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Lesson TwoFour Choices for Young PeopleWords and expressionsaffluent adj. eg. He was born in an affluent family. affluence n. 富裕antecedent n. 先行词,祖先,前情eg. This is an antecedent of the war. 这是战争的前因。batten on eg. The rich batten on the poor. 富人靠剥削穷人发财。bucolic adj. eg. It is a bucolic refuge in the midst of a great bustling city. 它是处 在繁华的大城市之中的世外桃源。Charismatic adj. 有领导魅力的 Eg. Charismatic leaders 有魅力的领导 cleanse vt. eg. May God cleanse my wickedness. 愿上帝洗 净我的邪恶。The nurse cleansed the wound before stitching it. 护士在缝合伤口前先清洁一下伤口。 clean VS cleanse clean: 意思是“使洁净”、“把.去垢” cleanse: 意思是“清洗干净”,“使.纯洁”;正式的( formal)或古旧的用语,有时它还能用于比喻意 义,例如to cleanse ones soul洗涤心灵;to cleanse the heart of sin 洗心革面;ethnic cleansing 种族清洗/灭绝。 clod n. a clod of soil/ earth clutter vt. eg. Dont clutter up my desk. Ive just tidied it.不要在我的书桌上乱放东 西,我刚收拾好。Dont clutter the page with too many diagrams. 别用太多的图表来堆 砌版面。disillusionment n. eg. Now she is in a state of complete disillusionment.现在她彻底醒悟 了。You must be prepared for disillusionment. 你一定要做好失望的准备 。 disillusion v. 给泼冷水;使幻想破灭distasteful adj. Eg. Shot me a distasteful glance. 厌恶地瞪了我一眼be distasteful to sth./ sb. 对反感,厌恶Dwindling adj. 减少的 Dwindle vi. 减少 exasperating adj. eg. Hes probably the most exasperating man Ive ever met. 他大概是我见过的最让人恼火的人 。 exasperate vt.使 . 恼怒, 激怒, 使恶化 formidable adj. 强大的,可怕的,难对付的eg. They climbed up the last part of the mountain in formidable weather conditions. 他们在恶劣的 天气条件下登上了山的顶峰。Sb. is formidable 某人很难对付 Guise n. under the guise of / in the guise ofidealistic realistic 现实主义的insoluble adj. Eg. Its an insoluble mystery. 那是无法解释的奥秘。insoluble problemInsuperable adj. insuperable barricadeIrrationality n. 不理性,不理智 Irrational adj. 不理智的 Rational adj. 理智的,理性的Migration n. Migrate v. to Migrant n. 移居者,候鸟 adj. 移居的 Emigrant (从国内移居国外的)移民者 Immigrant (从国外到国内居住的)移民者Misgiving n. have much/ no misgiving about sth. / in doing sth. pastoral adj. (同义)bucolic eg. Pastoral poem 田园诗 polar adj. Pole n. 极 pragmatically adv. Pragmatic adj. presumably adv. eg. The report is presumably correct.该项报导可能是正确 的。Presumably the bad weather has delayed the flight. 大概 恶劣的天气使飞机误点了。 Presumable adj. 可能的,可推测的 Presume v. 假定,推断 skepticism n. skeptic n. 怀疑论者 symbolize vt. 象征,代表eg. Easter eggs symbolize the renewal of life.复活蛋象征 新生。 symbol n. symbolic adj. 象征性的,象征意义的 undignified adj. dignified adj. 有尊严的,高贵的,气派的 dignify v. 使高贵, 使增辉 dignity n. 尊严,高贵,端庄 Uninhabitable adj. Inhabit v. 居住于,栖息 Inhabited adj. 有人居住的 Habitable adj. 适合居住的,可以居住的 Unsullied adj. Sully v. 玷污,弄脏 Vehemently adv. 激烈地,热烈地 Vehement adj. 感情强烈的,猛烈的Language and grammar pointsJim Binns, president of the senior class at Stanford University, 这 里“president of the senior class ”作Jim Binns的同位语,president 前可以做表语时不用定冠词view v. 把视为tendency n. 趋向,趋势(指固有或习得的倾向性,强调没有外来的 影响或干扰 )apparently adv. 显而易见地,表面上speak for 为辩护,支持,替说话contemporary n. 同龄人I have listened to scores of young people, , who were just as world. “who were just as world”是people为先行词由who引导的定 语从句 just as 同样地 be nervous about 对紧张不安 grown-up adj. 成人的 n. 成年人roughly adv. 粗略地,粗鲁地sum up 总结,概括in a mess 一团糟 much of + n 大量的 pretty adv. 修饰much of,表程度responsible adj. 可靠的,负责任的have got to = have to teach sb. Sth. 教授某人某事do without 没有也行,无需strike sb. as + adj. 使某人感到from ones point of view 从某人的观点来看relevant adj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的 (主题上相关) relative adj. 相对的,比较的,相关的(性质上相关) take sth. For granted 想当然,认为理应如此 have got = have (美式口语经常用到) Choosing a strategy to cope with it, then, is the first decision young adults have to make, choosing a strategy 动名词作主语 young adults have to make 省略(that/ which)做引导词 的定语从句,先行词decision在定从中作宾语 make decisions 做决定 of ones lifetime 的一生 so far as 就而言 alternative n. 选择,替换物,取舍 drop out 退学,中途辍学 dropout n. 退学者,辍学者 It always has been the strategy of choice for people who find the world too brutal or too complex to be endured. “who find the world be endured” 由people 做 先行词,who 引导的定从 find sb./ sth. + adj. 感觉某人、某事 endure vt. 容忍,忍受 vi. 忍耐,持久,持续 iIn one way or another 用这样或那样的方式 The society which they scorn and in which they refuse to take any responsibility 两个定语从句:1. 由which引导,society在定从中作宾语 ;2. 由in which=where 引导,在定从中作地点状语 scorn vt. 轻蔑,奚落 take responsibility for sth. 对负有责任,负起对 的责任 in spirit 在精神上 poor in spirit 精神上的弱势,懦弱 available adj. 可得到的,有效的 可用于所修饰的词的后面,作后置定语 Is this desk available? 这张桌子有人占了吗? flee vi. 逃避,逃走 eg. He fled from the police.vt. 逃离 eg. Because of the war, they are forced to flee their homeland. run away from 从逃出,回避 in hopes of 怀着的希望 be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事,很想做某事 support oneself 自谋生计 support oneself by 靠维持生活contribute to 为做贡献The trouble with this solution is that it no longer is practical on large scale. that 引导的表语从句,在BE动词后的由that或wh-疑问词引导 的都是表语从句。 no longer 不再 on large scale 大规模地run out of 用完,耗尽noble 尊贵的,高贵的,贵族的savage n. 野蛮人landscape n. 风景,景观except for + n. 多用于在说
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