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第九章 英语名词化与英汉科技翻译n名词化(nominalization)是指动词或 形容词转换为名词或名词词组,使之在 语法上具有名词的功能,但其基本意义 仍与对应的动词或形容词所表达的意义 相同或相对应。n名词化是英汉科技语篇中的常见现象, 但由于词法和句法方面的差异,所以往 往成为翻译的一大难点。一、英语名词化的基本形式n1. 源自动词的抽象名词n名词化结构可以保留,也可以译出动词 意义。n1)The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night.n地球绕着自身的轴旋转,因而产生了昼 夜的更替。2. 源自形容词的名词n名词化结构可以保留,也可以根据汉语 表达的需要译出形容词意义。n1) After many centuries of ceramic production, clay deposits are becoming harder and harder to find, and the rarity of this material has caused price to rise. 陶瓷生产历经数百年之久,黏土矿越来越难觅 踪迹,黏土材料的紧缺导致了其价格上涨。n注:译文改进?材料原料;导致了导 致n2) Prefabrication is by no means a new idea, but in the past, unimaginative uniformity in design, together with limited materials, led to a natural distaste for this form of construction. n建筑构件预制并不是现在才有的概念,但在过 去,由于设计缺乏想象,千篇一律,加上材料 有限,自然就使得这种建筑方式不受人们青睐 。3. 有显著动作意义的施事名词n这类名词往往和of配合使用,其动作意 义一般需要在译文中体现出来。n1) They will find these systems expensive to install, costly to run, and are unnecessary consumers of non-renewable energy and emitters of greenhouse gases. n他们会发现,这些系统不仅安装成本和 使用成本高,而且毫无必要地消耗着非 再生能源,排放出温室气体。4. 与介词搭配的名词化结构n 名词化词语与介词之间的搭配关系会因 为某些插入成分而变得比较复杂,从而 导致理解上的困难,所以在翻译时应该 首先理清句中正确的搭配关系。n1) The development of a new furnace design and the successful introduction into the production line of this high- productivity furnace were the decisive factors.n新型熔炉被研发出来以及这种高产熔炉被成 功引进到生产线上,是两个决定性的因素。n*讨论其他译法的可能性。n1) The development of a new furnace design and the successful introduction into the production line of this high-productivity furnace were the decisive factors.n新型熔炉的研发以及这种高产熔炉在生 产线上的成功引进,是两个决定性的因 素。5. 同位语从句的先行词(名词)n某些表示思想或言语活动的名词(如 view, thought, belief, conviction, reflection, confidence, doubt等), 常与that或whether一起构成同位语从 句,这类名词可以译成名词,甚至重复 使用,但也可以译成相应的汉语动词。n1) With one of the broadest arrays of molecular diagnostic technologies, we continue to advance the belief that molecular diagnostics holds the promise of personalized healthcare and longer, healthier lives.n我们的分子诊断技术位居行业中门类最为齐 全之列,我们继续秉承这样的信念:分子诊 断技术有助于实现个性化医疗保健,促进人 们的健康长寿。n2) The confidence that scientific and technological methodologies are the only valid approaches to truth and knowledge is changing. n人们曾相信科学和技术方法是获得真理 和知识的唯一有效途径,然而这种观念 正在改变。二、与名词化结构搭配使用的衍 生动词的翻译n可以译出搭配动词的字面意义,也可以 省略搭配动词。这里只讨论如何翻译名 词化结构和搭配动词的深层含义和承接 、转折关系。n1) With the volume of genome data increasing hugely each year, its analysis requires the most highly- sophisticated facilities.n分析:its analysis requires深层含义为to analyze such data requires n基因组数据量逐年剧增,因此,要对这些数 据进行分析,就必须使用非常先进的设备。n2) The growing realization of the importance of phosphorus in plant nutrition has led to a good deal of attention being focused on the periods of the life history in which the element is of the greatest value to the plant. 人们日益认识到磷在植物营养中的重要性,因此 ,人们关注的焦点大量集中在一点上:磷在植 物生活周期中的哪些阶段对植物的价值最高。n*修改建议?n n1)生活周期生命周期?n2)“对植物的”可否省略?n3)大量地集中在一点上?三、名词化导致的语义模糊n名词化可以使句法结构更为紧凑、简洁,但 也可能令语义变得更为抽象、晦涩,从而导 致理解和翻译困难,因此在翻译时应避免语 义模糊,做到语义准确明晰。1) The diffusion of SF ( science fiction) futuristic images of alternative societies through the media of movies and television may have speeded up and augmented SFs social feedback effect. 深层含义:SF futuristic images of alternative societies have been diffused through the media of movies and television. This may have n通过电影和电视媒介,科幻小说描写的 各种社会的未来形象得到了广泛的传播 ,这就加快和增强了科幻小说对社会的 反馈作用。翻译练习n分析下列译文,注意名词化结构的翻译 是否合理并修改不当之处。n1. The computer is a far more careful and industrious inspector than human beings.n计算机是远比人类更为细致和勤勉的检 验员。n改译:与人类相比,计算机把检验工作 做得更加细致入微,更加勤勉不倦。n2. Joseph Needham eventually emerged as “the foremost student of China in the entire Western world,” in Winchesters estimation, capable of making sense of “the deepest secrets of the Middle Kingdom, many of which had been buried for centuries.”n? 李约瑟最终成了“整个西方世界首屈一指 的中国学生”。按温切斯特的估计,李约瑟 懂得“中央王国最深的秘密,其中有些秘密 埋藏长达数百年之久”。n改译:李约瑟最终成了“整个西方世界从 事中国研究首屈一指的人物”。用温切斯 特的话评价,李约瑟懂得“中央王国最深 邃的秘密,其中有些秘密埋藏了数百年 之久”。n试译:温切斯特这样评价李约瑟,说他 最终成了“整个西方世界从事中国研究首 屈一指的人物”,洞悉/懂得“这一中央王 国(中国)最深的秘密,包括很多埋藏 了数百年之久的秘密”。n3. The collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) towers on September 1, 2001, was as sudden as it was dramatic; the complete destruction of such massive buildings shocked nearly everyone.n2001年9月11日,世界贸易中心双塔坍塌 了,它来得既突然又极具戏剧性。如此高大 的建筑被完全摧毁,几乎让所有人都始料未 及。
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