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你的 全文没找到除了 啥? 觉得讲得有点模糊,组合看上去欠犀利(第六感) ,还有 j 什么恶果需要进一步挑明。 者真含糊。 这个例子,看的外行人(我)口吐白沫,是想说公司狂借钱开拓业务然后还不出来? 这段里没提到“直接跳到破产的结果了,显得很无辜。但其实是他们自信过头借钱想大捞一笔,后来又还不出来才 以为。讲错了当我白打这段。 这段到底算不算跑题呀?你再好好盯着你的 of is to as as 598 00:45:00 20107:08:51 s to as as on so is of be As of t to be to In if a is a to A is by as in a to of as as is if t, 改成“A my J my 喜不喜欢啊,你写的这句我看着不爽。 is EO in 970s he to in a of a he in 这段里 is a be to by to If in to to to to as as a in be to 008 a is s no of is by of s is by to to is in it a to is if to by in In it is to s 我也没看出有哪些又没写。In a in s as as re to on of be as be in 一段写的最好,条理也有,读者大赞,后面就开始不对了,离题没有十万也有八千里吧?你后面洋洋洒洒这么多,是想置 high
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