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Unit ThreeDoctors Dilemma: Treat or Let DieTeaching Plan2. 2. Classroom DiscussionClassroom Discussion3. 3. Background InformationBackground Information4. 4. Questions about the TextQuestions about the Text5. 5. AssignmentAssignment1. 1. Translation PracticeTranslation PracticeClassroom DiscussionWhat is your attitude towards the practice of euthanasia or mercy killing?Classroom Discussionv Euthanasia .ju:neizi : The act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.Background Informationsleeping pill 安眠药 contraceptive .kntrseptiv drugs 避孕药 tonic 补药 a medicine for colds 感冒药 Expectorant ikspektrnt 化 痰药 laxative lkstiv 轻泻药 antipyretic 退热药 for oral administration 内服药 for external use 外用药Background Informationsedative sedtiv 镇静药 medicinal medisinl herbs 药草 tablet 药片 liquid medicine;medicinal liquid 药水 lotion lun 洗液 pill 药丸 bolus 大药丸 heal with drugs 药物医治 drug allergy ldi 药物过敏 drug poisoning 药物中毒 (medicinal)powder 药粉 ointment;salve s:v, slv 药膏Questions about the textv How do you understand the words “modern medicine has become a double-edged sword” mentioned in the first paragraph?v Modern medicine can save more and more peoples lives, but it is not a panacea and some patients still suffer badly from their diseases, living in great pains. v Modern medicine: blessing & suffering/dyingQuestions about the textv Why does the author say ”Even the fundamental distinction between life and death has been blurred.”?v Sometimes, patients can live with the help of artificial machines without the function of the brain. So brain death can not be the only criterion to judge a persons life. v Even with heart and lung failure, there are machines to help breathe and pump blood.Questions about the textv Which kind of patients has to face such a problem: survival or quality of life?v Sick newbornv Dying patientTranslation Practicev1. 我们应该把纸的两面都使用,将塑料袋再次使用 而不是轻易扔掉。 v 2. 在处理紧急事情时要记住最重要的事情是保持 镇定。 v 3. 我们希望在安装了新的自动化装配流水线之后 ,能降低成本。 v 4. 通货膨胀结束后,价格稳定了下来。 v 5. Just because someone doesnt love you the way you want them to, doesnt mean they dont love you with all they have. v 6. Ive learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.AssignmentPreview Unit 4Review Unit 3Exercises
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