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Chris Gardner: Ill let you hang on to my car for the weekend. But I need it back for Monday.Stockbroker: feed the meterInstead of asking:“can I borrow your car?”,he used a humorous way to hide his embarrassment. At the same time the kind stockbroker replied also in a humorous way. E-Chris.What would you say if a guy walked in for an interview without a shirt on and I hire him. What would you say? C-He mustve had on some really nice pants. J&E-hahahaha.Chris made good use of his sense of humor and answered the harsh question artfully, which made employees laugh. In our opinion, this humorous answer plays an important role in getting the opportunity of the internship. Moreover, his sense of humor contributes to his further success as well.Christopher:Dad, it is not a time machine. Chris:Yes, it is. All we gotta do is push this black button right here. wanna push it? Chris: You gotta close your eyes. close your eyes.it takes a few seconds. Oh, my goodness. open, open, open ! Christopher:What is it? Chris: Dinosaurs. Christopher:Where? Chris: You dont see all these dinosaurs? look around. Look at all these dinosaurs. Chris: Can you see him ? Christopher:Yeah! Chris: Wait, come come.Wait, watch out. Christopher:What is it? Chris: Dont step in the fire. We are caveman. Christopher:Watch, out! Chris: Oh, my goodA T. Rex. Get your stuff. Get it.Chris holds an optimistic point of view and a sense of humor, which led him out of the tough time and change into a better one. Besides, his optimistic and humorous attitude affects the loved ones around him as well.
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