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北京大兴采育阳光波尔多项目规划设计 Beijing Daxing Caiyu Sun Boerduo Residential Area Design 欧洲小镇图片欧洲小镇结构第一阶段研究框架欧洲小镇印象国际案例ATKINS作品基尔希施泰格费尔 德英国多赛特郡的彭 布里镇法国波尔多上海松江新城 详细规划设计方案一方案二方案三规划目标* 理念 第一部分 欧洲小镇印象欧洲小镇印象-伯克姆斯特德 Europe Village Impress(Berkhamsted)欧洲小镇印象-爱丁堡 Europe Village Impress(Edinburgh)欧洲小镇印象-曼彻斯特 Europe Village Impress(Manchester)欧洲的小村镇是什么样子的 What is an Europe Town or Village? 有机的、自由的规划结构 Organic, informal structure 尺度亲切的住宅 Largely domestic & small in scale 混合功能商业街 Mixed uses especially in the High Street 中低密度住宅 Medium & low residential densities 多种建筑形式及材料 Diverse styles of building and materials 乡村风格的环境景观 Landscape setting and landscape in the village有机的、自由的规划结构Organic, informal structure社区规划采用自然 、流畅的道路系统 ,主要车行路环绕 整个社区,将社区 内不同部分联系起 来社区中心常常位于 小区中间位置,并 结合步行街形成网 络系统尺度亲切的住宅Largely domestic & small in scale混合功能商业街 Mixed uses especially in the High Street中低密度住宅Medium & low residential densities中高密度住宅集中在社区 中心,低密度住宅则布置 在周边有绿化或水体景观 的地带多种建筑形式及材料 Diverse styles of building and materials 屋顶形式: 双坡、四坡 、硬山、悬 山、老虎窗 等材料:红色 的挂瓦、石 材墙面、清 水砖墙、条 型木墙板等乡村风格的环境景观 Landscape setting and landscape in the village 环境景观 以公共空 间、绿化 和水体系 统为构架第二部分 国际案例研究城镇概况Kirchsteigfeld位于德国首都柏林的波茨坦外延。 Town extension to Kirchsteigfeld, in Potsdam, Berlin, the Capital of Germany 驱车20分钟即可到达柏林市中心 20 minutes by car from the center of Berlin 关键要素 Key Facts90年代的发展 1990s development 用地60公顷 60 hectares 10,000居民 10,000 inhabitants5,000个工作区域 5,000 work places 德国基尔希施泰格费尔德 Kirchsteigfeld A Real City in the Greens规划总则 Principles基于城市可持续性发展的综合概念性规划 Based on a comprehensive concept of urban sustainability 充分利用公共交通系统 Promote the use of public transport 减少私家车及汽车使用率 Reduce car use and car ownership 创新 To Create 提升区域活力 Vitality of Place 树立城市形象 Sense of Identity 开发适合生活、工作、休闲和教育的区域 Area for living and working, leisure and educatingKirchsteigfeld A Real City in the GreensTown Profile 建立新型居住社区,远离高密度的公寓群。 Significant as a new approach to building residential communities in former East Germany a move away from high rise apartment blocks 新型高密度混合型居住区及工作区 New type of high density mixed-use residential and working district.结构Components新型房地产的概念性规划管理 New Estate Management concept 租赁服务 -a new form of building management-tenant services 市政合作伙伴的相互服务 -partnership with the city government in services provision (PPP) 主要干道连接商业与服务区域 Access to main motorway connection to Berlin to serve the business and services park.Kirchsteigfeld A Real City in the Greens交通系统 Movement延伸有轨电车与新城波茨坦相接Extension of the tram line connecting this new quarter with the city of Potsdam. 便利的有轨电车每510分钟一次,车程25分钟 25 minute journey with trams running every 5-10 minutes 通往柏林A115高速公路 Motorway access to A115 to Berlin 停车场临近建筑物,40%靠近公路边 One parking space per dwelling 60% of spaces to be located on building sites / 40% on public roads 60% 每条干道旁设置人行道 Each street is equipped with attractive sidewalks 修建环行主干道 Each main street has designated cycle lanes. 成果:75%的交通方式为步行、骑车和公共交通系统Result: 75% of all trips are walking, cycling or public transport. Kirchsteigfeld A Real City in the Greens周边发展3-4层公寓集中发展新型有轨电车并延伸 到旧城居住区有轨电车的发展及修建5 层住宅新型商业服务区在高速路和居 住区间形成一个缓冲区Perimeter Development of 3-4 store apartment houses Mixed use part of the development is concentrated at a new tram station on the tram line extension to the older parts of town Development along the tram line has residential buildings up to 5 stories New business and service quarter acts as a buffer between the motorway and the residential areaKirchsteigfeld A Real City in the Greens别墅 VillaKirchsteigfeld A Real City in the Greens建筑色彩 Housing & Color 城镇视觉的多样化及视觉环境的连续性 To give visual variety and visual continuity to the urban environment概念色彩 Color concept建筑物拐角处已蓝色作为亮点 Blue hues as accents for corner housesKirchsteigfeld A Real City in the Greens街景 Streetscape Kirchsteigfeld A Real City in the Greens商业服务 Commercial & Services 空间布局 From the airKirchsteigfeld A Real City in the Greens城镇概况 Town ProfilePoundbury 是一个规划以轻工业和零售为主的混合功能的多尔切斯特旧镇。 Poundbury is a planned addition to the ancient town of Dorchester that mixes housing with retail and light industry.规划总则 Principles创造投资环境,增强自然景观 Create a sustainable environment and enhance the natural landscape创新 To Create符合现代发展,尊重传统,寻求21世纪发展的需求 A modern development that respects the traditions of the past whilst looking forward to the requirements of the 21st century and beyond.英国多赛特郡的彭布里镇 Poundbury Dorset关键要素 Key Facts用地71.5公顷71.5 hectares 该项目为期25年,旨在提高本镇增长需求,其一期项目将在2002年完成Poundbury is a 25 year project that will develop as the growth needs of Dorchester requires. Pilot phase 1 was completed in 2002. 2018年将提供超过5,000人口的2,250个住宅单位Expected 2,250 dwellings by 2018 with over 5,000 people城镇规模将扩大三分之一 Will increase the size of Dorchester by one-third混合功能包括房地产、工厂、零售商业和其他设施Mixed use to include housing, workshops, retail units, & other facilities
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