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初中英语高效课堂 我来构建!安丘市青云双语学校刘淑明 Anqiu Qingyn Bilingual School 一、高效课堂的原则和评价标准 二、英语课堂“全时”自学教学模式 Full time self-taught teaching method解读之讲课纲要(一)Learning be previous of teaching?“先学” 就是学生在学习活动中要主动探究。以自主学习、生 生合作等方式,为“课堂教学”建构一个前置性平台。“后教”中的“后”字,它更多的是强调教师要转变角色,走下 讲台,以服务者、促进者的身份积极参与到学生的学习中来 。一、构建高效课堂必须坚持“先学后教、以学定教”“以学定教”要求教师的“教”要根据学生在自学中尚未解决的问 题,作适时、适当的引导、点拨,以实现课堂教学时间有效 运用、高效运用。(二)Teach what should be taught!高效课堂的两条基本评价标准“ “有效教学课堂过关年活动有效教学课堂过关年活动” ”评价标准:评价标准:一是首先看学生的学习状态,是否是积极的、主动的、全 面的、深入的,学生是否真正成为课堂的主人,学生缺位的 课堂肯定是无效的课堂 。Any volunteers? I am wondering which one to answer my question.二是教师讲授时间,一堂课中教师单向独白 式讲授的总时间一般不得超过25分钟,连 续单向独白式讲授时间不得超过5分钟, 不符合这一条的就不是有效课堂 。高效课堂的具体表现: 1.学生发言的声音是否洪亮? 2.发言的频次是多少?要求一节课发言的 次数不少于100人次。(1、2都是学习状 态) 3.教师讲授的时间是否超过了10分钟?英语全时自学教学模式导学案 课堂是学生自己的课堂,老师才是真正的 外来人,不要喧宾夺主哦! 要实现课堂学生的主体地位,教师要写好 导学案,引导他们自学,合作学习。 所以教师的导学案就显得非常重要了。 下面就说说导学案的撰写吧!二、英语全时自学教学模式导学案I Everyday English 2m II Talk Show 6m III Test for preview efforts 4m IV Group Work 20m V listening Practice 3m VI Oral Practice 3m VII Test for this class 5m VIII Homework 2mNO.1 Everyday English 学好英语,学生们必须要有浓厚的兴趣所以。 用Everyday English 就是让他们喜欢英语的好 办法噢! (兴趣+信心) 句子要励志,激情。 大声朗读2分钟!每节课讲 台前都有一个领读的同学。 There are many good proverbs in English such as the following ones: 1、Rome is not built in one day! 2、Ten thousand years is too long, seize the day, seize the hour! 3、No pains, No gains! Now, Lets read together! Do it Quickly, clearly and loudly!Standing here to read “Everyday English” is my favourite moment !No.2 Talk Show 每天一次“Talk Show”每节课3名同学 锻炼英语口语表达、综合素质、兴趣培养 题目要简单有发挥余地如:1. Which do you prefer, Town, countryside, seaside? 2. Describe your hometown. 3. What is chinas greatest invention? 4. Do you wish you had been born in another country? 5. How do you help your parents? 6. Please describe one of your favorite games.7. Please tell me how you spend your pocket money. 8. Please tell me how to bargain in a market. 9. what do you want to be in the future, why? 10. How do you arrange your weekends? 12. What would you do if a beggar asked you for money? 14. What do you think of cheating in an exam? 15. Please describe the Chinese national flag.I really like “talk show”. Thanks to it ,my English has improved a lot!I participated in the CCTV star of outlook English talent competition and got quite good results!No.3 Test for review efforts 1. Have a dictation of new words 2.Choose three or five key sentences for the students to translate. 课前预习回顾 (一) Have a dictation of new words and expressions 1、/hevn/ 2、/mes/ 3、怪物 4、私人的、秘密的 5、心脏 6、赢得 的 心 7、各个地方到处 8、手提包 9、喜欢的东西 10、领导 11、统治 12、桃子 课前预习回顾(二) Translate the following sentences into Chinese1、He flies into a peach garden and eats as many peaches as he likes._ 2、But it is above all the jokes played by the monkey that people remember. _ 3、His books have been translated into more than 50 languages_Test for preview efforts to ensure they do have learned well before the class!Learning the lesson before having the class! 未上其课,先学其科! Dictation is quite exciting, We really like it!No.4 Group Work教师把教学任务、教学目标、重点难点等 罗列出来让同学们通过自学、小组讨论的 方式完成学习任务。 1、罗列内容为几条任务单:平均分给每个小组 2、小组展示:小组派成员到讲台讲解下发的任务 3、同时如果本组有不能解决的问题,要在黑板上提出来 。 4、不能解决的问题让其他小组试一试。 5、最后,老师点拨一下就可以了!Group work for the assigned learning tasks by the teacher!Group Work 1、all over the world all over=_ _ 2、hero 两人两菜一火山_ 3、win the heart of 4、popular be popular _(介词) 5、lead-led-led leader a well-off life 过着 小康生活 6、expression= _ 7、return to / return home home是 不能加”to 8、favourite 名词 最喜爱的人或者物9、with: a reporter red hair the boy white 10、区分:travel trip journey excursion to the west make a trip to Danshan Street traveller 11、Tintin popular for 75 years, ever since Belgian cartoonist Herge the characters in 1929 since 的用法 完成时 前边since 后边 过去时 (时态) 12、translate.into.他的书已经被翻译成50多种语言 13、keep 的用法 Many Chinese still keep collections of these black- and white Tintin books. Keep 保持、持有 eg. How long can I _ the book? A borrow B keep -For two weeks. Borrow 短暂性动词 keep延续性动词 The movie _ for ten minutes. A has begun B has been on 14、fan clubs 15、several= some 后面加可数复数名词Do make the Discussion and cooperation really effective!16、private 私立的、私人的、(不告诉别人的)公立的 public personal 个人的、本人的(不是他人的) (1)our p
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