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学校:潍坊五中 年级:初二 科目:英语 课题:Module 3 学案号:主备人:高峰 审核人:王瑾 时间:2013 年 月 日Unit 1 Remember to look out for the red light.【课 型】听说课【教学目标】1. 能听懂简单的英文广播节目。2. 能说出自己听广播的情况并能用英语招聘栏目主持人。【教学过程】1. 课前朗读:Words and expressions. 2. 每日播报:Class report一新课导入:Talk about the radio programs. 二听力训练:1. Divide the words into three groups.latest newsreader rain report reporter result score sunny winNews: _Sports:_Weather: _2. Choose the best answer while listening.( )1.) Whats the latest news?A. The president of China will go to Russia.B. The president of Russia will come to China for a visit.( )2.) What are the jobs of Zhang Li and Wang Lin?A. Zhang Li is a newsreader, and Wang Lin is a sports reporter.B. Zhang Li is a sports reporter, and Wang Lin is a newsreader.三对话处理a. 读前听Listen 1st and choose the best answer 1. Chen Huan collects the latest news and writes reports in _. A. On Radio Beijing B. the news room 2. If you want to work in Radio Beijng, you need to _.A. enjoy showing visitors around B. speak English wellListen 2nd part and answer the questions.1.Whats the score of the China-England match?Now the score is China _, England_. 2.Whats the weather going to be?Its going to be _ in the morning and _ in the afternoon.b. 听后读Complete the passage with the correct form of the following words in the box.Latest reporter newsreader win rain sunnyThe evening news programme usually has two _, a man and a woman. They read the _ news , and then special _ give more information about the news . The sports reports come next . When the national team _, the newsreaders look very happy, and if they lose , it looks like very bad news . Finally, the weather report tells its going to _ or be _ tomorrow.四语言点导学1. remember to do sth 记住去做某事Eg:天下雨.外出要记得带伞. Its rainy. _ _ _ an umbrella when you go out.2. look out for 当心,注意Eg:开车的时候记得注意交通信号灯。Remember to _ _ _the traffic lights when youre driving.3. thank (sb) for sth(doing sth) 因某事(某人做了某事)感谢某人Eg:我想感谢他对我微笑. I want to _ _ _ _ _me4. take sb. around sw 带某人参观某地Eg:带领我们参观一下你们的新学校好吗?Would you like to _ _ _your new school?5. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事/ 享受做某事的乐趣Eg:我喜欢交朋友. I _ _ _6. stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下来去做另一件事Eg:他没有钱了,因此他不得不停止收集邮票 He has no money, so he has to _ Eg: 当一个漂亮女孩子从我们教室走过时,我们都停下来看了看When a beautiful girl was walking past the classroom, all of us _.7. need to do sh 需要去做某事Eg:你需要把你的父母照顾好 You need _ _ _your parents well.8. keep doing sth 不断做某事Eg:不断跑步,你就会越来越强壮。_ _, youll be stronger and stronger.9. prepare(for)=get /be ready for 为某事/ 某人做好准备 Eg:他已经准备好晚餐 He _supper.10. hate doing sth. 不喜欢/憎恨/讨厌做某事 Eg: 那个小男孩子讨厌洗手. The little boy _ his handshate to do sth 不愿去做某事 Eg: 我不愿打扰你. I _trouble you.11. thats the end of 到为止/ 结束Eg: 这节课到此为止. _ _ _ _this class.四. 学以致用Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the radio. (Slide)1. Have you got a radio?2. How often do you listen to the radio?3. What do you like listening to ?4. What do you hate list5. Do you want to be a newsreader?五作业布置:将本节课上的活动写成一份 report,第二天课前请同学分享。
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