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1高考新增 100 词的复习 abandon及物动词 vt.1.离弃, 丢弃 Jackson has abandoned his old car because it is in bad condition.杰克逊把他那辆旧车扔了。2.遗弃, 抛弃 She abandoned her husband and children and went off with another man, which really sounded crazy/which really broke their hearts.她抛弃了自己的丈夫和孩子, 跟另外一个男人跑了。3.放弃 We will never abandon our principlesUnder no circumstances will we abandon 2our principles.我们应该坚持原则。 The scientist abandoned his research for lack of fund.由于缺乏资金, 这位科学家放弃了他的研究工作。 固定词组 Please dont abandon yourself to computer games. 请不要沉溺于电脑游戏。 解释:abandon oneself to (doing) sth “沉溺于.”文摘 “For people like me, there were only two options. (guess the meaning of the underlined word) One was to abandon all dreams, which would lead to a quick, hopeless death. The other was to struggle without arms to live an outstanding life,“ says Liu, now 23. (Armless Piano Player Moves Chinas Got Talent Audience to Tears)在经历了 3 个月的 6 场初赛和 3 场半决赛3后,中国达人秀总决赛如期在上海体育场举 行。“无臂达人”刘伟斩获冠军。 Abstract/concrete 形容词 adj. 1.抽象的 Abstract nouns are usually uncountable nouns in English. 英语中的抽象名词通常是不可数名词。 2.抽象派的 He is an abstract painter. 他是一个抽象派画家。 名词 n. 1.抽象, 抽象概念, 抽象性 Its the abstract that is called system analysis. 这就是所谓系统分析这个抽象概念。 2.抽象派艺术作品 Therere two abstracts on the wall. 墙上挂着两幅抽象派画。 3.摘要, 梗概 He made an abstract of a long article. 他对一篇长文章做了摘要。 文摘4Doing the right thing can help individuals and institutions succeed. But knowing what that right thing is, is not always easy. The world is too complicated, too varied, and you need to use your judgment, which is what Aristotle meant by wisdom. And the practical part is that its the sort of judgment that we need every day, in interacting with our friends, with our children, with our patients or our students. So it is not some high, abstract ideal. Its very concrete and very much about how you treat other people on a day-to-day basis.“adjust 调整, 调节 adjust () to/adjust oneself toMy eyes havent adjusted to the dark yet.我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。Animals adjust themselves to their environment.动物能适应自己生活的环境。It is difficult to adjust ones habits to someone else.5一个人很难使自己的习惯适于他人。 “Safety is the most important thing for me,“ said the Shanghai native. “Ill try to adjust myself to a good form in Guangzhou. I hope I can give a good performance.“Liu was unable to defend his Athens Olympic gold medal when he hobbled out of the Birds Nest Olympic stadium with a foot injury two years ago. He has battled injuries ever since.administration1.时兴, 执行 The administration of the law is very important.Without it, the whole country would be in a mess. 法律的执行是很重要的。2.管理;经营;(尤指对政府、协会等事务的)支配,掌管 Who is in charge of the administration of your company?6你们公司的行政工作由谁负责?3.(政府)行政机关,管理部门NASA the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Guess what FDA stands for? Key:FDA The Food and Drug Administration 食品与药品管理局admirableHis behavior under stress is admirable, and everyone will follow his exmple.他受到压力时的表现令人赞赏。The soldiers showed admirable bravery in face of difficult situation in battle.士兵们表现出了令人钦佩的勇敢。advocate (advocate doing sth.)提倡, 主张 A car-free day activity was held in Brussels on Sunday to advocate environmental-friendly transportation and encourage people to use 7public transit. Private cars were forbidden on the road and public vehicles were free from 9 am to 7 pm on that day. (话题 16 旅游和交通)alongside副词 adv.1.靠着边, 沿着边 The boat came alongside.船靠岸了。The two ships lay alongside of each other.这两艘船并排靠着Fans across China gathered to watch the match. Lis mother joined fans at a restaurant in her hometown of Wuhan. In Beijing, fans crowded together to watch alongside(与一起;与同时) members of Chinas national tennis team.澳网李娜得亚军 Of course a campfire isnt complete without a song. So perhaps we can expect sales of guitars and earplugs to go up 8alongside those of sleeping bags and stoves.( The Rise and Rise of Camping 野营度假势头见涨野营度假势头见涨) amusement1.娱乐, 乐趣 To our amusement, the boy acted an old woman.使我们感到好笑的是那男孩扮演了一个老太太。2.娱乐活动, 文娱活动 They should not be treated only as amusements.不能把它们单纯看成是娱乐活动 Japanese women in kimonos(日本和服) attend Coming of Age Day event at an amusement park(游乐园)(游乐园) in Tokyo Jan 10, 2011. The Coming of Age day is held annually on the second Monday of January to congratulate all those who have reached the age of 20 years old. According to a local report, about 1,240,000 men and women who were born in 1990, reached the 9coming of age this year and this figure is the smallest number since 1968 in the worlds oldest major country. appreciation 1.Dark pink roses are symbolic of gratitude and appreciation, and are a traditional way to say thanks. Light pink roses are associated with gentleness and admiration, and can also be used as an expression of sympathy.( 解说六种 玫瑰的不同花语) 2.I encourage all the people of the United States to come together - whether in our homes, places of worship, community centers, or any place of fellowship for friends and neighbors - to give thanks for all we have rec
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