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写作的目的是考查考生整合信息和信息 表达,并用适当短语、句型等语言手段产生 出连贯语篇的能力。现介绍十二种常用的语 言表达手段,这些语言手段在近年的广东高 考题中和各地模拟写作题中出现的频率非常 高, 掌握这些语言手段对提高写作能力一定 帮助很大。同位语主要用于介绍人物、事物、地点、 产品、书名等。典型例题 信息点: 书名:Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother 作者:Amy Chua, 美籍华人, 耶鲁大学教授 中文版:2011年初开始在中国销售(2011年 广东高考)信息表达:A book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, written by Amy Chua, an American-Chinese, has been sold in China since the beginning of 2011. (Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother 作a book 的同位语, an American-Chinese 作Amy Chua的同位语)1. 用同位语完成句子。 (1)去年, 我被邀请参加一个为“待援助的孩 子”(Tuesday Child)举办的一个狂欢节 (carnival), “待援助的孩子”是一个帮助艾滋 患儿的组织。 Last year, I was invited to participate in a carnival for Tuesdays Child, _ _.课堂练习an organization that helps children with AIDS(2) 离2012年还有一个月时间, 但孤星指南(the Lonely Planet)等不及宣布来年十大旅游城市排行 榜,孤星指南是世界最畅销旅游指南杂志之一 。 There is still more than one month to go before 2012. But the Lonely Planet, _ _ , cant wait to announce its top 10 cities to travel to in the coming year. one of the worlds best-selling travel guides2. 信息点:姓名:Steve Jobs别名:苹果教父(godfather)出生地:美国 加州 三藩市(San Francisco)出生日期:1955年2月24日逝世日期:2011年10月5日 信息表达:2. Steve Jobs, the godfather of Apple, was born in San Francisco, California, the USA on February 24th, 1955 and passed away on October 5th, 2011. 典型例题1信息点: 效应:(这本书)引发中美教育方式孰优孰劣的讨 论(2011广东) 信息表达:The book has received a heated discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese and American educational ways.要用到的词语有很多, 简单的有about, on, as to等, 复杂的有concerning, regarding, with respect to等。典型例题2 信息组合:演讲主题:人与自然 参赛选手:10名学生(2010全国卷I) 信息表达:Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Man and the Nature”.1. 翻译: 上周末我校在2600名学生中进行了 有关“幸福感”的相关问题调查。 1. Last weekend, a survey about “The feeling of happiness” was carried out (conducted) among 2600 students in our school. 课堂练习 2. 翻译: 最近, 你班就“高三学生是否需要 吃补品(tonics)来保持健康”展开了讨论。 2. Recently we have had a discussion in a class meeting about whether Senior 3 students should take a lot of tonics to keep fit. 假如你是你校学生会主席李华, 现准备写 一个关于演讲的通知。 演讲题目:如何好好生活 演讲时间:下周六 演讲者:王教授 信息表达: Next Saturday Professor Wang will come to our school to give us a lecture on how to live well.3. 信息点:可用短语如according to sb.(根据某人的看 法),in my opinion /in my view(在我看来 ,我认为),from ones point of view(在某 人看来),as far as Im concerned(对我而 言), as for(至于,就而言)等, 句型 有sb believes/ thinks/ claims,sb told us that.,sb pointed out that.(某人指出)等 。专家解读(王教授):学生近视 (1)发生率:略高于50 (2)人数:世界第一(2009广东) 信息表达:According to Professor Wang, slightly more than half of the school children in our country are short -sighted, ranking the first in the world. 典型例题 信息点:1. 翻译:我的看法是我们应保护自然资源,减 少环境污染。 1. In my opinion, we should try to protect natural resources and decrease environment pollution. 2. 翻译:依我看, 合作需要有效的交流, 没有它人 们会盲目地做事情。 2. From my point of view, cooperation calls for effective communication, without which people will do things blindly. 课堂练习 3. 要点组合: 你的观点:微博(microblog)提供大量信息, 应根据个人情况谨慎使用 信息表达:As far as I am concerned, microblog provides us with large quantities of information, so we should be cautious while using it according to our personal situation.1. 百分比的表达。如: (1)70% of. (2)seventy percent of. (3)70 percent of the.(注意:考生最易漏用of)2. 其它一些比例的表达手段。如: (1)一半:half of the. =fifty percent of the. (2)四分之一(25%):a quarter of =25 percent of the.(3)四分之三(75%):three quarters of =75 percent of the. 3. 分数表达法:分子是基数词, 分母是序 数词。如: 1/4:one fourth 2/3:two thirds 7/8:seven eighths 五个当中有三个:three out of five,three in five典型例题 信息点: 相关数据: (1)(目前中国)吸烟人数: 约3,5亿 (2) 分布:男性75, 女性:25(2010广东) 信息表达:Currently China has about 350 million smokers, among whom 75 percent are men and 25 percent are women.1. The survey shows that _ _(50%的学生)gain happiness from the love of their parents or relatives and from the warmth of families. 课堂练习 50% of the students2. In the study, _ _(800个的青少 年中, 大约有40%)who have been exposed to secondhand smoke had detectable hearing problems.the 800 teensaround 40% of小学、初中、高中学校每天提供体育锻炼的 分布情况: 小学:50%初中:30%高中:20%不提供锻 炼的学校:十分之一 信息表达: _ primary schools, _ junior middle schools and 20% of senior high schools provide physical education each school day while _schools did not require physical education at all. one-tenth of50% of30% of3. 信息点:表“排位”要用到的词语有:rank +(the+) 序数词, be +the+序数词, be+ in the +序数 词+place或 get the +序数词+place等; 也可 以用“is the +形容词最高级+范围”来表达。典型例题 信息点: 基本信息:(1)发生率:略高于50 (2)人数:世界第一(2009广东高考) 信息表达:According to Professor Wang, a little more than 50% of the school children in our country are short-sighted, ranking the first in the world.课堂练习 1. 翻译:江苏卫视的非诚勿扰 (You are the One)这个相亲节目的收视 率排第一。 The ratings of Jiangsu TVs You are the One _among all the programs. ranks (the) first 2. 翻译:东京大学(Todai)在所有的日 本大学排行榜中名列第一, 因为她的毕 业生在大公司担任重要位置的数量很多。 Todai _among Japanese universities for the
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