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Module 5Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient ChinaTest yourself.词语判断词语判断(共共 10 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 10 分分)1.Having the same quantity, measure, or value as another_ 2.The search for knowledge, especially the nature and meaning of life_ 3.Experts specialized in chemistry_ 4.To be able to find or spare enough time or money for sth._ 5.Being just and fair_ 6.Basic truth, general law of cause and effect_ 7.Things that are taught_ 8.To set up_ 9.The act of giving or supply_ 10.Truthfulness;sincerity_.易混词语易混词语(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 15 分分)1.include/contain (1)The Chinese diet _ a lot of fruits and green vegetables. (2)The band played many songs,_some of my favourites. (3)We all went to the museum,Lily _. (4)The basket _a variety of fruits. (5)The price _the tax. 2.found/set up/build (1)We have_two large teaching buildings. (2)When was the new city _? (3)The village has _ two middle schools. (4)The Chinese people are _socialism with Chinese characteristics. (5)The Peoples Republic of China was _in 1949. 3.no more than/not more than (1)Some kinds of bamboo grow _higher than your ankles. (2)Tom is_taller than I, and neither of us wont be accepted as basketball players. (3)Learning Spanish is _easier than learning Greek. I might well learn Japanese. (4)Jenny is _better at maths than I.I got 95 marks and she only 60 in last exam. (5)This book is _less interesting than that one, so I want to take both of them.单句改错单句改错(共共 10 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 10 分分)1.Any one who takes drugs is a danger to the society. 2.The teacher explained me the meaning of the word again. 3.Dont frighten me. I wont believe God. 4.We had good time boating in the West Lake last weekend. 5.There stands an old lady, her son is said to be a great philosopher. 6.Mozi is considered being one of the greatest thinkers in ancient China. 7.The two shirts are different from size and colour. 8.Im sorry, but I cant afford buying such an expensive flat. 9.Do you know who created the computer? 10.The Chinese is a brave and kind people.词汇句型词汇句型(共共 10 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 10 分分)1.All men are created _and we must enjoy _right and chances in everything. A.fair;sameB.similarly;fairC.equal;equalD.fairly;equal 2.The patient isnt out of danger.He is _ than he was yesterday. A.no better B.worst C.not worseD.not more 3.Mr Brown is_respected by his colleagues. A.veryB.muchC.ratherD.extremely 4.The pressure of this gas pipe is greater than_. A.the gas pipeB.of the gas pipe C.that of the gas pipeD.those of the gas pipe 5.She remained at home to look_the children when her husband went out. A.afterB.forC.onD.at6.Why are you going to _ from that company.Dont forget its a high-paid job?Because I dont like the way they _me.A.leave;thinkB.retire;regardC.resign;treat D.design;behave 7.Lindas parents died when she was a baby and was _by her aunt. A.brought outB.raised upC.grown upD.brought up 8.The plan was that the two parties should first reach an agreement on the basic _,the details to be worked but later. A.standardsB.practiceC.habitsD.principle 9.Susan was completely weighed down by the_of examinations. A.strengthB.powerC.valueD.stress10.Well eat as soon as the meat is done.It has_to cook for another five minutes.A.stillB.yetC.alreadyD.may.单句翻译单句翻译(共共 5 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 分分,满分满分 10 分分1.中国古代大部分伟大的思想家信奉仁慈的重要性。 2.墨子的原则与孔子的不同。 3.我不想去参加这次讲座是因为我对于哲学不感兴趣。 4.在工业革命期间,工人们通常生活在贫困、拥挤的环境中。 5.我的儿子并不比你的大多少,才 10 岁。.语法专练语法专练(共共 10 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 10 分分)定语从句 1.The humans are destroying nature day by day,_of course,will cause severe punishment from it sooner or later. A.whoB.whenC.on whichD.which 2.I shall never forget the day _Shen Zhou V was launched,_has a great effect on my life. A.when;whichB.that;whichC.which;thatD.when;that 3.Government reports,legal papers and most business letters are the main situations_English is used. A.whenB.thatC.howD.where 4.There is no such place_you dream of in all this world. A.thatB.whatC.whichD.as 5.I dont know the reason _ hes come so late. A./B.for whichC.whyD.all the above 6.I slept on the bed _ I put my shoes. A.whereB.on whichC.under whichD.in which 7.This dictionary,the few pages _are missing,is of no use. A.among whichB.of whichC.in whichD.to which 8.The students gave a quick answer to the question _they did it,_was raised by the foreign visitors. A.which;whichB.why;whichC.why;thatD.that;that 9._ is known to all,Taiwan is a part of China. A.AsB.WhichC.ThatD.What 10.Ill never forget the years_I lived in the country with the farmers,_ has a great effect on my life. A.that;whichB.when;whichC.which;tha
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