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Unit 3 Organizational Culture In business world, organizational culture takes the form of “corporate culture”, which means the fostered and accepted way all members of a company do things. And corporate culture is initially established by the founder of a company, passed down and represented in all the companys activities (especially ceremonial activities) and staffs speech and behavior.Usually, corporate culture is divided into four stratums: 1) material contents; 2) behavioral contents; 3) systematic contents; 4) spiritual contents. material contentslayout of office, floor shop, dormitory, buildings, etc.behavioral contentsmarketing, advertising, management, staffs speech and behavior, etc.systematic contentsregulations on whatll be prized or punished, rituals, socialization, etc.spiritualcontentsvalues, minds of business 预计值added value: 增值 value-keeping; 保值value in account: 帐款 value-adding: 增值3) balance (1) n. the amount of sth. that remains after some has been used or spent 剩余(部分),结余e.g. The balance of my current account is 2,000 yuan. (2) v. to be equal to 保持的平衡e.g. The housewife goes to great length to balance the income and expenses. 结平(账目);(付清欠债)结(账),销(账) balance an account/ones books 结账;balance the budget 平衡预算(使收支相抵)balance of payments: 国际收支balance of stock: 存货余额balance sheet: 资产负债表balance of trade: 贸易差额(4)Constitute: make up for; form; be composed of 组成,构成Seven days constitute a week . Twelve people constitute a jury. 12人组成陪审团 (5) Overlap:1) partly cover sth by extending over its edge 2) Partly coincide (with sth) 部分巧合、一致Our visits to the town overlapped.His duties and mine overlap. 6) His eyes were strangely compelling .他的眼睛有一种奇特的吸引力。new and compelling evidence 新的有说服力的证据。 7) We should address a man as Sir and a woman as Madame, Lady, or Ms. (8) He is deferential to his superiors. showing an excessively deferential manner 表现出非常恭敬的举止 (9) float trial balloon Most of us know balloons from festivals and fun fairs, where they are colorful and amusing, but in the 19th century, before airplanes were invented, balloons were used in wartimes to spy on the enemy position. One or two men would go up with a telescope in a balloon tied to the ground with a rope. However, because the enemy might fire a cannon at them, this was dangerous. So before men would go up in a balloon, they would first float (or send up) a trial balloon without any men in it to test the situation. If the enemy tried to shoot that trial balloon, the men would not go up. From this origin, today we use this idiom in any situation where we want to measure public reaction or opinion before committing a lot of money and effort to some project.1) Be Be sensitive sensitive toto the culture in which your audiences work and the discourse community of which they are a part.英译:Be aware of the culture to which your audiences are exposed and the discourse community to which they belong.汉译:应对沟通对象所处的文化及所属 的话语群体十分了解。2) A discourse community is a group of people who share assumptions about what channel formats, and styles to use for communication, what topics to discuss and how to discuss them, and what constitutes evidence.英译:A discourse community is a group of people who have the same view of what channels, formats, and styles to adopt for communication, what topics to discuss and how to discuss them, and what composes evidence. 汉译:话语群体指的是这样一群人,他们有共同 的交际途径、模式和风格,有共同的交际话题 及交际方式,且有共同的依据标准。 Discourse community is a term used in linguistics to describe the users of a particular style of language. Each discourse community has its own unwritten rules about what can be said and how it can be said. Most people move within and between different discourse communities every day.3) Does it value independence and creativity or being a team player and following orders?英译:Does the organization attach great importance to its employees ability to work independently and their creativity or does it stress cooperation and obedience?汉译:该组织是看重其成员的独立性和创 造性,还是看中其合作能力和执行能力 ?4) Lawyers at another agency may see themselves writing multi-purposed, compelling documents designed not only to carry the weight of litigation but also to enhance the organizations image in the eyes of its various publics. 英译:Lawyers at another agency may consider their documents having several purposes and compelling, and they are written not only for litigation but also to strengthen the organizations public image. 汉译:另一事务所的律师却可能认为,自己是在 撰写多用途文件,文件不仅是用来进行诉讼, 而且还有助于提升企业在不同公众群体心目中 的形象。Reading twoHow much do you know about Honda? 本田汽车公司(Honda Motor)是汽车行业的 彼得潘(Peter Pan)一家拒绝长大的公司 。作为世界上最年轻的以及少数几家保持独 立的主要汽车制造商,本田一向喜欢我行我 素。本田坚决维护其创始人所倡导的独立行 事、快速行动的企业文化,大胆地在全球战 略、产品概念以及可持续使用的资源等方面 坚持走自己的道路。当习惯性思维促使汽车 制造商们纷纷朝一个方向奔去时,本田注意 到了这一点,于是便转而向另一个方向进发 。 自 1948 年作为一家摩托车制造商诞生至今, 本田的这一策略一直很奏效。本田现在是世界 第七大汽车制造商和赢利最高的汽车制造商之 一。本田在日本占有 15% 的市场份额,超过 日产(Nissan),仅次于丰田(Toyota)。在 几乎占据了本田营业利润三分之二的北美市场 ,本
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