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8.25强哥点题预测Ideas为王寻找真我 It often matters not only what examiners think, but also what examiners think you think and what you think they think you think. Be yourself! But sometimes thats nothing. Be yourself in native speakers way.反差的乐趣 Make contrast everywhere! 泰坦尼克号 返老还童 剑桥少儿英语口试题目预测题目精选-1 Nowadays, young people are admiring media and sports stars even though they dont set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?破译解毒 利弊题目真欢乐 正反分析论据多 (此种解题法多为幻觉,请慎用)好处 帮年轻人树立正确价值观-如贝克汉姆夫妇 偶像会带来奋斗的动力-听懂他们在#* 交到志同道合的朋友-如*粉丝团弊端 酗酒吸毒的明星很多 乱性乱情的明星不少 浪费时间,影响学习榜样的力量 帮年轻人树立正确价值观-如贝克汉姆夫妇 Some media and sports stars do manage to set a good example for correct way of thinking and behaviors. They get married and have children and, although they have to work hard, they still spend time with family. Victoria and David Beckham are just one example of a happy celebrity couple.最励志的故事最励志的故事 偶像会带来奋斗的动力-听懂他们在#* Those celebrities are a source of incentives for an ordinary person to work hard. Rola, a new face in Japanese AV sector, is one of my bosom friends idol. The only reason why he takes lessons about the Japanese language is that he desperately desires to comprehend what those characters in Rolas videos are talking about when spending his happy hours of the day. 意外收获 交到志同道合的朋友-如*粉丝团 Those who share the same idols are more likely to admire each other, which provides additional opportunities for individuals of different ages, backgrounds and colors to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. 做名人难 酗酒吸毒乱性乱情 Some stars end up drinking too much or taking too many drugs. The actress Elizabeth Taylor, for example, has been in clinics many times for these problems. The divorce rate is also very high among celebrities. Often their marriages last only a short period of time and they re-marry very quickly but the same thing happens again.浪费青春 浪费时间,影响学习 Getting stuck with those gossips or news about celebrities is time-consuming, and this may distract young people from more important things in life such as schooling and family. 预测题目精选-2 Some believe that an easier hobby is more beneficial than a difficult hobby. Do you agree or disagree?破译解毒 分门别类对号入座,具体情况具体分析! 体力劳动?脑力劳动?体力劳动 Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may find these types of activities easier hobbies. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that doing a five-kilometer run after work is really a difficult hobby.脑力劳动 The opposite is true in the cases of people who do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym.喜欢就不难 Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is whether we like it or not. Our inner preference for a hobby, which is probably taken by others as a tedious task, helps to eliminate the difficulties it may bring about. 预测题目精选-3 Many experts hold the opinion that the increasing demand for oil and gas means people should look for new sources of energy for the future. Others feel that the damage to the land would be a major disadvantage of such search. What is your opinion? 破译解毒 DG题目很神秘,跳出圈外最给力! 正方反方都很2! 虽然油气开采破坏地质结构诱发地震 发现探索可再生能源需要一个长期过程, 但短期内提高油气价格,鼓励公共交通似 乎更靠谱。反方很2 虽然油气开采破坏地质结构诱发地震 Efforts to exploit traditional forms of energy such as oil and gas pose a potential threat to geologic structure and are reported to be a forcing house of earthquake. But search for alternative energy such as solar and nuclear power offers a better way out. 正方也很2 提高油气价格,鼓励公共交通似乎更靠谱 。 Looking for a stable alternative energy source for oil and gas seems impossible in the short term, while to encourage the use of public transportation by increasing the price of fossil fuels sounds like a better choice in the present. 预测题目精选-4 Individuals and countries can not help everyone who need help in the world, so we should be only concerned about our own communities and countries. Do you agree or disagree?破译解毒 凡事无绝对,世事皆变化 关心本土居民和自己国家的正当性 但,如今已经是国际社会,地球村 个人及国家能力的确有局限 但,不意味着应该袖手旁观,而是尽力而 为反方1 应该关心本国民众和自己国家,但 In general, it is plausible to suppose that Individuals and countries should take the interests of local communities and mother countries into account first, because government is made of local people, by local people and for local people. 正方1 Nowadays, the whole human kind is confronted with the danger of natural resources loss and nuclear weapons, but only by international cooperation and mutual understanding between different societies can such problems be resolved efficiently. The concept of “local community or nation state” is losing its importance at a rapid speed, but “global village” and “international community” are
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