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Unit 3Unit 3Section A Section A1. Talk about digital campus a better learning atmosphere. Disadvantages: little interaction either among students or between students and the teacher; teachers tending to dominate the class; writing on blackboard reducing efficiency.advantages and disadvantages of multimedia classroomAdvantages: more vivid teaching materials; students better engaged in classroom learning. Disadvantages: too many distractions with too many pictures and videos in multimedia classrooms.interaction among students are reduced advantages and disadvantages of Studying online in the dormAdvantages: being free when and what you want to learn; easy access to the wide range of online information Disadvantages: lack of face-to-face communication between the teacher and student; the possibility for students to develop Internet addiction. easy to copy answers from the Internet;2. Which way of learning do you prefer? And why?I prefer the multimedia way of learning: it is vivid with teaching materials presented in different ways Compared with traditional classroom, it is more interesting. I prefer to study online: manage my own time have my own properties do things at my own paceTipsTipsText studyMain idea 2. Point out the effect: students depend too much on tech support. You can follow the outline given below.Part II. Body: causes of the problem1. The rapid development of IT or smart technology;2. The widespread application of online/distance learning;3. The convenience advanced technology provides make students lazy. Part III. Conclusion: possible measures to the problemEXERCISE,UNIT3lWords in use l1 competitive 2 transform l3 typical 4 response l5 adoptedl 6 focused 7 compensate l 8 analyze 9 regulate l10 estimateWord buildingl1 scenery 2 machinery 3 summarize 4 specializes 5 massive 6 detectl7 representative(s) 8 characterize 9 comparative 10 modernize 11 explosive 12 computerizedclozel 1 J 2 H 3 L 4 N 5 Fl 6 I 7 E 8 A 9 C 10 OExpressions in usel 1 fired off 2 keep up withl3 set up 4 account forl5 stand out 6 add tol7 take the lead 8 at a disadvantagel9 in large part 10 visit withStructured writinglIt is not uncommon to see teenagers smoking today. Some of them smoke because of peer pressure. When they see some of their friends smoking, they feel the pressure to try it out in order to “fit in” with the crowd. Some other teenagers smoke because they want to imitate adults or appear to be mature. Teenagers like to imitate their favorite stars and adults around them. So, parents who smoke may set a bad example for their children. In conclusion, the causes of teenager smoking can be attributed to peer pressure and their intention to look like adults.Translationl伦敦地铁是英国的一个快速交通运输系统,服务于大伦 敦的大部分地区。地铁系统因其地铁隧道的典型形状也 被称为地下管道。伦敦地铁始建于 19 世纪中期,是世 界 上最早的地下铁路系统。它的第一段地铁于 1863 年开 始 运营。自此,伦敦地铁不断延伸,发展成为一个包括 12 条线路、 275 个车站、铁轨总长超过 250 英里的地铁杰 作, 其中有 45在地下运行。就路线长度而言,它是世界上 第四大地铁系统,也是车站数量最多的地铁系统之一。 作为一个走遍伦敦的经济便捷的途径,伦敦地铁一向是 每天数百万通勤者以及在节假日游历伦敦的游客的首选 。 伦敦地铁已成为伦敦的一个国际标志。 2013 年伦敦举 办 了各种各样的活动,庆祝地铁运营 150 周年,纪念这一lChinas space industry was launched in 1956. Over the past decades, Chinas space industry has created one miracle after another. In 1970 China launched its first man-made earth satellite, ranking China the fifth country in the world to independently develop and launch man-made earth satellites. In 1992 China began to carry out the manned spaceflight program. lIn 2003 China launched Shenzhou-5, a manned spaceship. The successful launch made China the third country to launch manned spaceships. In 2007 Change-1, the first lunarorbiting man-made satellite, was sent to space. In 2013 Shenzhou-10, the fifth manned spaceship, was launched successfully, laying the foundation for building the Chinese Space Station.Section Bl1 O 2 O 3 O 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 O 8 OlUnderstanding the textl1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 D 7 D 8 CWords in usel1concerned 2 release 3 positive 4 ceased 5 enable 6 decline 7 scheduled 8 essential 9 neglect 10 arouselExpressions in use1 of 2 to 3 with 4 of 5 from 6 but 7 to 8 forSentence structurel1 To make a good impression on the interviewer, he planned to get a new haircut and buy a new suit.l2 To greatly improve peoples living standards, we should attach great importance to the development of the economy.l3 The customs officers examine people who want to cross the bridge to prevent anyone from carrying guns or drugs.collocationl1homework 2 lecture 3 course(s) 4 exam 5 presentations 6 research project 7 degree 8 shopping 9 washing 10 exercise 11 things 12 more good than harm
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