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Lecture 8Parts of Speech II ArticlesParts of Speech Part 25. AdverblFunctions : to modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a phrase, or a clauseTypes of Adverbl Manner (gently, softly), l Time (later, finally, at once, soon), l Degree (rather, very, extremely) l Frequency (answers questions such as “how,“ “when,“ “where,“ “how much“)E.g. Nicol David trains hard and plays extremely well. Finally, her sacrifice pays off with internationally acclaimed success. Now, we are all so proud of her.Examples (in sentences)l Adverbs of Frequency -That student rarely comes to school. l Adverbs of Time -You may begin answering your questions now. l Adverbs of Place -We shall stop here and take a five minutes break l Adverbs of Degree -I am rather fond of mint-chocolate ice-cream. l Adverbs of Manner -The students answered their exam questions quietly.6. PrepositionFunctions : to link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence . A preposition usually indicates the temporal (e.g. We go to school on Mondays), spatial (e.g. The book is in the cupboard) or logical (e.g. They played on despite the rain) relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence. E.g. Submit your project before Friday. Put it on my desk. Do it without any excuses!Example of sentencesnThe book is on the table. nThe book is beneath the table. nThe book is leaning against the table. nThe book is beside the table. nShe held the book over the table. nShe read the book during class. 7. ConjunctionFunctions : to link words, phrases, and clauses. There are 3 types of conjunctions 1 Coordinating conjunctions - joins individual words, phrases & independent clauses Example : for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so2. Subordinating conjunctionsl indicates the nature of the relationship among the independent clause and the dependent clause lExample: after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since3.Correlative conjunctionsl links equivalent sentence elements l Example:both.and, either.or, neither.nor, not only.but also, so.as, whether.or lE.g. Either we pass or fail this exam. Although time is not on our side, we must give it a try. If not, well let our parents and teachers down8. Interjectionl Functions : to convey emotion. l It is not grammatically related to any other part of the sentence. l An interjection is usually followed with an exclamation mark (!). l Interjections are uncommon in formal academic prose, except in direct quotations. Example:Ouch, that hurt! My goodness, what are you doing? You think thats funny, huh?ARTICLESThere are two types of articles: definite indefiniteA and An are indefinite articles. They are used with singular countable nouns. The is a definite article. It is used with both singular and plural countable and also uncountable nouns.Indefinite articles : a and anA is placed before a singular countable noun that begins with a consonant sound.The consonants are b c d f g h j k zExamples: a cabineta soldiera horsea stadiumA is also used if there is an adjective which begins with a consonant sound before a singular countable noun.Examples: a filing cabinet a brave soldier a rocking horse a hockey stadiumAn is placed before a singular countable noun that begins with a vowel sound.The vowels are a e i o uExamples: an ant an egg an igloo an ostrich an umbrellaAn is also used if there is an adjective which begins with a vowel sound before the singular countable noun.Examples:an industrial area an active participant an old building an excellent speaker the adjective or noun after the article begins with a silent h.Examples: an hour- sounds like our an heir- sounds like air an honest guide- sounds like onest an honourable man- sounds like onourable lNot all words that begin with a e i o u are spoken with the vowel sound.Examples: a European- sounds like yu-ropean a unicorn- sounds like yu-nicorn a university- sounds like yu-niversity a one-sided match- sounds like wan-l Try this exercise. l _ ordinary day l _ unique experience l _ useful reference book l _ exciting movie l _ successful architect l _ beautiful arrangement l _ interesting conclusion l _ unexpected visitor l _ adventurous outing l _ united effort Definite article : theThe definite article the is used before singular countable nouns plural countable nouns uncountable nounsTypes of NounExamplesSingular countable nounsPlural countable nounsUncountable nounsthe polar bearthe incidentthe commander the polar bears the incidentsthe commandersthe snow the powerthe liquidThe Definite article the is usedl To refer to a particular person or thing- The policeman who caught the robber was given a special award. l To refer to the person or thing that has been mentioned earlier- The KL tower has a revolving restaurant. Susan has been to the restaurant many times.l Before nouns of which there is only one - The sun rises in the east. -
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