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Section Writing 写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练如何描写人物 描写人物,就是要对人物的生平、主要事迹和重大贡献等进行介 绍,使读者对此人物有更清晰的认识和更深刻的了解。 在描述人物时,我们可以分三个部分来写: 第一部分:总体介绍人物,然后介绍其出生时间、地点、家庭背景和相貌等。 第二部分:列举人物的主要经历、事迹或成就,并选取典型事例 说明其品质和个性,突出人物特征。 第三部分:对人物进行评价或表达你的个人感受。写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练注意:1.介绍人物的出生时间、地点、家庭背景等,常用一般过去时。 2.描述人物的主要经历、事迹、成就或重大贡献等,通常应按照 时间顺序来写,时态常用一般过去时。 3.对人物给予一定的评价时,常用一般现在时。写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练1.was born in/into a poor/rich family. 出生在一个贫穷/富裕的家庭。 2.When young,he/she spent his/her childhood in . 小时候,他/她在度过其童年。 3.He/She was good at/had a gift for . 他/她擅长/有天赋。 4.graduated from .,and got a degree in . 毕业于,并获得学位。 5.majored in .at college.在大学专攻 6.devoted oneself/ones efforts/ones life to . 致力于写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练7.It was his/her determination and perseverance that made him/her succeed. 是他/她的决心和毅力让他/她获得了成功。 8.has made great contributions to . 对做出了极大贡献。 9.is regarded/considered/treated/remembered as . 被看作/认为/当作/怀念 10.set a(n) good/excellent example for . 为树立了好榜样。 11.is well/highly thought of. 受到高度评价/赞扬。写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练Title(标题) 人名 Born in +出生地点+出生时间,人名+ .At the age of ,he/she . 介绍人物的主要事迹。 对人物的评价。写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练下表是爱因斯坦的简介,请按照要求写一篇英语短文。 写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练参考范文: The Great ScientistAlbert Einstein Born in a worker family in Germany in March,1879,Albert Einstein died in April,1955.At the age of 17,he studied at a university of Switzerland,majoring in physics,and received a doctors degree in 1905. Devoted to his scientific researches for years,he got a lot of achievements,including putting forward The Theory of Relativity as well as winning the Nobel Prize for physics.For political reasons,he and his family had to leave Europe for America,where he was hired as a professor in Princeton University. Having made great contributions to the development of the world science,Albert Einstein is considered to be one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century.
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