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Mexican cuisine(墨西哥菜肴 ) Traditional Mexican foods are mainly maize, beans, and pepper 墨西哥人的传统食物主要是玉米、菜豆、和辣椒Mexicos national dish 墨西哥人以玉米为主食,国宴也是一盘盘玉米美 食Tor Tia 托尔蒂亚 Beef salad牛肉玉米片沙拉Delicious cactus(仙人掌)In their eyes, cactus is delicious foodSpecialties(特色菜肴) Tortilla: Made with corn flour or wheat flour, is Mexico griddle cake round.以玉米 粉或面粉制成,是圆形的墨西哥式薄饼。 Tortilla Chips:以白玉米粉或黄玉米粉制成, 形状为圆形或三角形。也可用圆形的玉米饼切 成六小片,下油锅炸过。Burritos:手卷,将玉米饼或面粉饼放上米饭、豆子、芝 士、蕃茄及塔可酱,卷成长条状 Tacos:脆塔可饼,将圆形的玉米饼片炸卷,截面成 U字形状,并在中间夹上豆制品及塔可饼专用调味料 。Nachos:将圆形或三角形的玉米饼片放置于烤盘上,铺 上一层墨西哥豆泥及乳酪,再以墨西哥绿辣椒装饰,放入 烤箱或微波炉中烘烤直到芝士融化Mexican seafood hot and sour soup 墨西哥海鲜酸辣汤。 龙舌兰酒pulque 龙舌兰对于墨西哥而言,具有十 分重要的意义。龙舌兰叶可以造 纸,而龙舌兰的花朵十分尖锐, 据说可以当作武器。而如今,龙 舌兰最重要的作用是制造龙舌兰 酒(Tequila)。 Agave for Mexico, has the very vital significance. Agave leaf can be paper, while the agave flowers are very sharp, is said to be used as a weapon. Now, the most important role agave is making agave wine (T equila).Mexican Dance我认为墨西哥舞蹈过于变态,就 不再介绍 I think the Mexico dance too abnormal, will no longer be introduced.The national emblem of MexicoThe national flower of Mexico
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