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江苏省无锡师范附属小学蒋必诚制作Whats the time?Its seven oclock.Its twelve oclock.Its six oclock.Its three oclock.Its eight oclock.Its four oclock.Its nine oclock.Its time to (提醒别人做某事)Lets (邀请别人一起做某事)You can. (允许别人做某事)Shall we ? (提出建议)6 :02get up 7 :05go to school 11:12have lunch 4 :10go home 8 :03watch TV 9 :00go to bedWhats the time, please?Its six oclock.Its time to get up.All right.Whats the time?Its seven o five.Lets go to the zoo.Great! Lets go!Whats the time, please?Its one oclock.Shall we have lunch?Great!Whats the time, please? Its five oclock. Lets go home. Good. See you.Whats the time, please? Its Time to . Lets go .Homework1.抄写one,two,three八遍, 中文一遍并背诵。 听录音,读A-E,试着背诵小诗。
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