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英汉汉翻译译的方法By Kelly yang 直译译 literal translation vs.意译译free translation 归归化 domestication Vs.异化 foreignizationI like the movie. It s a Smoke Free Area.直译:它是个自由吸烟区。意译:它是个无烟区。2 .Shakespeare put his hometown on the map.直译:莎士比亚把他的家乡放在了地图上。意译:莎土比亚使他的家乡声名远扬。3 .John would not come out of his shell and talk to others at the party.直译:晚会上,约翰不愿从壳里钻出来与其他 人说话。琢译:晚会上,约翰不愿丢掉矜持与别人交 谈。 4. He is a rough-and-ready character直译:他是个粗兽并有准备的人. 意译:他是个粗鲁但尚能顶用的人。直译 语言层面 把原文的意思完整而又正确的表达出来 ,基本上保留原文的语言形式(词语、 句子结构、修辞手法等)。 直译的优缺点 优:能传达原文意义,体现原文风格。 缺:译文冗长啰嗦,晦涩难懂。有时不 能表达原文的意思 The Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. 直译: 黑人依然生活在物质富裕的汪洋大 海中贫乏的孤岛上。 意译: 黑人仍生活在贫困的孤岛上,尽管 放眼四周,是一片繁华的景象。意译 在正确理解原文意思的基础上,摆脱原 文句子结构,重新遣词造句,把原文的 意思用通顺的译语表达出来。这种翻译 方法就是“意译”。注意把握分寸,不得 随意增删内容或篡改原意。 是在不损害原文内容和精神的前提下, 为了表达的需要,对原文作相应的调整 。强调译文的效果,不求形式对应,只 求语言在深层次中的对应。 The Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. 直译:黑人依然在美国社会的角落中饱受 痛苦,并发现自己使自己国土上的流亡者 。 意译:黑人仍然在美国社会的角落里过着 痛苦的生活;美国虽是他们的家园,而他 们却感到流落异乡。直译,意译,各有千秋,译者依据功能 、审美、读者层三要素,宜直译就直译 ,宜意译就意译,能神游于规矩之内, 亦能神游于规矩之外,能循规蹈矩,亦 能叛道离经,方称得上翻译的行家里手 。 Kill two birds with one stone 异化:一石二鸟 归化:一箭双雕,一举两得 All roads lead to Rome 异化:条条大路通罗马 归化:殊途同归异化vs.归化A lion in the way Lick ones boots Diamond cuts diamond A flash in a pan Have one foot in the grave To grow like mushrooms拦路虎 拍马屁 棋逢对手 昙花一现 风烛残年 雨后春笋 Focus:文化层面 归化:民族中心主义;译者向译语读者靠 拢 优点:容易理解缺点:失去原语文化特征,给译文读者造 成文化错觉I supposed I should be condemned in Hareton Earnshaws heart, if not by his mouth, to the lowest pit in the infernal regions. 我想,哈雷顿.厄恩肖即便嘴里不说,心 里也要诅咒我下到十八层地狱。 better: 地狱的最底层 异化:民族偏离主义者;译者向作者靠拢Bottleneck Shed crocodile tears Armed to teeth They dare say no to the superpower被动语态的翻译The man was beaten by the police.那个人被/让/叫警察打了。那个人挨了警察一顿打。1. 英汉两种语言中都存在被动语态, 但汉语中表被动的词较多。如:受 ,遭,叫,让2. 英语中被动语态使用空间广阔,而汉语 中相对狭窄。主要原因在于:A.汉语句子中可以没有主语,即:无主 句。B.汉语中表被动的词可以省略。 Wrongs must be righted when they are distorted.发现了错误一定要改正。 X-ray examination of the chest and heart should be routinely performed. 胸部和心脏x射线检查应(被)列为常规。被动句处理方法1. 仍译为被动句,但注意被动词的灵活性。被、受、得、由、让、予以、加以I hope that the resolution of the General Assembly will at last be respected by member states and by Israel in particular.我希望大会的各项决议将得到各会员国,尤 其是以色列的尊重。Those who perform deeds of merit will be rewarded.立功的人将受到奖励。 Our roof was damaged in last nights storm.在昨夜的暴风雨中,我家的屋顶遭到了破坏 。Two-thirds of the area are covered with immense forests of pine, spruce and birch.面积的三分之二由广阔的松林、云杉林和白 桦林所覆盖。The cyclist was knocked down by a truck.那个骑车人让一辆卡车撞到了。The design will be examined by a special committee.这项设计将由一个专门委员会予以审查。Problems should be resolved in good time.有问题要及时加以解决。2. 译为主动句,但需要注意主语的选择。 The Novel A Dream of Red Mansions has been translated in to many foreign languages.小说红楼梦已译成许多外国文字。During the World Cup the streets were filled with football fans.世界杯比赛期间,街上挤满了球迷。Large quantities of fuel are used by modern industry.现代工业耗用大量燃料。Your car was towed away by a towing truck from Lewis Company.路易斯公司的一辆拖车把你的汽车拖走了。The compass was invented in China four thousand years ago.中国在四千年前发明了指南针。Energy is defined as the ability to do work.能的定义为做功的能力。She hadnt been told Bettes other name, or shed forgotten it.人家没告诉她贝蒂姓什么,要不然也许是她 忘了。If you are asked personal questions you need not answer them.如果有人向你提出私人的问题,你尽可不答 。3. 译为判断句 The credit system in America was first adopted by Harvard University in 1872. 美国的学分制是1782年在哈佛大学首先实施 的。The science fiction has been translated into Chinese by a friend of mine.那部科幻小说是我的一个朋友译成中文的。4. 译成无主句 All the data available should be collected and studied with care before one works at a theory.在制定理论前,()应该认真地搜集和研究 所有的数据资料。Helsinki became a flourishing port, and an university was founded at Turku.赫尔辛基变成了一个繁荣的港口,()在图 尔库还简称一所大学。exercises A new student is kept on probation for one semester.With the outbreak of the war, flights were stepped up.Most of the questions have been settled satisfactorily, only a few questions of secondary importance remain to be discussed.This liquid became mixed with the salt at room temperature.It should have been obvious that the plan would have to be scrapped.6. After a while an agreement was arrived at. 7. A contingency plan was hastily drawn up. 8. A large sum of money has been put aside for that purpose. 9. A plan was needed to strike the enemy right where he lived. 10. I am afraid I shall be laughed at. 11. The workers were seen repairing the machine. 12. Hitler was also washed away by the storms of history. 13. My first thirty years were spent in Western America. 14. Eventually, of course, the plan was abandoned. 15. But the match could not be stopped with bullets now. 16. The ship was destined for London. 17. Rainbows are formed when sunlight passes through small drops of water in the sky. 18. She was blamed for everything her sisters did. 19. Every country was visited by the worst drought in 60 years. 20. Natural light or “white” ligh
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