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Unit IExercises and Discussion Preparation Unit One-Reading IThe Wink How to keep a happy marriageAs is often manifested, some marriages are good while some are sour. How to maintain a happy marriage? The following are some important ingredients in a happy marriage: 1.Trust 2.Confidence 3.Understanding 4. Adjustments 5. Sexual gratification 6.Good role model 7. Respect 8. CommitmentLoyalty and Obligation Western Culture and Chinese Culture Western Culture Christian and Jewish Familyby Religion Love is the only reason Rational Family A family which is made up with two or three former factors Chinese Family ChildrenAlways center of a family. Although divorce rate is increasing, the most is nice because of children.1The WinkExercisesPage 5 Check your comprehension 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 6.F 7F Check your vocabulary A My mom is well-known for being a good cook. She decided to cook a simple, but delicious meal for over 150 guests, though it was not necessarily her duty to do so. Dad sat there as my Mom kept listing one after another her complaints about him.2The WinkExercisesPage 5 Dad sat there as my Mom blamed him by listing one after another her criticizing item. Dad was not good at cooking at all and the only thing that he could do was to prepare a cup of coffee. And thats probably why he hadnt eaten dinner yet. 3The WinkExercisesPage 6 My parents acts explicitly expressed the love they had for each other, with no reliance on words. Action speaks louder than words. What my parents do clearly express or show they love each other without the words. He was not sure what he was heading for and he nearly gave up the idea of getting married. 4Check your vocabulary B P6 glowing 2. harangued 3. ranting and raving 4. renowned 5. placid 6. grievance 7. beleaguered 8. browbeaten 9. In all honesty 10. took upon Reading II When Feather FlyReasons for conflicts in marriage u Attack on identity 人身攻击 uLack of satisfaction uMisunderstanding and communication gap. uLack of understanding and support uNon-performance of duties and non- fulfillment of responsibilities Reading II When Feather FlyuDifferent perceptions on priorities and unable to handle the issue jointly uLack of uncritical humor uArguments uAdhering to instigating attitudes. Reading II When Feather FlyInevitably all marriageseven the very best of marriageshave conflict. That is a normal part of two people working out a life together. But there are good ways to work out differencesand there are bad ways. The following are some suggestions on how to handle conflict in marriage: Reading II When Feather Fly Do you think the suggestions are general rules we can not change? Are they contradictive? We should know who we are, our own family and the background in which we have been brought up. We should know if we can change and we have such an experience of change. When Feather Fly-Exercises -Page 10Check your comprehension A: The author wanted her husband to pull the dead ostrich out of the pen immediately while her husband wanted to wait until he came back from work that day. The husband and wife hadnt communicated enough and there were many things that they needed to talk aboutWhen Feather Fly-Exercises -Page 10 They were the ostriches the couple raised. Because the other ostriches would be affected when they saw the dead body of a fellow ostrich. He stepped out to try to move the ostrich. He came back home a while later because it was too heavy for him to move himself and he needed his wifes helpWhen Feather Fly-Exercises -Page 10 She has learned a lot from this incident: whenever a problem pops up in a marriage, solve it: A couple needs to work out a problem together: Counseling helps ones marriage Forgiveness and forgetfulness are necessary in marriage. When Feather Fly-Exercises -Page 10Check you comprehension B The other ostriches will be affected when they see the dead body of a fellow ostrich I said what could hurt my husband the most. Our farm was not getting enough money to support the whole family.When Feather Fly-Exercises -Page 10 As a result, any incident, like the dad ostrich, was enough to start rows (quarrelling) between the wife and the husband. A spiritually mature person or couple may be willing to go for some religious or psychological counseling so that they can get rid of the problem in their marrieage.When Feather Fly-Exercises-Page 1011 They can always get refreshment from reading the Word of God (religious texts, such as the bible ( 基督教圣经),the Quran(伊斯兰教的可 兰经),Bhagavad Gita, Buddhas teachings, etc. Bhagavad(-) Gita bvdi:t n. 【印度教】 薄伽梵歌,福者之歌(意译“世尊歌”。印度教经 典摩诃婆罗多第6篇的一部分)亦称作 Gita Check your vocabulary LoopThe king had pearls looped round his neck./Loop the wire over the
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