superstitions they held; what amusements and festivals they enjoyed. 历史记载了人类进入文明社会以来的思想和行为, 无论是发生在昨天,去年,上个世纪,甚至是一千年 前。由于人类不是孤立地生存的,历史必然涉及历 史群体,特别是国家和民族。正如传记描写的是个 人的一生,历史叙述了人类社会的兴起、发展以及 衰亡。历史叙述了某个民族的整个文化。因此历史学 家需要了解这个民族的衣食住行、社会分工、学 术分工、迷信信仰以及娱乐节庆。 英语是当今世界最强势的语言,很多人因此认为,英语学 好了,大多数人在一定程度上掌握英语了,我们国家也就 达到国际先进水平,实现现代化了。其实,这一认识大错 特错。印度等前英国殖民地国家英语的普及率都非常高, 但这并没有自动使它们发展得更快更好。而法国、日本等 更看重本国文化和本国语言的国家反而走在了世界前列。 现在,北京人特别是服务行业的北京人大都能用英语跟老 外对付两句,巴黎人的普遍英语程度可能还不如北京人, 但我们能说北京作为现代都市已超过巴黎了吗? 全民英语化,只能让中国误入歧途,浪费人力、资源和宝 贵的时间,得不偿失。实际上,只要一部分有兴趣、有才 能的人掌握了英语,及时全面地把世界上最新的信息转换 成汉语广泛传播,并随时协助中国人与外国人沟通,就够 了。 English is the worlds most dominant language today. Therefore, many people consider that as long as most Chinese have a good command of English, China will be able to reach the advanced international level and realize its modernization drive. However, this concept is definitely wrong. It is undeniable that the countries once subject to British colonization, such as India, are all noted for the popularization of English among their citizens, but this does not enable them to have a quicker and better development. On the other hand, countries like France and Japan that focus more on their own cultures and languages are leading the world unexpectedly. Currently, most of the people in Beijing, especially those in the service industry, can speak some English and Parisians are possibly no match for Beijingers when it comes to the command of English. But can we conclude that Beijing
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