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汤河镇中心小学王晓英1. Warm-up/RevisionSay something about your friend 2. PresentationGuessing gameGuess! Red or green ? Green?or或, 或者 , 还是点击画面看注释Whats her name? Her name is Chen Jie.点击画面看答案Whats his name? His name is John.点击画面看答案Lets talk点击画面看Lets talk动画Listen then answer the questionsListen then answer the questions Whos Chen Whos Chen JiesJies friend? friend? Whos Johns friend? Whos Johns friend? Amy. Amy. Zhang Zhang PengPeng. .点击画面看答案3. Practice Lets talk点击画面看Lets talk动画Pair work: act Lets act4. Production听 音 猜 人His/Her name is 传 话 游 戏Lets sing5. progressListen choose and write eachertudent点击画面看答案Read and match点击画面看答案SummaryFriend Party: Say something about your friend to your parents: I have a friend. His /Her name is He/She has He/She is He/She likes
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