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Unit EightNew Horizon English CourseSection ASection ABody Language in Daily UseUnit EightCOCONTNTENTSENTSGetting the MessageWords and ExpressionsExercises an expert can sometimes pick out a native of Wisconsin just by the way a person uses his or her eyebrows during conversations. Everything from your sex, racial background, social class, and communication style all influences your body language.特属某个地方的 一些肢体语言ChineseChineseText A Para. 3Unit EightA person who truly knows two languages uses both body languages too. A good example of this is New Yorks famous mayor, Fiorello La Guardia, who communicated in English, Italian and Yiddish. When films of his speeches are run without sound, its not too difficult to tell from his gestures the language being spoken. In fact, one of the reasons English-dubbed foreign films often seem flat is that the gestures just dont match the language. ChineseChinese Text A Para. 4Unit EightUsually, our body language acts to further emphasize our words. What the nonverbal gestures put across very often and very efficiently is the emotional side of the message. This is clear when a person feels liked or disliked, as he or she will often communicate emotion “not in what is said but in the way it is said”.ChineseChineseText A Para. 5Unit EightPsychologist Albert Mehrabian invented this rule: Total communication = 7 percent verbal + 38 percent oral + 55 percent facial. It shows the importance of body language. But experts in the study of communication through body movement are not yet prepared to spell out an exact dictionary of gestures, as body movements can mean many things. For example, a student in conversation with a professor may hold the older persons eyes a little longer than usual. This gesture can be a sign of respect and love; it can be a small challenge to the professors authority; or it can be something else entirely. ChineseChineseText A Para. 6Unit Eight2. 正因为我们坐在后面,我们一个字都听不见。 _, we cant hear a word.1. 他走进房间,紧张地环顾四周。 He entered the room, _. nervously looking aroundSitting at the back (as we are)Use the “v-ing” phrases to finish the following sentences.“v-ing”短语在句中充当状语成分,表示时间、伴随、方式等 e.g. We all communicate with one another using both verbal and nonverbal language.我们都通过言语和非言语相互交流。Unit Eightrandom adj. 随机的,任意的任意的选择 a random choiceat random 随便地;任意地 恐怖分子随意射杀人群。The terrorists shot the crowds at random.New Wordsback to back to words together with 连同 一起;随1.小男孩和他的妈妈沿着 街走。 _, the little boy was walking along the street.Together with his motheralong with bread and cakes.e.g. Every culture has its own body language, and children understand and learn its meanings, along with words.每种文化都有其肢体语言,孩子们在学习言语时也开 始理解和学会肢体语言所表达的意思。back to back to words 脱下 提出以供考虑 写下来;镇压;制止 忍受 责备 建造;竖立 组装 接通电话线Unit Eightin conversation with 与 谈话1. 我并不认识在车上与我交谈的男士。 I didnt know the man who was in conversation with me on the bus.e.g. For example, a student in conversation with a professor may hold the older persons eyes a little longer than usual.比如,当一名学生与一位教授谈话时,他注视这位长者的 眼睛的时间可能比平时更长。Expressionsback to back to words & expressionswords & expressionsUnit Eighthold ones eyes 注视某人Expressionse.g. Tom liked his new teacher so much that he held her eyes all the time during the class. back to back to words & expressionswords & expressionsUnit EightExercisesUsing the Right WordWorking with ExpressionsTranslatingBasic Writing SkillsGetting the Message Using Topic-related TermsUnit Eight1. How do we communicate with one another?2. How do children understand and learn themeanings of body language?3. What factors influence our body language?4. Why does an English-dubbed foreign film often seem very flat?5. How can ones emotion be communicated? Getting the MessageListen to the recording of Text A and answer the following questions.Unit Eight1. How do we communicate with one another?a. We communicate with one another in words. b. We communicate with one another through gestures. c. We communicate with one another verbally. d. We communicate with one another both verbally andnonverbally.Getting the MessageUnit Eighta. They understand and learn them, along with words. b. They tend to be confused with the use of verbal andnonverbal language. c. They never use it. d. They always replace verbal language with nonverbal language.2. How do children understand and learn the meanings of body language? Getting the MessageUnit Eight3. What factors influence our body language? a. Our sex, racial background, social class, and communication style. b. Our education. c. Our body height. d. None of the above.Getting the MessageUnit Eight4. Why does an English-dubbed foreign film often seem very flat? a. Because the translation is rough. b. Because the film is too diff
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