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意译( free translation) 迎客松: Greeting Pine,卧龙松: the Crouching Dragon Pine,“狮子峰”: the Lion Peak慈光阁: the Mercy Light Temple,百丈泉: the Thousand Feet Spring 天都峰: the Heavenly Capital Peak。 大观园里的主要建筑有:园门、曲径通幽、沁芳亭 、怡红院、潇湘馆、秋爽斋、滴翠亭、藕香榭、 芦雪庭、凸碧山庄、凹晶溪馆、栊翠庵、暖香坞 、省亲别墅牌坊和顾恩恩义殿等 The main buildings in the Grand View Garden are the Garden Gate, A Winding Path Leading to a Secluded Retreat, the Seeping Fragrance Pavilion, the Happy Red Court, the Bamboo Lodge, the Studio of Autumn Freshness, the Dripping Emerald Pavilion, the Lotus Fragrance Court, the Reed Snow Cottage, the Convex Emerald Hall the Concave Crystal Lodge, the Green Lattice Nunnery, the Warm Scented Arbor, the Archway in front of the House of Reunion and the Hall of Recalling Imperial Favor and Mindful of Duty, and so on. 。 音译加意译 transliteration free translation 音译加意译就是汉语拼音与英文翻译并用,音译专有名称,意 译种类名称 自然景观的种类名称往往包括山(mountain, hill)、岩( rock, cliff)、峰(peak)、崖( cliff)、沟( ravine)、溪(stream)、岭( ridge, hill)、潭(pool pond)、瀑布 (waterfall)、泉( spring)、 湖( lake)、洞( cave)、池( lake, pond, pool)、运河(canal)、 堰(weir)。 京杭大运河: Great Jing-Hang Canal 都江堰: the Dujiang Weir。 人文景观的种类名称一般包括寺( temple)、 塔(pagoda)、楼(tower)、宫(palace)、庙( temple)、陵( tomb, mausoleum)、祠 (shrine)、园(garden)、山庄(villa)、亭 (pavilion)、庵(convent, nunnery)、阁(hall pavilion)、斋(house, hall study, room)、故 居( former residence)、石窟(grotto)、园林 (garden, park)。 光孝寺: Guangxiao temple,能仁寺:Nengren Temple五仙观:Wuxianguan (Five- Immortal) Temple佛山祖庙:Foshan Ancestral Temple九龙十八滩: Jiulong Shiba Shoals 惠州西湖: West Lake in Huizhou 。 音译加解释 中和殿: Zhong He Dian(Hall of Complete Harmony) 乾清门: Qian Qing Men ( Gate of Heavenly Purity)白龙潭: Bai Long Tan (The White Dragon Pool)卢沟桥: Lu Gou Qiao (The Marco Polo Bridge)大观园: Da Guang Yuan (The Grand View Garden)龙庆峡: Longqing Xia (Longqing Gorge known as Ancient City Reservoir十三陵: Shi San Ling (The Ming Tombs)永寿宫: Yong Shou Gong (Palace of Eternal Life)宁寿宫:Ning Shou Gong (Palace of Peaceful Old Age)乐寿堂Le Shou Tang (Hall of Delight and Longevity)。 毛主席纪念堂 Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall保和殿 Bao He Dian( Hall of Preserving Harmony)紫禁城 the Forbidden City御花园 Imperial Garden颐和园 Summer Palace天坛 Temple of Heaven祈年殿 Qi Nian Dian(the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)烽火台the Beacon Tower黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Falls避暑山庄 the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort龙门石窟 Longmen Stone Cave苏州园林 Suzhou Gardens庐山 Lushan Mountain峨嵋山 Emei Mountain大运河 Grand Canal滇池 Dianchi Lake杜甫草堂 Du Fu Cottage鼓浪屿 Gulangyu Islet甘露寺 Sweet Dew Temple黄花岗七十二烈士墓 Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs华清池 Huaqing Hot Spring昭君墓 Zhaojuns Tomb毛泽东故居 Mao Zedongs former Residence漓江 Lijiang River寒山寺 Hanshan Temple黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane Tower天下第一关 the First Pass Under Heaven桂林山水 Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters秦始皇兵马俑 Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines举世闻名的九寨沟自然保护区位于我国四川省境 内,是一片纵深达35公里的自然风景区。区内有 终年积雪的山峰、苍翠繁茂的森林、宁静悠远的 湖泊。人们常常将九寨沟比作世外桃源。Located in Sichuan Province, the World-famous Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve covers an area of natural beauty 35 kilometers long. In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes. Jiuzhaigou is often compared to a heaven of peace, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and worries.Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, which brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views. Jiuzhaigou boasts many clear lakes, some of which are hidden in the valleys and some inlay the virgin forests. With a variety of shapes and sizes, these lakes look like (gleaming) mirrors projecting colorful light rings in the sunshine. 九寨沟是水的天地,水构成了九寨沟最富魅力的 景色。九寨沟风景区内有许多清澈的湖泊,它们 或隐匿于峡谷,或镶嵌于原始森林。这些湖泊大 小不一、形状各异,如同一面面镜子,闪耀着斑 澜的光芒。峨眉山坐落在中国西南部的四川省,从成都出发156千米 ,走高速大约1个半小时。从晋朝开始,就在那里发现了 佛教的遗址,而且它是著名的四大佛山之一,有超过一千 年的文化历史。峨眉山有许多山、古树、自然瀑布和泉水 ,是一处美妙而又有趣的景点。峨眉山已在1996年被联合 国教科文组织列为世界自然与文化遗产。 Emei mountain is situated in Sichuan province in southwestern China,156 kilometers from Chengdu, spending 15 hours through expressway Since Jin dynasty, it is a place where Buddhism rites are performed,and its one of four most famous Buddhism mountains,with more than one thousand years of cultureWith many mountains in rapid sequence ,age old trees,natural falls and spring,Emei mountain has wonderful and amusing sceneryEmei mountain has been embodied as World Heritage of nature and culture by UNESCO in 1996 专家认为,“胡同”这个词来源于蒙古语,意思是“井”。古时候人 们生活和聚集在井的周围,所以“胡同”一词的本意应是“人们生活 聚集的地方”。另外一个解释是,在元朝时(公元13世纪),居 民区被分割成几个区域,区域间设过道以便于居民来往。这些过 道的另一个作用就是隔离防火。在蒙古语中,这种过道称作胡同 。不管它确切意思如何,有一点是可以肯定的,胡同在北京第一 次出现是在元朝。According to experts,the word Hutong originated from Mongolian language meaning “Well“. In ancient times,people tended to gather and live around wells. So the original meaning of Hutong should be “a place where people gather and live.“ Another explanation says that during the Yuan Dynasty,about 13th century,residential areas in the city were divided into many divisions. Between th
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