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我手写我心新目标英语八年级(下)书面表达专题课件By Mr. Zhu星沙英语 www.rr365.com Hello, dear friends! Are you afraid of writing English compositions? In fact, they are very simple. We neednt fear them. We all know, “英 语作文不可怕,不过就是几句话!” Right? Now, here are some of our compositions. Lets take a look together. And think how to correct the mistakes. OK, lets begin! 八年级下Units 78定时作业 书面表达(10分) 每个人在日常生活中都会遇到一些令人气愤的事 情。请你根据下面提示,以第一人称英语写一篇 短文。要求包含下面提供的信息。不少于60词。 提示:你的邻居喜欢听音乐,甚至晚上音乐声也 很大,影响了你的生活和学习。为此,你很生气 。最后,你找到了你的邻居,你的邻居表示歉意 。 参考词汇:neighbor, make noise, cant stand any more, would you mind? say sorry.原文一:(08.2 2007-6-15 8 分)Dear neighborhood, I know youre very happy, but I cant stand you and your family any more. Would you mind turning down the music? Please dont make noisy everyday. Your music sound is very big. Its infulus my life and learn. So Im angry with you. Im say sorry to you. Yours, sincelly, Mandy.修改稿: Dear neighborhood (neighbor), I know youre very happy, but I cant stand you and your family any more. Would you mind turning down the music? Please dont make noisy everyday (make any noise / so much noise every day). Your music sound (删去) is very big (very / too loud). Its infulus (It infuences) my life and learn (study). So Im angry with you. Im say sorry to you. (I think you should say sorry to me.) Yours, (删去逗号)sincelly, Mandy. (删去句号)原文二:(08.2 2007-6-15 7 分) My neighbors are like listening music. And they listening music everyday. That made a lot of noise. Its bad for my life and study. One night, my neighbors were listening music. The music was very loudly. I cant sleep. So I was very angry. I cant stand it any more. So I found my neighbor: “Would you mind turning down the music?” “No, not at all.” And they say sorry to me. 修改稿: My neighbors are (删去) like listening to music. And they listening music everyday (listen to music every day). That made (It makes) a lot of noise. Its bad for my life and study. One night, my neighbors were listening music. The music was very loudly (loud). I cant sleep. So I was very angry. I cant (couldnt) stand it any more. So I found my neighbor: (went to my neighbors house and said,) “Would you mind turning down the music?” “No, not at all.” And they say (said) sorry to me. 原文三:(08.2 2007-6-15 6 分) My neighbor like to listen to music. Sometimes, them make noise very lound. Influence my life and study. I cant stand it. I find my neighbor, told them “Would you mind turning down the music?” Usually, Im mad at them. However neighbor say sorry. I dont ague with them. 修改稿: My neighbor (neighbors) like to listen to music. Sometimes, them make noise very lound (they make too much loud noise). Influence (It influences) my life and study. I cant stand it (any more). (So, one day, ) I find my neighbor (went and found my neighbors.) (I) told them “Would you mind turning down the music?” Usually, Im mad at them. However (, my ) neighbor say sorry. (So) I dont ague (argue) with them. 原文四:(08.2 2007-6-15 7 分) I cant stand my neighborhood. Because my neighborhood like listenning the music. I think this music is noisy. So I say: “Dear Mr Green, Would you mind turning dwon the music.” Mr Green say: “Oh sorry. This music is very much. So I forget.” I say: “Dear Mr Green, thank you very much.”修改稿: I cant stand my neighborhood (neighbor). Because my neighborhood (neighbor) like listenning the (likes listening to) music. I think this (the) music is (too) noisy. So I say: “Dear Mr Green, Would you mind turning dwon (down) the music.” Mr Green say (says): “Oh sorry. This music (This piece of music) is very much (great / very beautiful). So I forget (forgot).” I say: “Dear Mr Green, thank you very much.” 原文五:(08.1 2007-6-15 7 分) I have a neighbor. He very like to listen music. He often listen music all day. Ever at night. The music is make so much noisy that I cant stadly well. One day, I cant stand so londly noisy any more. So I went to his house and asked, “Would you mind turing down the music. Because I cant stadly well. And I dont have a good rest.” Finally, the neighbor said sorry to me and agree ture down the music. Im very happy. Because I have a good rest and I can stady quaitly now.修改稿: I have a neighbor. He very like to listen music (He likes to listen to music very much). He often listen (listens to) music all day. Ever (And he plays music even louder) at night. The music is (删去) make (makes) so much noisy (noise) that I cant stadly (study) well. One day, I cant (couldnt) stand so londly noisy (the loud noise) any more. So I went to his house and asked, “Would you mind turing (turning) down the music. Because (删去) I cant stadly (study) well. And I dont (cant) have a good rest (every night).” Finally, the neighbor said sorry to me and agree ture down (agreed to turn down) the music. Im very happy. Because (, because
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