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Business Intensive ReadingUnit 4 Jobs and Occupations nI. Teaching Aims:n A.By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:n B.Understand the relationship between personal progress and job-hoppingn C.Know how to describe ones occupationn D.Master words of job occupationnII. Teaching contents:n A.Present background information related to the jobs n B.Text understandingn B.1. Text divisionn B.2. Explain any words and pharases that occurred in this unit n B. 3.Point out the key sentences and parapharasen C. Supplement presentationnIII. Teaching difficulties:n A.To get the Ss to fulfill the tasks assigned by the teachern B.The make the Ss realize the current situation of finding the jobsnIV. Teaching period needed: 12 Reading 1: Personal progress and Job-hoppingnA. Background informationn A.1. Words related to jobs and occupationsn A.2. Job-hunting techeniquesn A.3. Looking for vacanciesn A.4. Job-hoppingReading 1: Personal progress and Job-hoppingnB. Pre-readingn Brainstorming: Work with your partner and list things that people may consider in choosing their jobs. nAn Ideal Job=job Security + Good Pay nAn Ideal Job= paid holidays +vacation time nAn Ideal Job=distance from work +commuting time nAn Ideal Job=working environment +friendly coworkers Reading 1: Personal progress and Job-hoppingnC. Reading 1 AnalysisnC.1. Structure of Reading In Part I (Paragraph 1)n Part II (Paragraph 2)n Part III (Paragraph 3-5)In different countries, there In different countries, there are different employment are different employment practicespracticesn n1. Different countries have different 1. Different countries have different opinions on job-hopping.opinions on job-hopping.n n2. In some countries it is considered 2. In some countries it is considered disloyal to quit a job.disloyal to quit a job.Americans view on job-hopping.Americans view on job-hopping. 1)1) In America, job-hopping is part ofIn America, job-hopping is part of constant mobility.constant mobility.n n2) The benefits of job-hopping.2) The benefits of job-hopping.Reading 1: Personal progress and Job-hoppingnC.2. Difficulties explanation of reading 1 n1).get aheadnto be successful and do better than other people in a job or work ne.g. Getting ahead at work is the most important thing to him right nown现在对于他来说最重要的事情就是在工作 上取得成功 Reading 1: Personal progress and Job-hoppingn2). on that base alone: only because of that. This is from the phrase “on the basis of” on the basis of: 在的基础上 ne.g. The government prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin. 政府 不允许在种族、肤色或国籍上产生歧视Reading 1: Personal progress and Job-hoppingn3).辨析recipient, sponsor in all directions or places(到处).“ne.g. Papers are lying about on the floor. 地上到处都 是纸张Reading 1: Personal progress and Job-hoppingn8). had the best of the mans thinking: got the best ideas from the mannthe best of sth.: a person or thing that is best.最好的 人;最佳之物ne.g. Even the best of us sometimes forgets things. 我 们当中最优秀的人有时都会忘事n9). start at a lower salary: nIn this phrase, “at“ shows a price, rate, level, age, speed, etc.表示价格、比率、水准、年龄、速度等 以;在ne.g. The temperature stood at 40 degrees 温度停留 在40度 Reading 1: Personal progress and Job-hoppingn 10). back and forth: going in one direction and then in the opposite direction, and repeating this several times 来回地,来来去去地ne.g. We travel back and forth all the time between Canada and England.n我们经常出差往返于加拿大和英格兰两地Reading 1: Personal progress and Job-hoppingnD. Words Studyn1. Involve(一般不用进行时)n1) vt. (of a situation or action) to have as the people or things taking part. (情况 、行动)牵涉;涉及ne. g. The accident involved a bus and a truck.nIt was a big police operation involving over a hundred officers.n2) vt. to cause (someone or oneself) to become connected or concerned.(使别人或 者自己)卷入;使介入ne. g. The goal is to involve workers in the decision-making process.nIts best not to involve yourself in other peoples private affairs.n3) vt. to have as a necessary part or result; entail. 包含;需要;使成为必要部分 (必然结果)ne. g. Most research and development projects involve some elements of risk.ninvolve + doing:ne. g. The job involves traveling abroad for three months each year.ne. g. She gave a long involved explanation that no one could follow.n常与involved连用的副词: actively, closely, directly, heavily.nbe / become / get involved: 牵涉进ne. g. If I were you I wouldnt get involved in their problems.Reading 1: Personal progress and Job-hoppingn2. Initiative n1) n. the ability to make decisions and take action without asking for the help or advice of others.主动性ne. g. I wish my son should show a bit more initiative.nDont keep asking me for advice; use your own initiative.n2) n. the first movement or action which starts something happening.创始;发端 ;带头ne. g. The government is making some fresh initiatives to try to solve the dispute.n3) n. the position of being able to take action or influ
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