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近日,教育部语言文字应用管理司表示,中 央电视 台台标完全使用英文是不规范的。按 照统计 ,在全国的卫星电视频 道中,约40% 的台标需要修改。某网站就中央电视 台台标 由英文缩写CCTV改成汉字标识 一问题对 网 民做了一次调查 ,结果如下:请根据以上内容,写一篇120词左右的短文。(开头已写好, 不计入总词数) 参考词汇:标识 logo;网民 netizen;全球化 globalizeA website has made a survey recently on whether CCTV should change its logo. The results are as follows. _ _ _ _ _ A website has made a survey recently on whether CCTV should change its logo. The results are as follows.佳作诵读.高频单词 点击 (用所给单词 的适当形式填空) 1We bought the house as an _(invest) 答案:investment 2The _(absent)of electricity made matters worse. 答案:absence 3He thinhs_(ignore) their playing computer games all day is wrong. 答案:ignoring 4The doctor strongly _(recommend) that the patient should relax because of his illness. 答案:recommended 5When I was young, I firmly believed the _(exist)of ghosts. 答案:existence 6Whenever I need _(assist),he will always appear in time. 答案:assistance7Im going to get some of these pictures _(enlarge) 答案:enlarged 8Potatoes turn green when _(expose) to light. 答案:exposed 9The car has always been properly _(maintain) 答案:maintained 10I _(propose) my friend for the job. 答案:proposed.重点短语回顾 1 对做出贡献 2 以防 3 使某人想起 4 反过来 5 因而受到尊敬/ 获得荣誉 6 获准,经过程序 7 除之外 8 多达,直到contribute toin caseremind sb.of sth./sb.in returnbe honoured forgo throughapart fromup to.常用佳句必备 1It has not only given us important information about prehistoric Asian societies, but also has provided amazing evidence about the process of evolution. 信息提取 not only.but also.是一个并列 连词词组 。它连接两个相对称的并列成分。 例句仿写 不仅学生们被邀请,而且那位教 师也被邀请了。 the students the teacher was invited.Not onlybut also2Some areas are almost completely covered in weeds, causing serious damage. 信息提取 causing serious damage 是现在 分词短语作结果状语。 例句仿写 他把杯子丢掉了,结果摔得粉碎 。 He dropped the glass, .breaking it into pieces3They are a precious part of our cultural heritageit is of vital importance that we do something. 信息提取 is of vital importance 是 “beof 形容词抽象名词”结构。 例句仿写 我们应该 保护濒 危动物,这是 至关重要的。 It that we do something to protect endangered animals.is of vital importance4破解疑难句典 句It is thought that Tikal had a population of up to 60,000, which was several times higher than an average city in Europe or America at the same period in history.分 析which.in history 是非限制性定语从句, which 指代前面整个主句的内容;It is thought that.据认为。试 译人们认为 蒂卡尔有多达6万的人口,这比历 史同期欧洲或者美洲的平均城市人口多好几 倍。.交际用语必背 1Weve missed the train, , theres another one in ten minutes. 我们没赶上火车,但是别担心,十分钟后还有一趟。 2,please let me know. 无论你去哪里,请告诉我。 3 ,or youll miss the flight.你最好清早动身,否则,你会赶不上飞机。 4I couldnt when hell arrive. 我说不准他什么时候到。but not to worryNo matter where you goYoud better set off early in the morningsay for certain1 preserve vt.保持;保存 n禁猎地; 保护区I think these traditional customs should be preserved. 我认为应该 保存这些传统习 俗。 preserve.from. 保护免受 nature preserve 自然保护区 preserver n. 保护者,维护 者 No hunting is allowed in the preserve. 保护区内禁止打猎 。In the , you cant hunt any animal. 在自然保护区里,你不能猎杀 任何动物。 Oil can metal rust. 油可保护金属,使其免于生锈。nature preservepreservefrom1The restaurant is busy on Sundays,so Ill phone up today and _a table. Areserve Bdeserve Cpreserve Dobserve 解析:考查动词词义 辨析。reserve “保留, 预订 ”;deserve“应得,值得”;preserve“保护 ,保持,维持”;observe“观察,注意到”。根 据句意可知,应选 A。 答案:A2 contribute v促成,捐助,捐献;出一份力;投稿(1)contribute to 促进,有助于;投稿 (2)contribution n. 捐献物;捐款;保险金 (3)make contributions to /make a contribution to 对作出贡献An electrical problem may have contributed to the crash. 也许是电力故障导致了这次事故。 His work has our understanding of this difficult task.他的工作有助于我们对这 个困难问题 的了解 。 Would you like to make a contribution to the Red Cross? 你愿为红十字会捐款吗? Many people money the poor boy ,which his returning to school.The teacher of the boy learned about this and it a newspaper.contributed tocontributedtocontributed tocontributedto许多人给那个可怜的男孩捐款,使他可以重 返校园。孩子的老师写了一篇关于此事的故事 并把它投到报社。2To be honest,my carelessness_a lot to my failure. Acontributed Bdonated Cprovided Doffered 解析:句意:说实话 ,我的失败主要是因为 我的粗心大意。contribute to导致;donate捐 献;provide提供;offer(主动)提供。 答案:A3 recommend v. 建议,劝告;推荐,介绍 recommend sth. 推荐某物 recommend sb. sth./recommend sth.to sb. 向某人推荐某物 recommend doing sth. 建议/劝告做某事 recommend that sb.(should)do sth. 建议/劝告某人做某事(从句中一定要用 should动词原形,其中should 可以省略, 否定句用(should)not do)Can you recommend me a good dentist? 你能给我推荐一个好牙医吗? I recommended your meeting him first. 我建议你先见见 他。 I you to obey traffic regulations. 我劝你遵守交通规则 。 The teacher recommended that wean Englis
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