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摘摘 要要地处江汉平原的潜江市,素有“鱼米之乡”的美誉,境内池塘湖泊星罗棋布,全市拥有水域面积 40 万亩,适宜养殖水域面积 20 余万亩。潜江地表组成物质,以近代河流冲积物和湖泊淤积物为主。独特的土壤气候条件为小龙虾的生长、繁殖提供了极为优越的生态环境,造就了潜江小龙虾体壮尾肥、壳亮爪粗的特点。经过 10年的探索与发展,小龙虾产业已形成苗种繁殖、出口加工、餐饮服务、冷链物流、精深加工等等完整产业链条。2009 年,潜江市小龙虾野生寄养面积达 18 万亩,产量达到 3.8 万吨,小龙虾产业创总产值 18.2 亿元。潜江市生产的小龙虾系列产品出口美国、欧盟、日本等 30多个国家和地区,出口创汇 8200 万美元,分别占全省的 65%和全国的 35%。潜江市小龙虾的养殖规模、加工能力、出口创汇连续 7 年位居全国第一。2010 年 5 月,潜江市被评为“小龙虾之乡“。世界小龙虾看中国,中国小龙虾看湖北,湖北小龙虾看潜江。本文通过对潜江小龙虾国际市场化的研究,为其今后的发展提供一定的指导意义,当今复杂的国际经济环境充满了机遇和挑战,潜江小龙虾产业应充分认识到自身发展的劣势与优势,扬长避短,这样才能在国外市场上长期立于不败之地,保证在国际市场上的绝对话语权,提高产品的竞争力显得尤其重要。因此,如何提高产业技术,如何提高产品的形象,如何提高企业的核心竞争力等问题,这就是本文将要讨论的。关键词:关键词: 潜江小龙虾 国内市场 国际市场化 产业升级ABSTRACTLocated in the Jianghan Plain, Qianjiang City, known as the “land of plenty“ in the world, the territory of the pond lakes, The city has a water area of 40 acres, suitable for breeding water area of more than 20 acres. Qianjiang surface material, Mainly to the modern river alluvium and lake sludge. Unique soil and climate conditions for the growth of crayfish, Traditional Colonization of the the extremely excellent ecological environment, creating Qianjiang crayfish fertilizer Tizhuang-tail, claw shell light crude. After 10 years of exploration and development, small lobster industry has formed the seed breeding, export processing, food service, Cold chain logistics, intensive processing complete industrial chain. In 2009, Qianjiang City, wild crayfish foster area of 18 mu, production reached 38,000 tons, crayfish The industrial output value of 18.2 billion yuan. Qianjiang City production of crayfish products exported to the U.S., the EU, Japan and other More than 30 countries and regions, the export volume of $ 82 million, respectively, representing 65% of the province and 35% of the country. Qianjiang City crayfish scale of farming, processing capacity, export for seven consecutive years ranked first in the country. May 2010, Qianjiang City, was named “the hometown of the crayfish. Crayfish in the world to see China, crayfish look Hubei, Hubei dragons Shrimp see Qianjiang. By Qianjiang crayfish international market-oriented research, provide some guidance for its future development, todays complex international economic environment is full of opportunities and challenges, Qianjiang crayfish enterprises should be fully aware of the disadvantages of their own development and strengths, weaknesses, order an invincible position in foreign markets, long-term, to ensure the absolute right to speak in the international market, is particularly important to improve the competitiveness of their products. Therefore, how to improve industrial technology, how to improve the image of the product, how to improve the companys core competitiveness, the focus of this thesis will be discussed. . Keywords: Qianjiang crayfish The domestic market The international market Upgrading industries目目 录录1 1 引言引言.11.1 中心论题:潜江小龙虾国际市场化研究.11.2 论文研究背景及写作意义.11.2.1 研究背景.11.2.2 写作意义.11.3 国内外小龙虾研究现状.21.3.1 国外的研究现状.21.3.2 国内的研究现状.21.4 论文的研究方法及预期达到的目的.31.4.1 研究方法.31.4.2 预期达到的目的.32 2 潜江小龙虾的发展潜江小龙虾的发展.42.1 建立与企业相配套原料供应基地.42.1.1 虾稻连作模式的发源地.42.1.2 技术的扶持.42.1.3 小龙虾中介服务组织配套齐全.52.2 建立全国最大的小龙虾出口创汇基地.52.2.1 小龙虾餐饮风靡全省.52.2.2 以节会友,龙虾产业发展如火如荼.
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